20,284 Topics
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hi: [code] Module Module1 Public objconcetion As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Public objcommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand Public Function open_database() As OleDb.OleDbConnection Try Dim route As String Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection route = Application.StartupPath & "\" & "video.accdb" If cnn.State = 1 Then cnn.Close() cnn.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source =" & route & … | |
How can i create crystal report from multiple tables that are related.? I need to create a report based on the value provided through selectionformula in visual studio 2005. Tables are :- 1. Vendor vendor.id vendor.name vendor.address 2. Invoice invoice.id invoice.number invoice.date invoice.amount invoice.vendorid inovice.chequenumber 3. Cheque cheque.number cheque.date My … | |
Hi, I have a small FTP class, written in VB.NET 2.0, which keeps polling for a particular file at a remote location, at 2 minute intervals, till it successfully downloads the file, and then it stops. So far I had been using wget as an external process, and recently I … | |
Hi guys , im trying to make the web browser get the link for Home via a textbox in the application .. in the properties it has a value Url where you can write which site you want to have as Home .. i want to do it from a … | |
hi frnds.... Please help me in this query..i have two textboxes in my form.when i type the text in the first textbox which is [B]english[/B] language.now i need to display the the text in [B]telugu [/B]language in other textbox. Thanks in Advance krishna | |
I am planning to keep timer in the form to start from 1 and increment every second. This timer shiuld stop when the other events are triggered in the form (like clicking a button etc). your help is much appreciated. | |
I want to ask if there is any freeware or a open source 3d control which can be used in any vb.net project. I am developing a application in which i want to show the icons in a 3d view, which obviously looks cool. also the control should provide a … | |
I am developing a application in which i need to get images from a search engine. there are many choices to do that google,yahoo, bing etc. I chose bing simply because microsoft provides tight integration with bing and it offers more functionality to developers. So after searching some more i … | |
Hi, I made a new topic so it will not confusing. I want to ask how to unload sub menu ? for example, usually if we had sub subname() then we can just call it by subname() But then how to unload/not load that subname() is it possible ? Because … | |
Hello i am building a transaction called client search the location of movie in store which mean client search the movie then get the direction of the movie where it is located in store. So now i need to build classes for this transaction which i am unable to find … | |
Hi I have been searching the net for information on backing up files to cd from vb.net application cannot find anything any help appretiated. | |
Scan Documents From VB .NET application I need to add a feature in my VB .NET application to SCAN a document directly to a directory. Can this be without THIRD-PARTY DLL?? Any source code would be helpful. Thanks | |
Hi Hoping some one can help me out i am trying to create a program to save all the event logs (Application,Security,System) and diagnostic files (No problems with this) from all the PC on my network .If possible i am trying to save as a csv or text file .Any … | |
How can i set Textbox1.text equal to the conents of file.txt? | |
Hello friends I am working on VB.Net project. All was well until I started getting the following error while trying to view Forms ... The error says : [COLOR="Red"][I]"An error occurred while parsing EntityName: Line 4 Position 42"[/I][/COLOR] All code is fine not logical problems..but the came suddenly and this … | |
Hi, I want to ask about listbox things. I made a Listbox, 3 textbox, and a Database The Database Table is Member The member field has 4 which is MemberID, Name, Address, Phone. I have 2 records and it were display to the listbox which are Adry and Brandy (I … | |
i have the ComClassSearchCustomers class and interface IComClassSearchCustomersat .net which used to create a tlb file. The class raise an event inside new. After that i have a vb6 form Form1 which catch the event , but it never see the event. Any ideas? Option Strict On Option Explicit On … | |
How do I add Textbox1.Text to a textfile? | |
i am a new user of visual studio 2008 i make a database program, but i cant save the image in access data base, i also want that image save a copy file in database. any one help me. | |
Hi, I have a VB.Net system that connect to SQL Server through ODBC. When I try to raiseerror from an IF...ELSE statement, it does not triggered the exception handling. I have done some raise error testing at my side. Below is my finding: 1. RaiseError did not triggered exception: [code] … | |
My windows Application has a menu which opens an OpenFileDialog. When the button OK is pressed, I want to place the main form background and show a new Form (with two radiobuttons, one button). From the New Form I must take information (which radiobutton was checked) and pass this information … | |
how can change mouse position ? or how can get mouse icon over button1? | |
Hi guys, I have a question, but first I'll explain my scenario. So I've got this datagridview where I use it as a look up for a certain table in Ms Access and I want to update just 1 field in that table. My question now is that, [B]can I … | |
Hey there, long time reader, first time post; Here is my situation: I need to search through an array of X numbers (X is going to change, so for example, one instance could be that X = 20, the next could be X = 67). I need to find how … | |
Hi everybody. Today i have an assignment in VBNet. The application is like this. There are 2 TextBox. The [COLOR="red"]1st TextBox [/COLOR]is to enter the [COLOR="Green"]1st random number[/COLOR]. The [COLOR="Red"]2nd TextBox [/COLOR]is to enter the [COLOR="Green"]2nd random number[/COLOR]. Then there is a button. The point is: when the button is … | |
| I've asked few similar questions 'til now but here's one more. Well, I have example of Crystal Report document, in that document I have 3 fields from 2 tables (loaded from my database). What I'm trying to do is to access one of those fields (year field) programmaticly and pass … |
I'm back ^^! Ok so the second assignment is like this. First, there is an InputBox that appears for you to enter as many bowling scores as you desire. Then there is a "Statistic" button. When this button is clicked, the answer will display the highest score and the lowest … | |
Hi everyone... Can you guys please teach me in Programming in VB.Net, Im a newbie in Programming... Thank you... migz.natividad | |
Hi, I have designed a application in VB.net on Win Vista using the MS Office spreadsheet component. When launching the app on the client PC it gives a 'Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close' error, when clicked on Debug the error says 'An Unhandled exception occured ('System.InvalidOperationException') … | |
Thanks to a friend I was able to code a sub that opens a StreamReader and Writer. The Reader reads a *.txt file and the Writer modifies it line by line as it's entered into the memory then writes it to a temporary file which is then copied over the … |
The End.