20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for djclipz

First of all this is an example of soemthing i am trying to do, but the idea is the same as what i want to acheive. Ok my problem is, i am filling a listbox control with data from two tables. eg. Table A [LIST] A_Id desc total [/LIST] Table …

Member Avatar for Lil' Tripsturr

G day ,im a parent from Australia. My child is 7 turning 8 and i would like to create a simple hangman game in visual basic that he can use. I am fairly new to visual basic only having dealt with arrays,algorithms all the basic via a programming text book( …

Member Avatar for Lil' Tripsturr
Member Avatar for LuckyMan

Hi there... I'm looking for words counter code I build the form which contain textbox and botton and I'm stopped at the code, I just did the code that count the space between each word but I think it stills need more things to add and if you have any …

Member Avatar for Soulrage
Member Avatar for sadiiqmubaarak

Hi All, I am IT student know alot about Vb.Net i want to use Crystal report with VB.NET even i can use as a wizad so i want it as a parameter. Help me everyone knows.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for arayaaa

im beginner in vb... can anybody show or if can attach an example of project tht link with mic.access to vb 6.0... i need to explore about way to [COLOR="Red"][B]retrieve record from existing database and then list it on llist box, n try to sort it. further more i need …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for dinshu

hi, I have a question related to picturebox in vb.net. I am drawing a few geometrical figures like rectangle or square or circle on the picture box. when the user clicks on any of these figures , is there any way to know the figure he has clicked. Based on …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for breezyy

Hey guys, (btw am new here XD) I've been doing a project, and now I have 3 forms. Problem is, I want to open the last form I created to be launched first when I run the program. I've been able to do it using the .visible = True/False statements, …

Member Avatar for breezyy
Member Avatar for dmotah

hi i really need ur help guyz n im sure u'll b helping me as usual i created a prog that converts currency to another one now i want to get a graph of the changing rates . i created a database in access and inserted the dates and each …

Member Avatar for SSDD

Hi, Anyone knows the equation for GPS compass/bearing? I need to display a compass in my GPS application.

Member Avatar for ph03nix

HI! My Problem is that an error occurs if I run this program: [CODE]Dim docsend As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30 Dim httpOB As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30 Dim pfad As String docsend.async = False pfad = "C:\order2.xml" Call docsend.load(pfad) Call httpOB.open("POST", "http:// - Server Link -", False) Call httpOB.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") 'Try Call httpOB.send(docsend) MsgBox(httpOB.responseXML.xml) …

Member Avatar for ph03nix
Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar

when i click "button1" on my form..i get field name as ' Expr1002' and the data in it are -1.. i believe it is soemthing to do with the da.fill() .. can u please asssist me with thsi ? [QUOTE] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) …

Member Avatar for kris_2_christ
Member Avatar for dhanashreegd

Dim strSql As String strSql = " set quoted_identifier off " strSql &= " declare @strSql varchar(150) " strSql &= " set @strSql = ""BackUp database SWAMC to disk = 'D:\SWAMC"" + Convert(varchar, getdate(), 112) + Replace(Convert(varchar, getdate(), 108), "":"", """") + "".dbb' with init,skip""" strSql &= " print @strSql" …

Member Avatar for pacificcode
Member Avatar for san_gwapo19

Is it possible to create a notepad with vb.net??? how is it possible??? anyone knows how it is made???

Member Avatar for san_gwapo19
Member Avatar for SHAWTY721

I am trying to populate a tabbed list box with values that are present in a database table. I am having an issue with getting values to appear in the text box. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am using VB6 with this project. I have …

Member Avatar for prasu

I have a table in which i need to sort the column names. NOT sort by column names.....sort the COLUMN NAMES. since it is easy to sort the records.....is there any way by which you can convert column into rows and rows into columns.

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for SSDD

Hi, I need to display compass and satellites strengths and positions in my PDA. I had found some useful websites: Part 1: [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vb/WritingGPSApplications1.aspx?fid=98498&df=90&mpp=25&noise=3&sort=Position&view=Quick&fr=76&select=918977"]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vb/WritingGPSApplications1.aspx?fid=98498&df=90&mpp=25&noise=3&sort=Position&view=Quick&fr=76&select=918977[/URL] part 2: [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mobile/WritingGPSApplications2.aspx"]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mobile/WritingGPSApplications2.aspx[/URL] But I had already wrote my own form and coding that can get the latitude and longitude already when detect GPS. And I find …

Member Avatar for SSDD

Hi, After I get the longitude and latitude coordinates, I need to display google map/virtual earth in the PDA. I had downloaded a software to launch map in PDA. But then when I deployed my codings, I'm still unable to display the map in the web browser. This is my …

Member Avatar for SSDD

Hi, I need to retrieve string from one form to another form. When I retrieved the latitude and longitude of my current location, I need to use my current latitude and longitude coordinates to link to another map form to display the map with my current location using the coordinates. …

Member Avatar for SSDD
Member Avatar for raul15791

Hi, I'm new in VB.net. I have background in C++, Java and Perl. 1. Is there any book you guys would recommend? 2. Can I use VB6 book? (I know there some major changes from VB6 to VB.net) Thanks.........

Member Avatar for raul15791
Member Avatar for snurd

I know how to open an Excel file with VB but I need help with writing an argument to see if the file is already opened, because if the file is already opened the Excel file opens as read only. If it's already open I want to skip to the …

Member Avatar for snurd
Member Avatar for CatchItBaby

I dont know this programe name what ever u say........ Suppose you have a html page save in c:\first.html first.html page contain two text boxes one for username and password and one button whenever we click on button it validate the username and password which is already pass in the …

Member Avatar for CatchItBaby
Member Avatar for aditya_amb

I am trying to add a new record to data base using VB.net. Here is my code: Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data.SqlClient Dim objConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection objConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= C:\Documents and Settings\ambarda\My Documents\db1.mdb;" Dim ds As New DataSet Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM Sheet1" …

Member Avatar for cymapAndy
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi all! I've always used MySQL with my VB.NET applications and I am not too good with MS Office either. The situation I have now is that in a Word Document, there is a table from which I am interested in extracting one column and adding it as a column …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for mancode1007

When i want to create a new Windows Form Application it pop up the message "Request registry is not allowed ".anyone please help 2 fix it... thx

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for spacekat

We pulled this from[Vbasic.net](http://vbasic.net/detail.aspx?tid=105). A friend of mine has it running on his home server but I keep getting errors on our production mahcine please help!!!! Thanks!!! Generating random passwords can increase the security of a website by taking the process out of the hands of the user, or simply …

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for shelly121

hello,i need to make an if statement for a mortgage application in vb.net, basically i have a list box for the DOB called cmbDOB, and a label to show the maximum mortgage. But i dont know how to make the if statement-it has to show the maximum mortage in the …

Member Avatar for cutepinkbunnies
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, I want to run vb program through vb.net program is this possible in vb.net and i want to show output in some container. In VB it is possible through Shell command but it runs the program seperately but i want to run program through vb.net and want output …

Member Avatar for guest11
Member Avatar for bigr1822

Can anyone help me here. I have AutoCAD open with drawing also opened. All I want to do is attach to the active document. Please help

Member Avatar for ohyeah

The error message continues: The given assembly name or codebase is invalid. Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047 Help please. Thanks

Member Avatar for robjens

Hi I have a small question. I'm building a website and I would like to make custom message strings that I can later put in a sql database. Is the following idea the correct way to go? File: SystemMessages.vb [CODE]Select Case EventID Case 100 msg = "New user" & username …


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