20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for johnwaz

I've gotten a share setup by using this: [CODE=vbnet] Dim objWMI As Object = GetObject("winmgmts:\\localhost\root\cimv2") Dim objShare As Object = objWMI.Get("Win32_Share") intRC = objShare.Create(strPath, strName & "$", intType, intMaxAllowed, strDescr) '$ added to share name to make share "hidden" [/CODE] But, the share from above allows users to read and …

Member Avatar for DotNetDiver

I am very new to VB.NET What is a good desk reference book for applying VB.NET to AutoCAD 2008?

Member Avatar for gouki2005

I have a class named Account so I have a question. In the declarations of a new instance Dim Newaccount as Account -----but I can declare this like.. Dim Newaccount As Account = New Account which are the differences between both declarations?? are the same or not? excuse me english... …

Member Avatar for manal
Member Avatar for shyamli

hi friends. . One again plea for help in project idea. . Doing my final yr. . Need some good project idea. . nothing hi-fi something innovative. . Thanks pls do help

Member Avatar for srvishnukumar
Member Avatar for cellus205

Can anyone help me translate this regex match in Perl to a VB.Net Regex match? Heres the perl regex: if ($line =~ /\\([\w\d\s\-]+?\.\w{3})\"\t\"/) { print "LINE: $1\n" } # regex match And heres what I have for the VB regex, but its currently not working: [code=VB] Dim fs As New …

Member Avatar for san_gwapo19

can someone help me???? i need to make a bank account simulation on savings and checking acount.... can someone help me???? please help me guys...

Member Avatar for cellus205

Im having trouble trying to pass a parameter to a SQL query that I am trying to run on a DataTable, that Im using to Dynamically populate a treeview. Im not having any trouble filling the first nodes, but to fill the second nodes, I have to use a query …

Member Avatar for Saddi

I wanna make a program for a little shop the progs idea is to calculate the daily amount and the items and monthly report but I don't know where to start please help me :) :)

Member Avatar for Saddi
Member Avatar for scrypt3r

Does anyone know how to transfer files from a pc to pc ? im trying to make a file share program, i am trying to use [CODE]my.computer.network.uploadfile(**location**,**ipadress**)[/CODE] but its not working anybody now how??

Member Avatar for sniper1983

I'm experimenting currently with notification in VB.net and working with baloons in the system tray succesfully. My problem is that I would like the baloon to display an ok/cancel dialog with the user like firewall-programs do. Can you tell me how to create this functionality. As far as have come …

Member Avatar for naz82
Member Avatar for bsousa

Hi all, I'm trying to consume a Service called GetMemberPointsAvailable using VB.NET. Here is the wsdl: [url]http://sp-s3g-uat.iclp.com.au/ws/egapi/v1-0/egapi.cfc?wsdl[/url] This service is written in coldfusion - axis engine. The steps: I'm using VB.net on Visual Studio 2005. I created a new windows application project. Then I added a web reference with URL …

Member Avatar for saisunil1978
Member Avatar for kwan_kwan08

I try to access a same database using two different system, a) a window based system and b) a web based system. Both are using VB.NET. But it seem like the there is either one of them can access the database at a time. When one of them running, the …

Member Avatar for kwan_kwan08
Member Avatar for cellus205

Right now Im having trouble getting data from a MySQL table and creating a new datatable to store this. I have a TreeView control that I am trying to dynamically add nodes to. The query that I have is returning the Attachments column of all rows where Owner = (parameter), …

Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar

i have 2 tables with same fields except that table2 has 1 additional field..but otherwise table1 and table2 have same fields and have different number of records in each and each row in each table could be the same or completely different.. i am trying to add the distinct values …

Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar
Member Avatar for BladeIT

Hi all, I whant to create a small program, to monitor 2 or more mailboxes on a exchange server, we have the mailboxes configured in outlook but there will be only a notification of your own account not for the others, is it posible to create a small program that …

Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hai all. In my appliction im having MDI parent form. and i made frm2 as topmost form But problem is whenever i open some other appliction still that frm2 will come on top. whenver my application is open or active then only frm2 should be on top. Thanks

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for bcm
Member Avatar for sharrmee
Member Avatar for ganero

please take a look : [Code] 'this is linq to sql Dim searchParam As String Select Case Me.SearchToolStripComboBox.Text Case "Name" : searchParam = "Teacher.Name" Case "Address" : searchParam = "Teacher.Address" Case "Phone" : searchParam = "Teacher.Phone" Case "Handphone" : searchParam = "Teacher.Handphone" Case "Email" : searchParam = "Teacher.Email" Case "Website" …

Member Avatar for karthik_cud

Hi, i"m creating an application involving multiple forms i"ve successfully linked the forms but the problem is when a new form(form2) is linked by a button control form1 is also running,so i placed the following code in the load event of form2 "form1.close()" this segment of code terminates the entire …

Member Avatar for @bhi
Member Avatar for R3B3L
Member Avatar for Fantaz82

Hi all, I just have a Question on how to enable users to enter "Time" in my form. Am using vb.net. Just a guidline where to start from would be nice and helpful. Thanks in advance,

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for sushaqua

[Imports System] [Imports arun.VB.Namespaces] [ Class Hello] [Shared Sub Main()] [Dim m As New Hello] [System.Console.WriteLine(m.GetMessage())] [End Sub] 'Main [End Class] 'Hello [Namespace arun.VB.Namespaces] [Public Class Hello] [Public Function GetMessage() As String] [Return "Hello, world"] [End Function] 'GetMessage [End Class] 'Hello [End Namespace] 'arun.VB.Namespaces hi all.. i am new to …

Member Avatar for sushaqua
Member Avatar for sdimantova

I have a program that lists files found from a search, and when the user selects one of the files and clicks open, it will open the file they've selected. I only want them to be able to open one file at a time, and I want an error box …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar

Folks: this is a very small part of my code.. i have 2 comboboxes filled with RAM values(integers). by using the "nothing" keyword i just want to make sure that both the combo boxes have some values filled in them.. say i choose 1 from combobox1 and 2 from combobox2.. …

Member Avatar for asnider
Member Avatar for bkastel1

Hello to all, i have a question that maybe already has an answer but i can't realy find it. I want to have a ListView with a progressbar for each item (row) in this ListView. I have an application where i'm downloading some files to a electronic device i made. …

Member Avatar for CraigSchaefer
Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar

I have a field as MFG. i want to use an if condition to see if MFG=DELL or HP. if it is, I want to change that cell's color in the datagridview to green..only those cells under MFG column should turn green but if i said if(mfg...) it considers MFG …

Member Avatar for naz82
Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar

FOLKS: I fill my data grid view with data and i try to color a few cells based on a condition but nothing seems to work..no errors either..can u pls help me >? [CODE]Private Sub Button11_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data …

Member Avatar for peteratoce
Member Avatar for Hyperx

Hello everyone, I'm newbie in vb.net and currently working on a program that enable us to chat using rs232 based hardware. I've managed to make the program to transfer and receive characters and right now I'm working to make my program enable to send file via serial ports just like …

Member Avatar for kavithabhaskar

I want to try and store distinct values of table1 in an array and compare that with values in table2 in each field. But I am not sure where I need to pass the sql statement..can u please take a look at it ? for that matter..i will just have …

Member Avatar for scrypt3r

Im making a password form and i need to make it so when the user clicks off the form, the form automaticlly comes back up again, ive searched for code snipetts alover the internet but carnt seem to find any code to do with that, any help?

Member Avatar for scrypt3r

The End.