20,277 Topics

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Member Avatar for Muskan_9

Hey , I am a begginer in vb.net and I want to retrieve my data from access database as well as manipulate indivial record according to my choice..Can you help me with this Thanks & Regards

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hi, Could somebody provide me with an example of how to display data (some text) in a combobox? Thanks Collin

Member Avatar for Muskan_9
Member Avatar for paul1145

In Visual Studio 2015, VB, in Windows 10, I have a small program where I use the arp -a command to pick up the mac and I/P addresses of connected devices on my lan. From everything I've read (and tried), the answer somehow comes back to DNS.getHostEntry which throws a …

Member Avatar for paul1145
Member Avatar for HitNSplit

Good day! I am new in vb.net and I want to detect if there is a duplicate of the record that a user will try to add. If the user adds an existing username from the database then it will show an error that the username has already been used. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Cyril1

I have two different files, fileA contains employee data (ID and townCode) while file B contains field office data (OfficeID, Town, TownCode, officeCapacity) and a town can contain more than one office. i want to distribute these employees to the offices in the town against their names evenly What I …

Member Avatar for Paul Norris
Member Avatar for Luca_6

Private Sub Plus_Btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles A_Plus_Btn.Click, C_Txb.Click Dim Txb As TextBox If x < MAX Then x += 1 Else x = 5 End If For i As Integer = 1 To x For j As Integer = 1 To x Txb = New TextBox Txb.Size …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ShishiLearn

Hello guys. I'm having a problem passing the text from the text box to the rich textbox in another form. If you guys can help me. Any idea, And this is my code in passing the text This seems right because it works in the previous form I'm working with. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Braven

I tried using this code(below) to change the button text when i run the code from "Button1" to "Click" but when i run the code the name still remains "Button1" and if i click the button the name then changes to "Click". I want the code to show "Click" on …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ShishiLearn

Hello guys, I just want to ask for some help with my program I'm a beginner and new here This my code : Under ButtonAdd Dim adapter 2 as New SqlDataAdapter (SELECT 'AddOnNo', 'AddOnName' , 'Price' FROM Table1 WHERE AddOnNo = " & ComboBox1.SelectedValue,con) adapter2. Fill(table) txtAddOnName.text = table (0)(1) …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for BalagurunathanS

Hi Friends.. I need to get the free space and used space in hard drive ..Can anyone provide me with the code..I need the code in VB.net..I need to see the space available in each drive individually.. Someone help in this regard as early as possible.. Regards, Balagurunathan

Member Avatar for Edward Lance
Member Avatar for thecoder2012

Hi, i have an autocomplete textbox in vb.net. It is working fine, but now i need to pop up the window again when the user hits enter or double clicks. So far, i know that when the user hits enter, the keydown event raises with e.kecode = 13. I guess …

Member Avatar for Leroy_2
Member Avatar for Charlie_13

Python program that will 1)Define a single point for the red/green dot near the supposedly enemy territory; 2)Define a subset A of your DEM raster image towards the friendly territory; 3)Calculate the line of sight for each pair (of observation pixel to target pixel); 4)Sum the total number of green …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for SP SINGH_1
Member Avatar for ferrerjulie
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable. As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Seidu
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group, I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable. As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi Sir, I'm trying to use oracle Stored Produce with my login form as below :- package cms is -- 1 => OK, 0 => ERROR function validateUser( username in cms_user.cu_username%TYPE, passwd in varchar2, errmsg out varchar2 ) return number; END; For info , my password is encrypted , so …

Member Avatar for gianrocks

hey everyone, i am to create a database filled with pdf files and its stored into binary. i was able to convert each file into binary but the problem is dat now i cant display it in the viewer.. can someone help me? i remember that i used to do …

Member Avatar for Owais_4
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, It's been some time since I last posted. It's good to be involved in programming again. It's been much too long. It's been a while since I've written code that would write to a SQL database. It seems like the connection string is correct. However I'm getting a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kalli_1

somebody please help me with swapping pictures in a picturebox using only 1 button in visual basic forms 2017 https://www.daniweb.com/community/contribute#swapping

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jaleeldno27

So my problem is that when I type for example "prod" in the SrchTBox and then click SrchBtn, it will only highlight "Product 2" but not "Product 1" even though they both have "prod" in their item name, how can I highlight any 2 or more relevant items? Also, how …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jaleeldno27

My teacher said that there was a bug in the code where if you run the program and didn't select an item then click a button which you selected an item in the listview and a message box appears, there will be an error where it will say ''InvalidArgument=Value of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ronaktiwari6979

<LEGEND ><b><%=pagetitl%>:-</b></LEGEND> <div id="container"> <div id="dynamic"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" class="display" id="example" style="width:98%;" > <thead > <tr style="background-color:#E6E6FA;border-color:#a7c9de;"> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >File ID</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Title</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Name</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Last Refresh Date/Time</th> <th style="border-color:#a7c9de;" >Refresh Now</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table>

Member Avatar for nabaa

Hello, please, can you help me work on the graduation project and I am having difficulty with coding. I want a code to call data from an Access database in the language of Fagul Basic 6

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for joshi1984

hi, I got a string and it look like : "test : this is a test. for me." How can I remove the first charakters? At this example I want to remove the characters "test : ". How can I do this? I know how to delete from the end, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Micheal87

Hi, all I've a question, i have a series of links and need to put it in a specific point of a static string, that will need to stay with every cycle and don't want to lose it I make this one till now: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Coder Smurf

I am very new to VB.NET. That said, I have developed a windows form that utilizes an SQL Server back end. I am developing using Visual Studio 2008 and the 3.5 Framework. The SQL server is 2005. I do not have any warnings or errors, and the project compiles without …

Member Avatar for ngozijesus
Member Avatar for Santanu.Das

Now I am going through a project with colors. And then I think that if I try to display color values with their names in a simple combobox, it could be amazing. I tried and did it and it is looking like ![Capture3.png](/attachments/small/4/4473f7608016edcb5981090cccc80593.png "align-left") And ![Capture4.png](/attachments/small/4/87a5e5686d66033648a3e0ab787d6778.png "align-left") And finally the …

Member Avatar for michael.allen02
Member Avatar for Luc001

Like the title says, I'm trying to coloring an empty cell in bounded datagridview. I've got this code to coloring a cell with specitic value and is working well. This code is in the DatagridviewCellFormattingEventargs. If e.ColumnIndex = 5 AndAlso e.Value <= Date.Now.ToShortDateString Then e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen e.CellStyle.Font = New …

Member Avatar for M.Lingo

The End.