20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for mania_comp

Hi friends, I want to ceil the decimal values of my double number. [CODE] For Example, 3.08 --> 3.1 4.18 --> 4.2 5.45 --> 5.5 [/CODE] but whe3n i use Math.Ceiling(3.08) it returns 4.0 whereas I want the answer as 3.1 I know we can do it using simple logic …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for yorro

Why am I getting this error during design time? [B]Error Number 5: Key cannot be null [/B] [CODE=vb] If Me.Visible = True Then If RetrieveSubjectsAndSection(Username, Subject) = True Then InsertSubjectsAndSection(Username,Subject) End If End If [/CODE] [B]RetrieveSubjectsAndSection[/B] function checks if record exist. The code is written inside a Usercontrol. Also I …

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for ejazmusavi

Hi everyone I have a datagridview with a checkbox culumn. I want to check whether the check box cell is checked or unchecked. my code is as below. it does work for the checked cell but when i uncheck one of the checked it does not remove it from the …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for yorro

I am coding like usual, haven't click anything I don't know. Then suddenly I got an error [B]"Could not find type 'LFRv2.AdminTabEdit'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has …

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for khinemyohtun

I'm now developing Multimedia program . I use winmm.dll assembly. I can do Play, Pause,Stop, Repeat function , but I'd like to create Playlist . How can I do it?. Please help me , thanks

Member Avatar for DustinS

For some reason, the row header is being automatically set to the same value that appears in the adjacent cell in the first column. I can set and get HeaderCell.Value, but it has no effect on what is displayed. [CODE] If I (manually or programmatically) enter: Length Radius Obj 1 …

Member Avatar for DustinS
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

As u all know,at runtime we can move the form. I use the foll. code,so dat form doesn't move.I want to ask dat is there any easy way to do it. Mine code below working correctly,but lengthy- [code] Option Compare Text Option Strict On Option Explicit On Public Class Form1 …

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for yorro

How come when I load my project on Visual Studio 2008, it shows a MySQL error:[B] Unable to connect to any specified MySQL hosts.[/B]? then another error: [B]Access denied for user[/B] I am not yet running the application.

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for zuve_fox

hi.. 1 have 2 wav files mono duration 30 second. how to combine that 2 files with stereo so that 2 files can run together in 1 wav file? not joint.mean 2 files joint become 60second. i want combine so that duration still 30 second because that wav run together. …

Member Avatar for Levhai

I want to create a unique ID for a record being entered into a sql server database, in a web application. My logic is to count the number of records in the table, add a one to that number, then add a prefix to the new number. Check that the …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for shayacov

Hello, I have 3 Combos on a toolbar which i need to bind to sql database (using linq). On my form i have several data text fields. What i need to do is this: Combo1 = bind it to a specific linq query that i make that can bring my …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for magl8036

Hi, I'm trying to use datareader to retrieve a column and place the value in a textbox. When I try to assign the value to the text field, I get an error message "An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Peric

So...I'm working on VB.NET application and I'm wondering if I could make rounded corners of panel? One of my ideas is to make image (with Photoshop) in a size of panel and put it into background of panel...the thing is, this works but application is running very slowly and "weird" …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for smileyc

Hi. I am using visual studio 8, using vb.net. I am trying without success to make a post request to a web form as shown below. [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><postBetOrder xmlns="urn:betfair:games:api:v1"marketId="2568540" round="1" currency="GBP"><betPlace><bidType>BACK</bidType><price>2.5</price><size>2.50</size><selectionId>658440</selectionId></betPlace> [/code] I encode the information using 'HttpUtility.UrlEncode' and I use 'myWebRequest.ContentLength = bytedata.Length' to get the length …

Member Avatar for nokomoli

Hi guys, i am facing a problem at Vb.net. There is i have a html editor created by myself. i also add a dlghelper but when i run at localhost, and click a button to show color dialog, java script runtime error occured and wrote "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'dlgHelper' …

Member Avatar for djc1977

working on a project that calculates an amount due for an order. My problem i am facing is in regard to my clear button. The clear button will clear the fields for the current order and let you place another order that will allow the summary button to add up …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for PysKo

Hi what im trying to do in my program (Its a pokemon platinum version team organizer) im making it for a friend and for anyone else who wants it but what im trying to do is i have 2 checked list boxes wth a limit on how many selections they …

Member Avatar for PysKo
Member Avatar for TomW

I have a Crystal Report which has a background made up to match a work form that needs to be filled out with data queried & processed from the database. The finished report has only five single field values and up to six detail records (three fields in each detail …

Member Avatar for mansi sharma

1)Frnds tell me that is there any Lock statement in SQL?-Yes or No. 2)In my interview i was asked,What is deadlock??? But i dont know?Can u tell me out? 3)Then they ask me about the Lock.I answer Lock ensures that when one thraed is in critical section ,no other thraed …

Member Avatar for iCreator

Hi! I want to write code for searching files on local hard disk using index searching technique.I looked for it on internet, someone suggested that I should use B+ index searching technique.But I don't know how it can be implemented using B+ index searching technique.Can anybody tell me how it …

Member Avatar for SpectateSwamp
Member Avatar for deepak12333

hi I am in deep trouble to loose my job please help me I am working on a website where a user comes and login when it enters a pop up screen appears where it is written continue or remind me later now i am unable to handle this functionality …

Member Avatar for lolwtf

Hi Experts, At the office, we are trying to decide if we want to go with Crystal Reports or ComponentOne. If anybody has used both could you list some advantages and disadvantages? Thanks!

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for Umarmai

Pls, I need help on using shell function to call up the system Date and time setting in my application. Thank u.

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for Kimberley Smith

I am new to this forum and very new to vb.net. The previous programmer wrote a program in vb.net that helps us with our merchandise received transactions. It is now getting the following error: "System.Data.SQLClient.SQLException Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I want to change the value & its backcolor of cell. On Button1_Click,I m adding records to the Gridview. On Button3_Click,I want to chnage the value of cell & its backcolor. Suppose two Rows & two columns are there in Grdiview 1 10 2 20 Suppose I want to change …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I was asked Suppose there is table A in DB,Suppose when we update that table,whose are two tables(Magic tables) that are updated other than table A?

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for krajad

Hi all, Got a real pain of a problem. Im using vb.net to write a dll for third party software (PreS) that has no COM interface but allows functionality to call DLL's. But it requires an entry point of UserInstruction. I have been doing some research and have found seen …

Member Avatar for krajad
Member Avatar for leokuz

[COLOR="Green"]I am trying to send email from VB.Net using code posted below in VB 2008 Express, but get one error "Syntax error" and it points to [COLOR="Red"][B]Imports System.Net.Mail[/B][/COLOR]. I also would like to include required by server authentication as well as to make confirmation message box disapear itself after two …

Member Avatar for leokuz
Member Avatar for murid

I create a program that need to received some picture using socket programming, and coding for receiving picture is in background worker. PROBLEM : I need to make progress bar to show how much data I have received. my code still error... Help please... here's my code for received data …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for PysKo

What im trying to do is when someone checks a certain amount of items say like 6 then they try and select 7 it removes the 7th then a label says "Too many selections" and ive bin searching for like a day now and couldnt find anything and any help …

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The End.