20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for yorro

My App edits data on a listview, by clicking on a row then clicking the edit button btnEdit. [CODE=vb] Dim PrimaryKey as String Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClicklstSearch.MouseClick With .SelectedItems(0) PrimaryKey = .SubItems(0).Text End With End Sub Private Sub btnEdit_Click If ListView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then ' Show dialog box Else MsgBox("Select First") …

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Member Avatar for lil_Is

Hi all, I am doing a simple application which is to create a register form which I am not quite sure. To stored the data, I am using the MS Access. Hope that anyone could help me. Thanks Regards LiL_Is

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Member Avatar for virtualmisc

I have a file which should contain only numeric data. Sometimes, i notice that junk characters or some alpha chars coming in the file. I want to write a script which would delete those unwanted characters and give me only those numbers. It would be better if i could copy …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Atove

Hi all! I'm trying to create search criteria for searching my sql server database. It selects the correct data when you select an option to search by; however i'm trying to make it so that if nothing is selected in an option it selects all data. the code i'm using …

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Member Avatar for s.chauke

Public Sub ValidateID(ByVal IDno As String) Dim a As Integer = 0 For i As Integer = 0 To 5 a += CInt(ID.Substring(i * 2, 1)) Next Dim b As Integer = 0 For i As Integer = 0 To 5 b = b * 10 + CInt(ID.Substring(2 * i …

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Member Avatar for flit07

Hi, I'm trying to change the button backcolor once the Done event is completed. But it didn't work.. [CODE] Public Event Done() Private Sub checkinput() 'Port = ReceivedString.Split("&") 'For i = 0 To UBound(Port) 'Debug.Print("Port: " + Port(i)) 'Next i RaiseEvent Done() End Sub Private Sub changecolor() Handles Me.Done RD6.BackColor …

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Member Avatar for navinkumar

When we run a program and if the program is having a error...then we a popup message saying that there is a error in ur program.... The error message has a option of "Dont Show this message next time" I have enabled the Dont show me error message next time. …

Member Avatar for navinkumar
Member Avatar for Skwerlz

Right away, Im fairly new to vb.net. Is there a way to have a local db cache that will use a connection string saved in settings? IE: program obviously has a central db remote computers will sync with when connected. can I save the connection string in the program settings …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Skwerlz

This may seem like an easy question, but I am new to vb and though I have searched and searched I have come up empty. What I am trying to do is create a piece of software that will give users access to certain things based on their level. almost …

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Member Avatar for yorro

I received this error whenever I update an int(3) type field. [B]Error: 438 public member close on type integer not found[/B] This is my code [CODE=vb] conn.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;user id=root;password=;database=test" SQL = "UPDATE testTable SET int = 1 WHERE Name= 'Bob'" Try Dim myData With myCommand .Connection = conn .CommandText …

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Member Avatar for ITfav

Basically what I want is to have the timer be reset back to 3 sec once the [COLOR="red"][B]Reset button[/B][/COLOR] is clicked. Preferably, I want the code to be in the same sub as the timer, though any better ideas are most welcomed. I've already put in comments where i want …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for Smalls

the idea of what i want to do is to display the cpu temperature in a label that will refresh through a timer. i have search several sites including this one that do have the code and how to do it, but then my problem is that several items are …

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Member Avatar for kabirieram

Hi everyone. I am pretty new to Visual Studio .NET and would love to use it. I can understand most of the coding syntaxs in VB. Currently I dont know where to start using VB .NET. Anyone who can help me show me a bit of a highlight where to …

Member Avatar for SQL_dba
Member Avatar for leroi green

hey all, i'm working on a code that i want to start creating new classes with but i want to know if there's a more direct way to send the variables used in the form to a new class for storage. for example i've got this on a form... [code] …

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Member Avatar for Atove

Hi all; I'd be really grateful if someone could assist me with this problem. What i am trying to do is create a query that pulls information from two different tables: tblBooking and tblConcessions. tblBooking holds the ID number of tblConcessions as a ForeignKey. What i need within my statement …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for wallance

Hi, I am creating an Excel 2007 add-in using Visual Studio 2008 and I have a Windows Form that allows a user to select a date. What I want to do is store that date in the Workbook that the user saves so that the plug-in can reference that date …

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Member Avatar for babbu

m using access 2007 and vb 2005 this is my code [CODE] Dim drNewRow As DataRow = m_DataTable.NewRow() drNewRow("Code") = txtColourCode.Text.Trim drNewRow("Colour Name") = txtBaseColour.Text.Trim drNewRow("Price") = txtPrice.Text.Trim m_DataTable.Rows.Add(drNewRow) m_DataAdapter.Update(m_DataTable) [/CODE]

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Member Avatar for mansi sharma

1) What are the benefits of using Class Library? Secondly tell me one thing, I was asked in one of my interviews.Different types of cursors?? As u all know, cursors are of diff types in ADO,RDO,DAO??? So which answer to give???? Do I all have to know all the cursor …

Member Avatar for ChinnuBlr

Hi, I am facing prblm in selecting compbobox... I have a 2 combobox...cboxSelunits and cboxseldept In selected index change of Cbxunit i am filling CbxDept..... and in selected index change of cboxseldept i need to populate the treeview ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub cboxSelunits_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for Denxerator

[code]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As _ System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) - Handles Button1.Click Button1.Text = "Hello World" End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub End Class[/code] The name of the button isn't changing to Hello World... Anyone …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for lil_Is

Hi all, I have a program that need to insert the data to the database. In the form, I have 5 textbox control which required the user to insert the data in the database. To create this, I am using the visual studios 2005 and sql server 2005 for the …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for Anupama G

Hi I am working on a page which requires the grid to be populated with 'n' number of rows, as the user enters the number 'n' in a text box. Can anyone help me out in this?

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Member Avatar for danielagaba

Hi When i use the currency expression in my format string, by default it brings the Pound symbol (£). How can I edit my code for it to be a dollar sign? [code] Private Sub txtPrepaid_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtPrepaid.TextChanged If txtPrepaid.Text <> "" Then …

Member Avatar for liadmz

Hi All, I'm trying to find a way to display a table to the user using mySQL DB. [better then the DataGrid View] The table should have options to merge cells for related items and to embed buttons in the cells. Thanks for your help.

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Member Avatar for Nattynooster

Hi, I'm new to VB :sweat: Basically what I am trying to achieve is a browse button where the user is required to find a location for the file that my program will be creating. I'll give an example. |TextBox1| (Button4) When button4 is clicked it will open up a …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for greenbluekidz

I am required to use Microsoft Visual Studio for my VB.net class. My question is this. If I use MS Visual Studio 2008, can my instructor, who uses MS Visual Studio 2003 or 2005, access my files? I posed this question to my instructor before posting this and he could …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for flit07

Hi, I'm trying to pass a string from form1 to form2. The string will change dynamically change as it receive inputs in form1. I've tried some example on passing by property and passing by constructors. But, I can't read the string in the second form. Any pointers? Thanks. Dan

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Member Avatar for Learning78

Hi; I am new to VB.net and am developing a memory quiz. The quiz contains more than 100 questions imported from access 2002 db. For the learning process, I need to run the game again and again. At the moment, I can't randomize the question order, I am getting the …

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Member Avatar for A.Najafi

Hi All, Can I Show my file-dialog form as Right-to-Left? because Persian language is Right-to-Left. Thanks.

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The End.