20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for rcook

I have a GridView on a web page with a select button on each row. I have a SelectedIndexChanged method which nicely gets called when one of the select buttons is clicked. I have a Crystal Report in a control on another web page. I would like to use a …

Member Avatar for JRabbit2307

8. create a console application. Insert the below code, and run the program. Note that a conditional statement is used within the body of the loop. This is common. Write a similar program using this one as an example that asks the user to name his or her favorite make …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for gminhas

hi guys! can anyone tell me now to draw a line in VB.NET form? I've been trying to do so , but nothings coming..

Member Avatar for israrkhan
Member Avatar for sunil01

Guys plz hlp me out on this ' I created 2 tables and addressid is joining both my tables, only manage to show one table in data grid ' if two tables r showing (its either duplicating sum rows by ( expr1) or i can't add a new record in …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for soeppp

hi daniweb... i need some help for my projects...maybe u all can help me.... i want to make a autonumber field in sqlserver and will be reset to 1 every 1st day in a new month....it will be use for document numbering..because i want to make the doc format is …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for chandiusjp

when i am trying to open forms it;s gives error "One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes." it worked well before that. but now it not work. i …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for yorro

I know it is as simple as it is, I've search around the internet and I came up with nothing. Maybe I don't know what to search for. Basically my datetimepicker format is set to year only. My string is "2009" I want the datetimepicker-year to set as the year …

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for xfrolox

well hi this is my second thread the first one still unsolved lets see about this one. how can i do that when my program is open and its run in a Vista computer, it have to show a MsgBox and says Error please run as admin and when it …

Member Avatar for xfrolox
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hi How can i resize an image before uploading and saving to database to the size im showing in my application.How will i accomplish this.

Member Avatar for Dhaneshnm
Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf

Hi, i'm trying to add a checkbox to a datagrid but don't seem to get anywhere. I got to add a new column but that's where it stops. I'm reading data out of my database and then deleting the first column of that dataset's table as it is not needed, …

Member Avatar for phoenix_dwarf
Member Avatar for riya123

hi guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my first thread and i want a little help. Currently i m working in a project and my project is to replicate (copy one way only) records from a db40 database to a MYSQL database. Information will only be inserted into the db4o database. There will …

Member Avatar for adrianoc
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Creating a Class Library -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Choose File NewProject 2) Select ClassLibrary from the project templetes. 3) Suppose I rename it to ClassLibrary. 4) Add Code inside the block code. I write Public Class assembly Public Function add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) Return x + y End …

Member Avatar for henry032
Member Avatar for Nada_ward

hI ALL MEMBERS I need ur help my app saves the work of program in file , that file has extension .SSD how I can do this , and when I click on that saved file will open by my app ??

Member Avatar for Nada_ward
Member Avatar for maheen123

Hi! Im using a grind for data. I have Used a Shortcut key as F5 for using a finder to fetch all rows fullfilling the criteria.. but then i select the row, it does not add a new row even by using TAB... im unable to understand why its happening.. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Xses420

I am wondering how i can input strings into cmd.exe once i have opened it. What i want to do is send a debug command to cmd.exe Shell("cmd.exe /C debug") that will open up cmd.exe in debug mode now i just need to send an arguement to the window. Also …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for babbu

hello every1, am unable to edit data in a data table and save it to the data base. this is my code this is to fill the data table [CODE] m_ContentsDataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select ConID,CID,ID,Combination_Name,Basic_Name,Code,Weight,Unit from contents", oledbcon) m_ContentsDataAdapter.Fill(m_ContentsDataTable) m_ContentsCommandbuilder = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(m_ContentsDataAdapter) [/CODE] to edit the data this is …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for deepu08

Hi I have a problem in connecting MS Access to my vb.net 2005 form. I want to write code for navigation buttons like movefirst,move next etc and for insert,delete etc operations on records in Access table. Can any one send me code for how to connect for these...

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for yorro

How do you call Subs/Functions inside a User-Control? Modules and Forms does not recognize the public subs/functions inside a user control.

Member Avatar for yorro
Member Avatar for tastybrownies

Hello everyone, I'm a frequent reader of a lot of software dev forums on the interent when I go searching for solutions for problems. But it seems like I always keep coming back to this one because it's correct. But to start off, I made a little app that has …

Member Avatar for tastybrownies
Member Avatar for dre-logics

I created a program using Visual Basic 2008 . I want to use "Setup and Deployment Project" for deploying my [COLOR="Red"]Windows Application [/COLOR] for Stand alone pc. I want to install my [COLOR="red"]windows application [/COLOR]on stand alone pc in this directory: c:\program\ My images in this directory: c:\program\images I have …

Member Avatar for dre-logics
Member Avatar for olseh

[B]Hallo friends, please help me with short trouble:[/B] When I push in my program button which read data from serial port, then when are here not data, it write this error which stop program: [B]The operation has timed out.[/B] When I push in my program button to read data from …

Member Avatar for olseh
Member Avatar for babbu

hie, m using visual studio 2005 and access 07. this is my code. ive also attached an access 07 file and this is the exact data tht my actual database has..plz help [CODE] Dim DataAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select ID from Customer", oledbcon) Dim datatable As New DataTable DataAdapter.Fill(datatable) Dim CommandBuilder …

Member Avatar for TomW
Member Avatar for Jaav

I have just gotten a grasp of how it works.. I think. I'll just show Where I'm at right now. [CODE=vb] Public Class Face 'global variables Dim x, y As Integer Dim map(x, y) As Integer 'Not sure if this should be a Integer but if I run into errors …

Member Avatar for mansoordexter
Member Avatar for Maulth

Hey, thanks for taking a gander at this. I'm new to VB and VB.NET, and I'm not entirely sure what the difference between the two is, nor what I'm using. I feel like a complete squib, but that's basically it. I'm using MSVB 2008 Express edition, unto which I assumed …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for freddyfly

Hello all, I'm writing a program to keep track of my swim team's test set times. I would like to display the information in a table like form to edit all of the swimmers and times at once. I'm using this object: [code=c#] public class TestSetDisplay : INotifyPropertyChanged { string …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Agapeguy

Hi all. This is my first post, so I'm kind of excited. I'm a 1-year VB.Net newbie, still trying to finish my first win app for my employer, which is patiently waiting. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and 2.0 .Net framework. I'll eventually have a windows application for bunny suit …

Member Avatar for ardent23

I'am working with this program..its a company base program but mine is an independent program. The company is school(college) which I was able to get their student database which is in an mdb file but in my program I want to convert this mdb file to and sql because we …

Member Avatar for ingbat

Can you take a look at this code and see if there is anything obviously wrong with it. It’s just a simple update query to a backend Sybase DB, but it’s not updating and not returning any errors. My updates to an SQL DB are working, so I’m wondering if …

Member Avatar for ingbat
Member Avatar for babbu

hie m looking to edit certain data on the form. data on the form is divided into two sections A and B. when i right click on A and select edit i shud get the option to edit A and similarly for B. However m confused as to which event …

Member Avatar for nerden

Hi guys, I am writing a program in VB.net for a windows mobile device, the end result is an image in a picturebox, this should be then uploaded to an an FTP server. I have tried the System.Net.ftpweb.... library but it doesn't seem to work with the micro framework. does …


The End.