20,284 Topics
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hi i designed an application in Visual Studio 2008 that uses crystal reports. When i run the application in Visual Studio, the application generates the reports with no problem. After packaging and installation though, a Just In Time Exception is called when a user tries to generate a report. | |
this is a error when i click the button add Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound. [CODE] DataGridView1.Rows.Add((txtPelan.Text), (txt36P.Text))[/CODE] \ anyone can help me? | |
I am writing a very basic memory match card game, and am trying to get the program to flip over the selected cards, wait 2 seconds so the user can see the values, then flip back over. The code I have to do this is: [CODE]Private Sub Label_Click(ByVal sender As … | |
anyone can help me fix this coding.. this coding output is string output.. but i want output in double.. [CODE]Private Sub OutputPremium() With ds.Tables("KadarPremium").Rows(cmbPremium.SelectedIndex) Select Case cmbPelan.Text Case (1) lblPremium.Text = .Item("20TP1") Case (2) lblPremium.Text = .Item("20TP2") Case (3) lblPremium.Text = .Item("20TP3") Case (4) lblPremium.Text = .Item("20TP4") Case (5) lblPremium.Text … | |
Would I be able to make 2 of my forms share properties? Like, uh, I want form1 to be my main program, but I want form2 to have my programs 'options'. Then when the 'save' button on form1 is pressed, it will save the information on form1 and the options … | |
HI experts..I need ur help.. VB.NET category I need script that can be used to do settings for allowing SQL SERVER 2005 Express to allow remote connections. The settings that we do manually after installation [COLOR="Green"][B]i.e to enable TCP/IP in remote connection in Configration Manager , start Browser service, set … | |
I want to select multiple records from sql table and insert it to a dataset when the selected index is changed from a combo box. for example if i select "1" from the combo box then, only values with "1" in the sql table's mentioned column should be inserted into … | |
[TEXT] I have in Visual Basic 8.0 a MaskedTextBox1 with the mask "00/00/0000" (short date) I have in my MYSQL table a fields : "name" datetype CHAR(15) [COLOR="Red"]"birth-date" datetype DATE[/COLOR] "birth-place" datetype CHAR(15) I have one record: Name birth-date birth-place Andre [COLOR="red"]01-01-1974 [/COLOR]Amsterdam [/TEXT] [CODE] Me.TextBox1.DataBindings.Add("text", myData1, "name") Me.MaskedTextBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", myData1, … | |
error when get the checked value of checked listbox array "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." what is the problem in my code [code=vb.net] Public Class Form1 Dim c1b1 As CheckedListBox() Private Sub btnAddItems_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim l As … | |
cmd = New SqlCommand(sql, myConnection) reader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While reader.Read() For Columns = 0 To reader.FieldCount - 1 Category = reader.Item(Columns) 'READ COLUMN FROM DATABASE cmbfld.Items.Add(Category) ComboRow += 1 Next End While this code is populating the records instead of the field name.what can i do pls? | |
I have made one crystal report.In which i hv used sql server 2005 db and ms access db .It works properly but it doesn't work with vb.net. I want to know how to make connection string for both db for a single report in vb.net. | |
Hi everyone, I have to make a program that reads a txt file after reading it, show it in a richtext box and in another tab make the average of the grades the input received sort it by the student id and then in the same rtb sort it by … | |
I am wanting to display the PC's System Directory in a treeview. I have been searching for how to do this for some time now without finding anything. if anybody can help me out i would greatly appreciate it. thanks | |
Yeah... the semester is on! lol but anyway, i'm trying to find a solution manual for my text and wonder where you guys get 'em? i'm a decent googler and haven't came up on anything yet. my text: Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 RELOADED: Advanced by: Richard A. Johnson/Diane Zak any … | |
Hi expert, I'm facing a problem when i try to update the database, below is my code: Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim strSQL As OleDb.OleDbCommand Dim ra As Integer Dim num conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=C:\employee.mdb" conn.Open() strSQL = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Update [emp] Set e_name = '" & … | |
What mean that error? can someone help me? [B] The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open[/B] [CODE]Private Sub btnCari_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCari.Click con.Open() sql = ("SELECT * FROM RekodAnggaran WHERE [NoIC]='" & txtNoIC.Text & "'") da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con) … | |
I just found out that project modules in visual studio can be built on separate languages e.g. VB.NET and C#.NET. This can be done by publishing the module as a dll. Q1. How do i integrate the separate modules. Q2. Is the process cumbersome? Q3. If the project is a … | |
why my coding find data only can find 1 data, then can't find any other data. if i want find other i need restart my vb.net.. what the problem anyone can help me please? [CODE]Private Sub btnCari_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCari.Click sql = ("SELECT * … | |
Hi I am a new bee, I am trying to insert data into a database white the use of parameters. When I run this code I get an error message: "No value given for one or more required parameters." Any help will be appreciated conn.Open() sql = "INSERT INTO Categories(Name) … | |
hi friends,i am using dropdownlist in gridview.i am populating it using [code] Dim dsUserRoles As DataSet = objUser.GetRoles() CType(gvUsers.Rows(gvUsers.EditIndex).FindControl("ddlRoleName"), _ DropDownList).DataSource = dsUserRoles CType(gvUsers.Rows(gvUsers.EditIndex).FindControl("ddlRoleName"), DropDownList).DataTextField = "RoleName" CType(gvUsers.Rows(gvUsers.EditIndex).FindControl("ddlRoleName"), DropDownList).DataValueField = "RoleId" CType(gvUsers.Rows(gvUsers.EditIndex).FindControl("ddlRoleName"), DropDownList).DataBind()[/code] but when iam runnig if had some no.of.cols and when i click on editlink dropdownlist is replacing … | |
suituation: having employee perrsonel details as a database(msaccess) by selecting empno in combobox and the button(button name:showbutton) was clicked.............. question: how to retreive records in databaseand to display that record in textboxes? | |
can someone please check my code because it doesnt update my database.. i set the room no. as the primary key.. can you please help, its urgent.. i need it tomorrow.. thanks. [CODE]Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=..\data\YayaDB.mdb" con.Open() Dim query = "UPDATE Rooms SET … | |
Hi Friends, I am having an issue with the login form for our application. Its a windows app, developed in VB.net When the app loads, from the main form, a login screen is invoked, but the issue is , login screen looks like its having focus and the user id … | |
I have been trying for about 3 days now trying to find a way to open multiple instances of a simple program and have had no luck. It is being used to log into a site multiple times and the web browser component uses the same cookie which is stopping … | |
hey guys need a little help. i tried to save image into my database, it saves without error but when i tried to check if it saves in mysql, the data about my picture id save, but the image i save return a value of 0. please help me with … | |
i got bit calculate coding.. i want make my output be double like 100.30(this is double?) the calculate data is from database. i want the result at lblPremiumJP.Text be double anyone can help me? [CODE]Private Sub cmbPremium_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbPremium.SelectedIndexChanged con.Open() sqlPremium = "SELECT … | |
who know how to make data show at textbox from this code. from the below code, i only can check if that data got in database or not, if got it show a msgbox. but i want the all data show at text.. [B]example[/B] i search data use a NoIC … | |
i am doing onlineeducation project.in that,how to send mails to every student from our mailserver daily at 12pm without our interaction.i am using consoleapplication in vb.net.can anyone please help me thank you in advance | |
Hi, currently i'm able to save an image that I have draw into SQL but I would like to knw if it is possible to update new draw picture to replace the old picture? how can i modify this code in order for it to save instead of create another … | |
hi friends,i entered some text in text box.later another one came and entering some text.at that time as intelensence my words are coming.how to clear them.i asked my sir,he said to clear the cache of textbox.but how to do it.if not understood,sorry for my language. ex:in gmail loginname,we will get … |
The End.