20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for lavhelesanim

Hi i am new in vb.net , i have this txt fiel that i have to validate to make sure that the content on it is correct the content of the file looks like this one: 500\502 500\502\1 500\502\1\1 500\502\2 500\502\3 500\502\4 what i have to do is to write …

Member Avatar for bcasp
Member Avatar for Datsun90

Hi everybody, I have a VB 2005 (Express) application with SQL 2005 database; a report (named 'c:\Items.rpt') already designed and set to "Items" table. When I preview this report from Crystal Reports, it shows data correctly. How can I show it from within VB code depending on its default dataset …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for visuallearner

Hello- I am new to Visual Basic and have done tutorials, as well as checked VB help and online to help me with this problem, but I can't figure it out. I am trying to make a 'Supervisor field' in an excel spreadsheet mandatory. If users do not complete this …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for asif786

i am using vb dot net 2003. I want to store randomly generated numbers in an array. The Numbers are declared as integers. The amount of numbers generated will not be constants so i can not initialize the array before hand. However the numbers generated will be from 1 to …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for tableray

im just trying out to program a pda application [CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load MsgBox("it works") End Sub End Class[/CODE] however i keep getting the following error: The version of the assembly System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089 cannot be loaded by …

Member Avatar for vb.babyboy

hi everyone, im very new to vb.net. i have a textbox and a save button on my form. i have already connected the database to my application... pls can any1 tell m how do i save the data in the textbox to my ms access databse when i click on …

Member Avatar for vb.babyboy
Member Avatar for Datsun90

Hi all, I have created a simple SQL Server database by Visual Studio 2005, with one table 'Friends' that has just ID, Name, Phone, Email. Then created a datagrid to this table (just by dragging the table name from the 'Data Sources' explorer to the form. When I run the …

Member Avatar for Datsun90
Member Avatar for arunasingh

Sir, I am using gridview and in that i have a column of url .so i want that if i click on the url that webpage is opened so how i do that

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit
Member Avatar for nice_true

Hi! I have a problem in vb.net............. I have generated reports displaying employee details of a particular department.............. The problem is that the report contains more than 500 records and I want only 15 records to appear per page....... How can I continue the remaining data on successive pages???????????? This …

Member Avatar for mpatram

Hi All, I've form with two controls, one TreeView & one PropertyGrid. The treeview displays the list of equipments. when I select any node from the treeview i.e. any name from the list of equipments, then the property grid will dispaly all the attributes of that selected equipment. The property …

Member Avatar for abzorba
Member Avatar for jireh

Hi Fellas, Situation: 1. In your database table i.e customertable have 500 records/rows. 2. A datagrid in a form can shows 100 visible of rows. "Since the datagrid can show 100 visible rows i will just query select top 100 from customertable" Question: If I scroll down the scrollbar of …

Member Avatar for cheersnorm

Hi all I need help with the following task: User posts text into textbox/grid etc Button is pushed. The text is formatted as if it were in a spreadsheet. ie Only x words per row Each cell is of equal length and width. To put it another way; The first …

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am having tabcontrol in which i want only to hide tabs. Consider i am having 2 tabpages. I want to hide only tabs of tabcontrol not tabpages. Then i will show the tabpages with this coding on button click. TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for sunnyalways1234

hello, i have an objective i want to build my own web browser for the same i waned to learn a new software language which is flexible and easily understandable..... but my problem is that i dont know anything about vb.net i have some question 1) can i learn vb.net …

Member Avatar for gracezika
Member Avatar for DougC

I have an application I originally wrote in VB2005. It ran fine on Win/XP and Vista 32bit. It would not run on Vista x64 nor would it provide an error message other than "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.....". I dumped VB2005, got VB2008 Express and converted …

Member Avatar for edgar5
Member Avatar for ShadyxxLady

I've created my program. I want to open a .txt file and display it in my text box I have named my text box textbox1 and my open file dialog is openfiledialog1 How do I do this?

Member Avatar for ShadyxxLady
Member Avatar for Century

Hi Pal let's try to create a web page dealing in Agriculture. And at least it should contain 30 links or more.

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for dileeppaul
Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi all, I am currently displaying the information stored in the security logs in event viewer in vista. But i cannot get the category task to display like it is in vista (Special logon, logon, audit policy change) when i use evententry.category.tostring it just displays a number. Anyone know how …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for mjsmikey

I have been trying to process some text about 10000 lines to upwards of 26000 lines of text. I wrote a program to search for text strings and copy the lines around them if they are found. It searches Line by Line. I need to improve this code speed so …

Member Avatar for mjsmikey
Member Avatar for Sophiron

I have a bunch of text boxes that I want to be able to drag and drop the text in them to each other. I have the drag and drop able to copy the text of one text box into another but I need it to clear the original text …

Member Avatar for eitan

hello everyone =) can someone help me please to solve somthing..? I have difficulties in my calculator program. I am using the 2005/2008 edition of vb express. I created a calculator with only one textbox, and i can't figure it out how to insert 2 values and make the arithmetic …

Member Avatar for eitan
Member Avatar for QuickBooksDev

VB 2005, XP Pro SP2 Again, I am plagued with this vague MS program of clr20r3 invalidoperationexception on a client's machine. It works fine from the development machine and from a brand new XP machine. How do you determine what the problem is????? What is strange is that the App …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for gggchurch

How can you check to see if your program is already running and switch to that instance without running the second time? This is a wm6 question if this is not the right section I appologize. ggg

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for rak4u

Hi this is useful links for new [B].NET [/B]developer or any body who is new to .NeT These link contain most of FAQ of window form [url]http://www.syncfusion.com/faq/windowsforms/default.aspx[/url] [url]http://windowsclient.net/blogs/faqs/default.aspx[/url] 101 Visual Basic .NET Code Samples provides a large group of well categorized and documented examples of code. This is a very …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for edgar5

I'm starting to get the hang of writing VB.NET code--very simple jobs, but covering some esoteric subject matter. The first two tasks I needed to accomplish came about because I decide to import my (rather large) CD collection onto my new (also rather large) external hard drive; I used Appleā€™s …

Member Avatar for rak4u
Member Avatar for Datsun90

Hi all, I have a SQL table that has "RecID" as it's PK and identity column in the same time. When I add a new record in the table directly, the [B]RecID[/B] increments correctly. But when I try to add new record in data grid view (VB 2005 Express) and …

Member Avatar for Datsun90
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi all, I need some favor from u all regarding to connect remote oracle databae via network using vb.net......for info as below:- IP server : Database name : minedb user : own Password : ownmy Please help me...thank you

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for berillio

hello everybody, I am installing some (~10y old) research software which must have been using vb4, because when I started installing it failed because it was looking for vb40016.dll (got that) than oc25.dll (got that one too), and then PUSHHELP.VBX. This is where I got stuck, there a lot of …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for ShadyxxLady

Hey ya'll For one of my assignments I gotta produce some small VB programs. One of them has to be a menu. A menu that does whatever I want it to. I can't find any tutorials that help :| I have [B]Visual Basic.Net 2003.[/B] I know how to ADD the …

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The End.