20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for sierrasoft
Member Avatar for djclipz

Hi, I have recently been experimenting with the world of custom controls but have found it increasingly hard to make exactly what i want. The idea is to have a control which i am able to apply css to, so it has the desired look and inside of it will …

Member Avatar for Datsun90

Dear all, I have created an SQL Server 2005 Express database using the database explorer of VB.Net 2005, and selected to copy the database to the application folder. I can successfully connect and update the tables using Visual Basic ready tools (such as datagrid). But when I try to connect …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for vampke

I'm following a course on vb.net and have visual studio 2008 from my school (msdn program) Unfortunately I'm having serious problems: apparently I can't use a lot of the common references. Eg.: If I try to use My.Computer.... the IDE does not recognise this. Same thing for System.Data... He gives …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Mashimar

I have a big table contain a mobile numbers, I need to count each mobile number, how many time it was entered to my table?

Member Avatar for dyadarling
Member Avatar for malg

Could anyone tell me how to programmatically list the filenames of all open office files (winword.doc files, excel.xls files) ?

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi all, I am just trying to get the information i collect from the pc's hostname and pass it into a db. All the db passwords, location etc are correct but i am getting nothing. [CODE]Imports System Imports Microsoft.Win32 Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form1 Private Sub DB() 'Your …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Lahlahliam

hi guys , im a little stuck im doing my courses in university on software enginering and i have to make a program with (1 button , 1 listbox) now when you press the button the listbox has to display all the files on the C:\ drive but i have …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, how can i add a button to delete/edit a row in gridview which takes its data from database ? thanks

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for deepukng

Hi Friends, I am trying to Call a exe or DLL from sql server trigger using xp_cmdshell. Trigger is for an external application and for inserting a record. exe is executed successfully but trigger is not completed succefully and my external application is also not complted and it sows some …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for chimbori

hello, i am using .net 1.1,vb ,i have 2 web applications.one is installed in client side server which is currently working offline(intranet)..other is at my side which is online website.frequently i have to give master data to client .So using httprequest and xml , i am giving him data.I have …

Member Avatar for Eyo

Hi, I have 2 tables: Payment (PaymentId, Date, Description, Amount, PaymentMethodId) PaymentMethod (PaymentMethodId, Description) The first table contains details of any Payments that we receive and is displayed in the datagridview. The second is a lookup table which lists the methods of payment (ie. cash, cheque, credit card) and should …

Member Avatar for Eyo
Member Avatar for manoj_582033

Good Morning Friends I Am Using VB.net,I am doing code for search button & it's working for textboxes but not for combobox,accualy when it get any value so it shows on textbox by using textbox1.text=ds.tables(0).rows(0).item(0) & it shows but when i use combobox.text =ds.tables(0).rows(0).item(0) it doesn't show any value but …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I want to change the text of second column of listview to bold, & secondly, I want to change the backcolor of row,when the user clicks on that row. When we run the form first time,text of second column is bold.But when the user clicks on the row,backcolor is not …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi all I wanna use MySQL with VB.net I used before MySQL with PHP. I am not sure how to use it with VB.net Some instruction will be helpful. Thanks advance.

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Eyo

Hello, I have a problem when adding a comboBox Cell to grdView I Attached The Error Message, please have a time to view it And Here Is Some Parts Of The Code: ' Start ... dim colComboBox As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Sub Form_Load() configureColComboBox() fillGrid() bindComboBoxColumn("company_id",colComboBox) End Sub Sub confingureColComboBox() with …

Member Avatar for DonCollins

Hi All, First time poster, so please go easy on me! I am taking a VB.net class at Cleveland State and I have run into some trouble. I am working on a project that requires the user to input test scores via a text box and button into a list …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim

Hi all, Is there a function in vb.net to get how many times string1 is exist in string2? I had search google and all I found is long code such as this one ( i did not test it) [URL="http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1025"]http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=1025[/URL] Is there better way?

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for Lord Prime

Hi, I new here and currently learning as much programming languages as needed. To start with the simplest programming language, VB. I'm kind of having problems with producing an animation that uses the FOR Loop statement and the System.Threading.Thread.Sleep () command. I've placed two objects (rectangles) together and would like …

Member Avatar for Lord Prime
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi all I made a program who open excel for adding files in excel. I am asking you can for example 15 users uploading that single file ? Thanks advance

Member Avatar for kv79
Member Avatar for firebirds98

I am building an application in which sends an outside server data, it then shoots back data which pertains to what I sent. The problem that I am having is that the maximum amount of bytes tha will come back is 8001. The program works fine as long as the …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for itzkhurram

Thanks in advance i created my own toolbar from user control option i design and add all button ADD,EDIT,DELETE,LOOKUP,CLOSE and build this class and drag on my form now i want to use click event of every button but there is only one click event Public Class Form1 Private Sub …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Teme64

Mozilla Thunderbird offers a very handy "Copy Link Location" option which copies a http-link from an email to the clipboard. For some reason Outlook (XP/2002) does not have this feature. When I right-click a link in the email, I have to select "View Source", open the email's source (HTML) to …

Member Avatar for atplerry

I am a student with a project that as to do with online money transaction and the main aim is to create a secure website that can tract fraud transaction and a means of securing every bit of the website information secure from being hacked. The base of this project …

Member Avatar for atplerry
Member Avatar for saj_amo

hi to every one, i have made two data base projects in vb.net using sql server2000 the first project is of student information and the other one is a bank project. now i want to colabrate these two projects when i enter the account number of student in student information …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for daniel50096230

Hi,I has a problem here... I has a datagridview and now I would like to determine that whether column1 in row 1 is selected by the user.What should I write to do so? [code] Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick If (DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Selected) Then MessageBox.Show("") …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for dthree

hi folks, I'm writing a program for a punch press that displays the pattern to be punched. I have learned how to retrieve the data from a spreadsheet calculate the hole angles and draw them on my form [code] { Using g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim pn As New …

Member Avatar for dthree
Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi, In the reg key below there can be 50 different keys, how can i read through each one and get its display name and then show those display names in a lsitbox or combo box. hkey_local_machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall I am using the code below to get the data in that single …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for jaiprakash15

Dear All.. I been working on XML for the past 2 weeks and am bit new to this concept..however i have put my effort to solve my problem.. I have suceeded in creating and appending a node to a XML file..But i have problem in Removing a node in a …

Member Avatar for jaiprakash15
Member Avatar for edgar5

All my (programming) life I’ve been plagued by timing problems! I assumed (haha) that when I changed from a pervasively multitasking OS to Vista I would escape the problem but it seems like I must be missing something. My problem lies in WhichChar. Note the line: 'MsgBox(vbNullString) If I leave …

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The End.