20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for javaAddict

Hi, as you can understand from the name, I am new in VB. So I have 2 questions regarding buttons: 1: I have an array of buttons created like this in the code: [CODE]Dim buttons(10) As System.Windows.Forms.Button[/CODE] I need whenever each one of these buttons is clicked to invoke the …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for npasma

OK, yeah u guessed it. VBnoob here. Like so many other poor souls, lost in a sea of code...heres the dealio- I know param's need to be completely done and in the correct order for executeNonQuery() to work, but here's my error: Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: No value given for one …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Diala

1)I'm trying to write a programm when an ID card number is inputed it displays the picture and name of the person. 2)Also trying to write a code whereby when a checkbutton is clicked on,the text box displays and one can input required value needed.

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

There is no error in the program but control is not going inside the for loop because objVolume is nothing. The Datatype of Follwing Objects are right or wrong...Is Dim objWMIService, objVolume, colVolumes, errResult As Object. Is the foll. code defrags the computer.... [code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for J-P

Hi, I have a small problem... I'm developing a small application (very similar to the Windows Task Manager) that I want to be able to control other application windows (Bring them up, change focus, minimize them and so on). I don't know how to control the other windows, but I …

Member Avatar for J-P
Member Avatar for rak4u

Hi all i am a newbie in development I have a window application in vb.net in VS 2003 there is a tabcontrol which has three tab pages. i want that user was not able to change tabpages by clicking tabcontrol rahter than it is done by clicking button on tabpages …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for culebrin

I have to write log entries through my app (ASP.NET -VB-) In my understanding that's what I do: created a DLL Message library, then I've created certain registry entries, and insert the log entry using System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry method on my app, then, it insert the entry but seems to be wrong …

Member Avatar for culebrin
Member Avatar for mjsmikey

How do I find a Known String of Text "M6" from a Loaded Text Document that is in RichTextBox1, then get it to output the Lines that these strings (all of them) are found to a ListBox. Notepad can do this is Less then one second, with CTRL-F and NEXT …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi when i use the following code i get a warning 'Public Shared Function GetHostByName(hostName As String) As System.Net.IPHostEntry' is obsolete: 'GetHostByName is obsoleted for this type, please use GetHostEntry instead. [CODE]Dim host As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName) 'gets the machines current IP [/CODE] now the code works and shows me …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for dthree

Hi folks I have a bitmap image inside of a picturebox. The image is built around the center of the picturebox. location (282,267) . I now need to rotate it around this point. I have tried [CODE] Private Sub Timer7_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer7.Tick gr.Clear(Color.Transparent) …

Member Avatar for Tekito

I want to show some information to the user in a nonmodal form. Basically just like a message box (doesn't even need buttons) except nonmodal (and doesn't beep). I could probably create a form from scratch, but I would think this type of form already exists somewhere in .net??

Member Avatar for Tekito
Member Avatar for v_shriram

Hi I am a vb.NET hobbyist from India. I am trying to design a data entry application for my company to deal with customer information. I am able to read and write data from and to a excel database using my vb.NET application. Every row in the database file contains …

Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi, I have a label on my form but when you type in the text it all stays on one line. So i set its max size to force it to tab the text but it only shows two lines. How do i set it to allow me to enter …

Member Avatar for smelf1
Member Avatar for Datsun90

Hi, I have created a local SQL database using Visual Studio 2005 ([I]not by SQL Server Management Studio[/I]), and located it in the same VB project folder: "E:\MyProject\MyDB.mdf". Now I'm trying to design reports using Crystal Reports 2008, but for SQL Server, it doesn't browse this DB created by visual …

Member Avatar for vb.babyboy

hi, i have 2 txtboxes n 1 label, a division if performed wid txtbox1 and txtbox2, then the result displayed in a label. How can i format the label to display it to 2 dp. my current code is as follows: [code] Public Class Form1 [INDENT][/INDENT]Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for cloudgtrx

i'm new to vb.net and i made a login using vb.net and i linked the login to a database , and i found a error in verifying the password. if the password is AbC, it also alows the abc, ABC, aBC s. I just want to set it to the …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for tableray

how to achieve that? when user clicks remove on the menustrip the available options (which are items of a combobox) are shown as its submenu items and when one of the items is selected its removed from the combobox as well. i could only come up with this which is …

Member Avatar for tickle69
Member Avatar for tableray

lets say i have a text file with the string "ffffffffff" in it and i want to insert "666" after the 2nd "f" in it.. how to do it? i tried the following and it doesnt work.. [code] Dim stream As New System.IO.StreamWriter("xxx.txt") stream.Write("ffffffffff") stream.BaseStream.Position = 2 stream.Write("666") stream.Close() [/code] …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for maxcoder

Hello everybody, are there ANY free VB compilers that I can use on my flash drive? Size does not matter. Just as long as I will be able to use it on different computers. Also, Is it even possible to make MSVB like this? THANK YOU!

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for yrpchoudary

Hi, I have 1 xml file and 1 xsl file. I need to generate new html pages dynamically based on some values by passing the parameters to xsl file from console application using vb.net. Can any one suggest me how to create html pages dynamically using vb.net or C#?

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for muhammad ismail

hello. my question is , when we store an image or a picture in sql server in which format it is stored and why it is stored in that format.???

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for tableray

i want to add the items of a combobox as dropdownitems of one of the menustrip selections.. how to do it dynamically?

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for hspatil31

Dear All, I am new with the concept of hardware interface. My requrement is, suppose one weighing machine is there. We have multiple LT terminals that are connected to PC. Each has own IP adress. Each terminal sends the weighing data string(containing net weight and gross weight). Means I have …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for tableray

i want to fill up the userID and password fields of the yahoo mail login page with the click of a button on the form but just cant get it right. Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load WebBrowser1.Navigate("https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?.intl=sg&.src=ym") Private Sub Button1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi all, I would like to be able to read data from a text file, be able to edit it and save the new edits to that file over writing the old ones. [CODE] Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\cat4\text.txt" Dim TextLine As String If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then Dim …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for jpbaroma

how do i use the setfocus method in vb.net and also how do i use keyascii=13 on keypress event of textbox? i want to have a textbox that when enter key is pressed, the focus shifts to another textbox.

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for StanS51

I am attempting to use a sql query to update a record using the following: cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE ScannerData Set DateReceived = " & Date.Now & " WHERE ScanNumber = " + TheReaderData.Text + "" I receive a parse error at the Date.Now portion of the statement. Is there a …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Hi frnds, I want to run Multiple Skype .I have used the foll. code. But its not working. Ca somebody help me in getting out where I M wrong [b]Steps-[/b] [code] 1. right click on the desktop, select new/text document 2. name it Skype2.bat 3. right click skype2.bat, select /edit …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for smelf1

I am able to read the data from the application event logs but when i try the security i get an error Requested registry access is not allowed. {"Cannot open log security on machine .. Windows has not provided an error code."} {"A required privilege is not held by the …

Member Avatar for smelf1
Member Avatar for k12

Hello I am trying to create a combo box that would display data from a dataset, and also a 'Please Select' as the first item. I have written the following code which derives from a combo box and it works fine in visual studio 2003 but in 2008 would not …

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The End.