20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for chinni1

[code]SELECT * INTO [supplierexp] FROM [supplier] IN '' [ODBC;Driver={SQLServer};Server=(local);Database=sh op;user name='shop';password='abc123';Trusted_ Connection=yes];"[/code] For above code im getting error like ODBC--connection to '{SQLServer}(local)' failed.Im using the valid username and password only

Member Avatar for donaldunca

I'm learning vb.net, I have to work with file and folders. I need to know how to change file or folder name. Could you help me? Thanks for advanced!

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for jaiprakash15

Dear fiends, Am Posting a Lot Nowadays.. Sorry if i had Disturbed you all...Hera my XML file..i Have to append a node below this..can some give me any idea how to do it..When i try..it is over writing the file i need to append <TaskName> <name>abc</name> <Value>3454</Value> </TaskName> following to …

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Member Avatar for furjaw

Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition: This works, but, I need to get the .wav file from Resources: My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\OrthoLabRx\OrthoLabRx\Resources\PodVwBy.wav") I placed the .wav file in Resources, but, I can't seem to access it from there. This does not work: My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.PodVwBy) It says "value of type 'System.IO.UnmangedMemoryStream' …

Member Avatar for furjaw
Member Avatar for Tekito

I'm new to datasets, and trying to update a SQL Server database with one. I'm having trouble understanding how to correctly write the dataset info to the server db and preserve the relationship keys. When I write to the main table in the server database, it will assign the new …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for debonair

hi ppl.. i want to create form where one part of the form should be a browser(i have used web browser control s ) and other is a visual studio 2005 application. i used the follwing code Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Program …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for thilinam

please tel me how to use my classes declarations and definetions in c++ with vb.net

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for vbuser44

hi I have two forms, form 1 has list1 and form 2 has list 2. I need to use one context menu (cmenu)which is work in form 1 and it must be in work form 2 too the same context menu.. but there is a problem with Print Preview which …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Alexpap

Hello All, i have an aplication to make that converts a rtf text into html and then the html code must be shown into a web browser. What can't I do is to convert the HTML Code into a html website. To make myself more clear, what i want from …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for manoj_582033

Good Morning I am using vb.net & access ,I have a office.mdb file ,now i want that when i click on a button that automatically must have that .mdb file & than must display a savedialogbox & where user give the location for saving that .mdb file that must be …

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Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I want to search for nodes from the text given in textbox1. After the search i want only those nodes to be displayed in treeview.

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Member Avatar for muhammad ismail

hi every body, plz someone explain in detail "Sql Command Builder" in Vb.net. Also i need a Code to develop "SMTP server" i mean that i want to send an email from my own project , how can i do that, plz explain.

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for jaiprakash15

hi all, I have a XML file like as shown below.. i need to replace the value of status for a particular task..can u help me how to do it.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Task> <TaskName tskName="PS0002440" Status="Open" /> <TaskName tskName="PS0002439" Status="Open" /> </Task> in the above file..i need to change …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for jaiprakash15

Dear All, AM creating a XML file from my Database. I have created Sucessfully and now i need to append a another node to this below XML file Ex : <TaskName Value="PS0002440" Status="Process" /> I use the following code to create this below XML file. Am passing the Value and …

Member Avatar for daniel50096230

Hi, I have the following codes: [code] me.hide() staff.show() [/code] It run smoothly for the first time,but when I execute it for the second time,it occured the following errors: Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\FYP.exe" to "bin\Debug\FYP.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\FYP.exe' because it is being used by another …

Member Avatar for hatemstar
Member Avatar for ryan311

hi can anyone know where can i find an installer vb.net? i want to learn this language but i don't have any installer :(

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for jaiprakash15

Dear Friends. I need to copy particular columns from a listview to a XML file. Example i need 1st and 3rd Columns data's to be copied to a XML file. Can any one help with any example code..How to get the Column data from a Listview.. Thanks and Regards, Jayaprakash

Member Avatar for jaiprakash15
Member Avatar for nmakkena

Hi, Actully i wanted to merge two txt files into one txt file. (i.e. second file has to be appended to the first file). please give me some solution for my problem. I am new to vb.net, so pls elaborate the solution. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for robert_c_guy
Member Avatar for kritiohri

I have two fields in a table(dept_code and DEPT_name) in SQL.In my form iam having two comboboxs. one for dept_name and the other for Dept_code.What i want is that when i select a particular dept_name from the combobox its associated dept_code should come in the other combobox????

Member Avatar for manoj_582033
Member Avatar for arunasingh
Member Avatar for asif786

i want to loop this could because i do not have a fixed number of values: [code=vb] Private VoteArray() As Integer ' Array for items (integers in this case) Private Const VOTE_ARRY_SIZE As Integer = 3 ' Number of items in the array ' A help variable to hold "voted …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for edgar5

With this code: [CODE] Imports System.Text Public Class Form1 Public quoteStr As String = Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(34) Public illegalChar As Boolean = False Public asteriskReplacement As New StringBuilder(" ", 4) Public asteriskComboIndex As Integer = 0 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim keyboardCharacters As String() …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for hongpuay

Hey, I face a problem in updating data to the original database. Everytime when I clicked the update button. an error came out in the coding where I highlighted below, saying syntax error in update statement! Can somebody please pin-point my mistake?:'( [code] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for edgar5

Here is what I want to accomplish--I want a ListBox exactly like everyone else uses (almost always)! When the user mouse-clicks in the box and enters a keypress, the first item in the dropdown list, with that char as a first char, is selected. The values are restricted to those …

Member Avatar for edgar5
Member Avatar for asif786

i want to store multiple values in an array. lets say the variable name is voternumber which is a unique number that is generated which is between 1 and 5000. i will output the voternumber to a voter and then as them to input it so that i can perform …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Aigini

I would like to know the purpose of using the table adapter in vb.net, how to use it and how to relate it to the coding section when it is used?

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for arunasingh

I have an application in that i have a gridview in that gridview i have a textbox and the textbox changes to dropdown and when i select value from dropdown that value goes to database ,how can i do this.Please help me out.

Member Avatar for Dajak

Hi, im working on a mouse recorder. My problem is that i cant get the mouse click to work, everything except for the mouse click works. I've tried with several tutorials around the web, but i get errors on the declarations because two of them are named mouse_event. Thanks, Dajak.

Member Avatar for Dajak
Member Avatar for arunasingh

I have an application in that I have a form in which news are rolling up and i have taken gridview in that gridview news are rolling and i want to insert new event in that gridview.How can i do this. I want that when i click on the gridview …

Member Avatar for jaiprakash15

[COLOR="Red"]Dear friends, I am new To Vb.net World. I have to Create a XML file like as shown below. <Task> <TaskStatus ID="PS0002436" status="Start" /> <TaskStatus ID="PS0002435" status="Start" /> <TaskStatus ID="PS0002434" status="Start" /> <TaskStatus ID="PS0002432" status="Start" /> </Task> Is there any Code available for creating... i need to add the "Value" …

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The End.