20,284 Topics
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hi to every one, i have made two data base projects in vb.net using sql server2000 the first project is of student information and the other one is a bank project. now i want to colabrate these two projects when i enter the account number of student in student information … | |
Hi,I has a problem here... I has a datagridview and now I would like to determine that whether column1 in row 1 is selected by the user.What should I write to do so? [code] Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick If (DataGridView1.Rows(1).Cells(1).Selected) Then MessageBox.Show("") … | |
hi folks, I'm writing a program for a punch press that displays the pattern to be punched. I have learned how to retrieve the data from a spreadsheet calculate the hole angles and draw them on my form [code] { Using g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim pn As New … | |
Hi, In the reg key below there can be 50 different keys, how can i read through each one and get its display name and then show those display names in a lsitbox or combo box. hkey_local_machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall I am using the code below to get the data in that single … | |
Dear All.. I been working on XML for the past 2 weeks and am bit new to this concept..however i have put my effort to solve my problem.. I have suceeded in creating and appending a node to a XML file..But i have problem in Removing a node in a … | |
All my (programming) life I’ve been plagued by timing problems! I assumed (haha) that when I changed from a pervasively multitasking OS to Vista I would escape the problem but it seems like I must be missing something. My problem lies in WhichChar. Note the line: 'MsgBox(vbNullString) If I leave … | |
[code]SELECT * INTO [supplierexp] FROM [supplier] IN '' [ODBC;Driver={SQLServer};Server=(local);Database=sh op;user name='shop';password='abc123';Trusted_ Connection=yes];"[/code] For above code im getting error like ODBC--connection to '{SQLServer}(local)' failed.Im using the valid username and password only | |
I'm learning vb.net, I have to work with file and folders. I need to know how to change file or folder name. Could you help me? Thanks for advanced! | |
Dear fiends, Am Posting a Lot Nowadays.. Sorry if i had Disturbed you all...Hera my XML file..i Have to append a node below this..can some give me any idea how to do it..When i try..it is over writing the file i need to append <TaskName> <name>abc</name> <Value>3454</Value> </TaskName> following to … | |
Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition: This works, but, I need to get the .wav file from Resources: My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\OrthoLabRx\OrthoLabRx\Resources\PodVwBy.wav") I placed the .wav file in Resources, but, I can't seem to access it from there. This does not work: My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.PodVwBy) It says "value of type 'System.IO.UnmangedMemoryStream' … | |
I'm new to datasets, and trying to update a SQL Server database with one. I'm having trouble understanding how to correctly write the dataset info to the server db and preserve the relationship keys. When I write to the main table in the server database, it will assign the new … | |
hi ppl.. i want to create form where one part of the form should be a browser(i have used web browser control s ) and other is a visual studio 2005 application. i used the follwing code Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Program … | |
please tel me how to use my classes declarations and definetions in c++ with vb.net | |
hi I have two forms, form 1 has list1 and form 2 has list 2. I need to use one context menu (cmenu)which is work in form 1 and it must be in work form 2 too the same context menu.. but there is a problem with Print Preview which … | |
Hello All, i have an aplication to make that converts a rtf text into html and then the html code must be shown into a web browser. What can't I do is to convert the HTML Code into a html website. To make myself more clear, what i want from … | |
Good Morning I am using vb.net & access ,I have a office.mdb file ,now i want that when i click on a button that automatically must have that .mdb file & than must display a savedialogbox & where user give the location for saving that .mdb file that must be … | |
Hello sir, I want to search for nodes from the text given in textbox1. After the search i want only those nodes to be displayed in treeview. | |
hi every body, plz someone explain in detail "Sql Command Builder" in Vb.net. Also i need a Code to develop "SMTP server" i mean that i want to send an email from my own project , how can i do that, plz explain. | |
hi all, I have a XML file like as shown below.. i need to replace the value of status for a particular task..can u help me how to do it.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Task> <TaskName tskName="PS0002440" Status="Open" /> <TaskName tskName="PS0002439" Status="Open" /> </Task> in the above file..i need to change … | |
Dear All, AM creating a XML file from my Database. I have created Sucessfully and now i need to append a another node to this below XML file Ex : <TaskName Value="PS0002440" Status="Process" /> I use the following code to create this below XML file. Am passing the Value and … | |
Hi, I have the following codes: [code] me.hide() staff.show() [/code] It run smoothly for the first time,but when I execute it for the second time,it occured the following errors: Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\FYP.exe" to "bin\Debug\FYP.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\FYP.exe' because it is being used by another … | |
hi can anyone know where can i find an installer vb.net? i want to learn this language but i don't have any installer :( | |
Dear Friends. I need to copy particular columns from a listview to a XML file. Example i need 1st and 3rd Columns data's to be copied to a XML file. Can any one help with any example code..How to get the Column data from a Listview.. Thanks and Regards, Jayaprakash | |
Hi, Actully i wanted to merge two txt files into one txt file. (i.e. second file has to be appended to the first file). please give me some solution for my problem. I am new to vb.net, so pls elaborate the solution. Thanks in advance. | |
I have two fields in a table(dept_code and DEPT_name) in SQL.In my form iam having two comboboxs. one for dept_name and the other for Dept_code.What i want is that when i select a particular dept_name from the combobox its associated dept_code should come in the other combobox???? | |
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i want to loop this could because i do not have a fixed number of values: [code=vb] Private VoteArray() As Integer ' Array for items (integers in this case) Private Const VOTE_ARRY_SIZE As Integer = 3 ' Number of items in the array ' A help variable to hold "voted … | |
With this code: [CODE] Imports System.Text Public Class Form1 Public quoteStr As String = Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(34) Public illegalChar As Boolean = False Public asteriskReplacement As New StringBuilder(" ", 4) Public asteriskComboIndex As Integer = 0 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim keyboardCharacters As String() … | |
Hey, I face a problem in updating data to the original database. Everytime when I clicked the update button. an error came out in the coding where I highlighted below, saying syntax error in update statement! Can somebody please pin-point my mistake?:'( [code] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal … | |
Here is what I want to accomplish--I want a ListBox exactly like everyone else uses (almost always)! When the user mouse-clicks in the box and enters a keypress, the first item in the dropdown list, with that char as a first char, is selected. The values are restricted to those … |
The End.