20,284 Topics
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Hello all, this tools is used to load CSV files to SQL server table. all the tools that i found on the internet are not free, i have developed this tool so it can help you. regards download link here: [url]http://www12.sendthisfile.com/d.jsp?t=J8hEGXcRYqej3qrjku3N63Eh[/url] | |
Hi, i am trying to build a frame where it will display images when i click on the "next" button. I am doing it in such a way that i insert these images into separate frames and showing these frames separely which i found it very tedious. Is there any … | |
How do you initialize an external component with vb.net? I am trying to Initialize a biometric device that will scan a finger print from a user and then transfer that image to a picture box in the windows application. 1. How do you get the code to start the device … | |
Private Sub cmdCalc_Click() Dim Commission_Percent As Double Dim Total_Commission As Double Dim Sales_Price As Integer Dim Highest_Commission as Integer Sales_Price = txtSales_Price.Text Total_Commission = Sales_Price + Commission_Percent If Sales_Price < Total_Commission Then [Total_Commission = Highest_Commission] End If lblTotal_Commission .Caption = Total_Commission End Sub | |
Hi guys/girls i need help on my black jack code a.s.a.p. i got some of the code done but i don't think its right Dim a() As Integer 'Declare a as integer Dim c As Integer 'Declare c as Integer Dim inx, secc, k, levl, tm, totl, rund, rund1 As … | |
can some one provide me a sample programe in vb.net which can just save, edit, search and delete records. thanks riaz | |
i made a game that has a player and an AI player.... i use a timer for the ai player to make its moves and the keydown for the human player.... when the player presses a key(e.g A to go left) then the ai player stops moving or it moves … | |
How about a few code snips to turn on/off the individual pins of the port. Not where the dll can be fund, not where you "think" it can be found. Just code snips. I've looked for ths for over 2 years, nada. I know what's on lvr. I know what's … | |
I've created a web browser (similar to the beginners project) with the following items: [LIST] [*]1 Text Box (for url entry, with "enter" support) [*]4 Nav buttons (Forward, Back, Go, Home) [*]1 Tabcontrol holding 2 tabbed pages[/LIST]Question: How do I get TabPage2 to navigate to the entered URL? Currently, only … | |
I am trying to write a program that reads in a text file and prints out how many # of each letter shows up for example if my text files is "Good food" there will be 2- d, 1- f, 1 -g, 4- 0. The problem that I am having … | |
can anyone plz tell me how to add a movie in the form?particularly mpg? any examples would really help me...tnx | |
Hello, I have a vb.net application that runs on a server. There are five client PC's that are connected to the server and all the data is saved on the server from my vb.net application. To add a record, two sql runs under Commit transaction. One runs an insert statement … | |
Hi any one can help me ple that work is in repeator control is there in that some columns and rows there in that rows like 1 tp 100 numbers available but in first row for examle 9 will show it doesn't come net row like that use java script … | |
Hi I am using 2005 vb.net in that five columns is there like Field, Default Label, Visible ,Custom Label, Sort Order, Field Default Label Visible Custom Label Sort Order AC_DOC_NO Accounting Document Number Select Sort Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 … | |
hi everyone. can i know how to encrypt the password using different addition. example: 1st char +1 2nd char +5 3rd char +2 etc. i have mine done,but i only know to use hard coded password encrypt method. this is my code. [code] Dim Password As String Dim i As … | |
hello friends, i am sending selection formula from code. something like ... CrystalReportViewer.selectionFormula = {MyViewForReport.Q_code}=" & cboQ.Item(i).value my req. is i want to send multiple values with " and " , "or" what i did is - "{VoterRegDetail_Qry.QualificationCode} = 1 and {VoterRegDetail_Qry.CasteCode} = 19 Or {VoterRegDetail_Qry.CasteCode} = 20" But its … | |
i have found out how to track the mouse and the click of the mouse when it is over the for, how can i track it outside the form? also how do i record it and the timing of when keys are pressed? i need to make this program so … | |
I am using a DataGridView in VB.NET 2005 I will like to be able to edit the data entered by a user into the cells. I put in a Validating procedure but when I check the contents of the cell it is Nothing. Row = e.RowIndex : Col = e.ColumnIndex … | |
Is it possible to issue SQL Style Commands to manipulate data from XML Files ie. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE The reason i ask is the i want to write an appliclation that will store the database with the application but with out the user needing to have MSAssess (for … | |
hi, i am using crystal report to prepare reports. my database is in oracle 9i. i am using vb.net 2003. after creating crystal report whenever i am going to view the report in button click event it is asking me to give login id and password. for each and every … | |
First I will show you my sql, just in case it is some obvious syntax error on my part: [code] "INSERT INTO tblResults(status, enthusiasm, communication, knowledge, interaction, organization, responsiveness, instID, comment)" & _ "VALUES(""" & status & """, """ & enthusiasmB & """, """ & communicationB & """, """ & … | |
[B]Please help me to read out each character of a particular line in a rich textbox. [/B] Eg: 6 11 345 I need to read 6 first and then 11 and then 345 etc etc.. | |
can anyone plz tell me how to add a movie in the form? any examples would really help me...tnx! | |
Leading agency institutional trading firm, based in Northern NJ, for derivatives seeks a full time developer to help build FIX capabilities. Candidates will be joining a team to define and implement FIX services for use in increasing the firm's electronic trading capabilities and to be used as market standards for … | |
Good afternoon all, I'm pretty new to VB.Net. Trying to get my head round using stored procedures to manipulate data in a database at the moment. I have managed to use a stored procedure (via my windows form) to insert data into a database but I am struggling to retreive … | |
I have an application that I would like to use strings from the textboxes to open forms, by storing the form name in the textbox on open or close. Dim strName as string Dim frm as Form If strName = String.Empty then strName = frmMain Else strName = frmMain.txtFormOpen.txt frm … | |
[B][COLOR="Red"]<<This post is regarding Microsoft Access>>[/COLOR][/B] I have created a text box (not combo box) and a command button. The textbox is called USERNAME and the command button called LOGIN. What i want is a script that will open the form "user_info" and display the record based on what the … | |
Here is what I am trying to achieve: I have an access database with a table [GroupTable] with 3 fields [RecNo, Group, SubGroup] (Group & SubGroup use integers) I want, under program control, to populate a table adapter with a subset of all records eg I want to be able … | |
hi i am begginer to vb.net, i need to create a login form connecting to access database which should consist of following fields.. 1. login person - chairman, admin, employee condition : - chairperson can able to view all the details of users and also the branch details - branch … |
The End.