20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for mpatram

Hi All, I m working on a vb.net application. Having a form with treeview & datagrid control. My requirement is that I'll populate the treeview control from a SQL server table. I made this one. The next task is to populate the datagrid control (another SQL Server Table) from a …

Member Avatar for mpatram

Hi All, I m working on a vb.net application. Having a form with treeview & datagrid control. My requirement is that I'll populate the treeview control from a SQL server table. I made this one. The next task is to populate the datagrid control (another SQL Server Table) from a …

Member Avatar for c++ prog

can anyone teach me how to correct my code....when I debug this the 12th line or the sndPlaySound("shot.wav", SND_ASYNC) line shows an error "A call to PInvoke function 'StartForm!StartForm.StartForm::sndPlaySound' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke ".Please help me with this one this is a requirement …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mpatram

Hi All, I m working on a vb.net application. Having a form with treeview & propertygrid control. My requirement is that I'll populate the treeview control from a SQL server table. I made this one. The next task is to populate the propertygrid from another sql server table by selecting …

Member Avatar for sai sharanya

HI , This is my first thread! I am working with vb.net and access for a resume manager module. I have now connected to the outllook and retrieved mails also have saved the attachments but i need to search the attachment based on a criteria like a location,skill or experience,for …

Member Avatar for dgzo_08

Hi. I'm new to posting and new to vb net too. Nevertheless here i go. I'm developing a project that has 2 applications. One is visible and one is not. What i have so far is this: the visible application sends a message to the unvisible application of another computer …

Member Avatar for rspercy

This is going to sound a little STUPID on my part. I am creating a vb 2K8 Ex. Ed. MP3 player. I would like to know how to creat an xml file. This is my table contents. Column Name Data Type Notes PlayListTitle nvarchar(50) Primary Key PlayList xml I have …

Member Avatar for mithun_kanungo
Member Avatar for Sawamura
Member Avatar for leo002000

I am currently using the visual studio 2005 express edition. I would like to upgrade to the 2008 express. So I would be using Visual Web dev 2008+Visual Basic 2008. These run on .net 3.5, at the moment there isn't an sql server 2008, would I be ok still using …

Member Avatar for leo002000
Member Avatar for Jay El Pastel00

I have been trying to open a web site , view the html source and save to a file using VB 6. Any help? Thanks.

Member Avatar for sreelakshmi

Hi , I need to read an html source file using vb.net. The URL of that html varies everytime.Kindly help me out. Thanks in Anticipation

Member Avatar for nanop1i

hi, I am trying to add items from a textbox to a combo box.. but when ever i am trying to do so, i am getting error, or only a blank is getting added to it. kindly help me out.. I have a textbox where user inputs a string which …

Member Avatar for emurf
Member Avatar for kamesh.ch

hello dani iam working in a software company as a fresher my team leader has given me a registration forn to develop but iam stucking up with some mistakes i have developed the application in vb.net with datbase name as register it has 4textboxes and one submit button textbox1=username textbox2=password …

Member Avatar for jagdish.ind
Member Avatar for abc_a3

Hi friends, I have a list view which contains an id and a name.... upon selecting one row i should be able to view the details of that particular row.. i.e name, age, salary etc...Im using Visual studio .net 2003 and sql server 2005..

Member Avatar for emurf
Member Avatar for jagdish.ind

hi, i am using oracle 9i as by database. my front end is vb.net. i want to generate the report according to the field that i select from the combobox. crystal report should display only the field that i select in the combobox. can any one kindly guide me to …

Member Avatar for bcm

I am doing a project in [COLOR="Red"]VB.NET Pocket PC.[/COLOR] I want to retirve the contacts stored in the pocket pc. Please help me in doing this. Please help in any way possible. Thank You in advance. :icon_cry:

Member Avatar for mithun_kanungo

hi i am creating a window setup project and i dont need any shortctut on desktop or programe file , any idea how to do it?

Member Avatar for mithun_kanungo
Member Avatar for halculvin

Hello, I'm taking a project with vb.net and i need someone to help me with the source code for connecting to an access relational data base. Pls I don't want to use a wizare.

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for gracea

Please tell me how to store a user given input as one of the options in the combo box?? I have put up a combo box on my form with no collection,no options to choose from, in it.I want the user to enter some value in it and the next …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for ericstenson

Hi, I have an old .DBF foxpro database I am trying to connect to. I can read the database with the new visual fox pro driver, but I cannot write to it (via insert command). Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for bcm

I want to create a program in [COLOR="Red"]VB.NET2005 [/COLOR]windows application which will show google map on the form along with its contols of zoom. OR Also an image on form having zoomin and zoomout buttons. Please Help!!!! :icon_cry:

Member Avatar for technogeek_42
Member Avatar for Demond

I am trying to use a GoTo statement but it says "Error 1 Labels are not valid outside methods." My code is like this: [code] Public Sub Start_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Start.Click Start: Dim ...... End Sub Public Sub Retry_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for Demond
Member Avatar for Webbsta

Hi, I'm trying to work out a way i can create my own "find..." or "find next" dialog for a textbox, because i don't think Vb.net has one that you can use, and its vital that i manage to get this otherwise the program wont be much use when editing …

Member Avatar for hitnrun
Member Avatar for narender_gandi

Hi all, i have an exe which on click shows a form and takes the values. i dont know exactly who have developed that exe and i do not have the code even. Now my client requests me to develop same sort application as of previous one. is there any …

Member Avatar for emurf
Member Avatar for nice_true

Hi! I wish to display checkbox beside every row in a bound datgarid in a vb.net windws form. For instance, I select 3 records from SQL, I want it to display with checkboxes beside. How to do that? I further wish to find out in a button click event which …

Member Avatar for shibukr

hello how can i send mail from my server based application program..the code that i wrote don't show any error but its not working..i am not getting any mail..

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for rhinocort23

what would i do if i want it to check if something certain has happened when there is a change on the form? because i have a tab control and each tab has 2 different textboxes and when they are the same i want a notice to pop up, but …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Eric132

Hi All, Would someone please help me with this problem I've been struggling with for a few days now. I am trying to convert a file from this Upper Case:- 01m-matt-01-01 BIBLOS GENESEWS IHSOU XRISTOU UIOU DAUID UIOU ABRAAM To this Lower Case into New Testament Greek:- 01m-matt-01-01 biblos genesews …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for BULK

Hi I have a progg that opens a file containing text in a Richtextbox, the textbox content is manipulated and sent to an other Richtextbox. Then I create a new excel workbook and a sheet, select some of the lines and sent to the excel sheet. This is probably a …

Member Avatar for ericstenson

Hi - Wondering if anyone has built any .net apps (standard windows, not necessarily web apps) that connect to a Filemaker .dbf database. It doesn't seem to be a standard dbase file. Any help appreciated.

Member Avatar for ericstenson

The End.