20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for lemond

helo what is the right coding to link my databse(sysbase) to vb.net?and how to insert the txt box value into database table value?the problem is when i put the [CODE]Insert into ad_Report values("' + txtName + "',"'')[/CODE] as example into the coding,it wont appear in database and error will display …

Member Avatar for lemond
Member Avatar for rambutketombe

Hi everybody I am working with VB.NET 2005 for pocket PC application. I'm using Web Browser component. How can i grab the inner HTML that displayed on the Web Browser component Thanks and Regards Steven

Member Avatar for sam1

hi, I am trying to learn winforms, the dropdown is taking its value from database. i want to disable the textbox when the selection is first option, but if it is second i want to enable the textbox.. how would i do this ? thanks

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Jaganathan
Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for baker4

I have know solved the syntax error in the FROM clause. I have been trying to solve No value given for one or more required parameters, but have not been able to solve it. Could anyone please give me a suggestion. Error happens on da.Fill(ds, "RoyalYachtingAssociation2") I have tried changing …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Lei24

:confused: I am doing a project and i need to be able to add, record, search and delete customer bookings. I am using VB.Net 2003 and microsoft access 2003 and i need help on how to do this. Can anybody help me?? PLEASE?!?! Basically i need the information that is …

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Member Avatar for jimmer12

i am new to VB.NET and need to add a e-mail button to my last form. my project is not linked to a database so i' am unsure who to create an e-mail button in my project help would be really helpful

Member Avatar for jimmer12
Member Avatar for rukshenaa

implementing dijkstra algorithm using fibonacci heap and linked list........... can anybody help me with the coding for this problem.................. i hav implemented using array now i hav to implement it using fibonacci heap and linked list.............

Member Avatar for rukshenaa
Member Avatar for AralX

Hello How are you people doing ? Anyways ... I have a Question ,, I have this assignment and I didn't Understand the Question ... It seems Easy but part three is Diffrecult to Understand .. the problem is they asked Us to do an Editor using an MDI , …

Member Avatar for AralX
Member Avatar for poonams

hi frnds, as i mention in title,this concept is totaly new to me.I have to make my new application based on this. can anyone tell me wt this exactly means.Or a site which will provide conceptual details abt the topic. plz help me

Member Avatar for Divya123

I have written code for an application and now i need to put some code in class file and then by refererring to that class file need to again write this code What code to put in the class file the code which i have done is like this Imports …

Member Avatar for Divya123

i want to remove some text from textfile content while displaying in the grid For example i have line in my textfie like ewline2008-04-04 17:03:13,026ate [6680hread] SRRS.ProgramDetailUser.Page_Load(:0)evel SRRS.ProgramDetailUser.Page_Load(:0)ogger [DEBUGroperty{NDC}] - Program ID:17 and from this line i have to remove [U]ewline[/U] and [U]ate[/U] ..How to do this using vb.net plz …

Member Avatar for efemena

hi guys i am new i am working on design of an RLC cct resonance frequency calculator with VB i need help on the codes please.

Member Avatar for Divya123

Hiii,I have got a textfile which has data like ewline2008-04-04 09:23:28,666ate [6072hread] SRRS.Enrollments.CompleteNewPaymentProcess(:0)evel SRRS.Enrollments.CompleteNewPaymentProcess(:0)ogger [DEBUGroperty{NDC}] - Course Fee : 0 ewline2008-04-04 09:23:28,666ate [6072hread] SRRS.Enrollments.CompleteNewPaymentProcess(:0)evel SRRS.Enrollments.CompleteNewPaymentProcess(:0)ogger [DEBUGroperty{NDC}] - Generating invoice for default case.. ewline2008-04-04 09:23:29,119ate [6072hread] SRRS.Enrollments.CompleteNewPaymentProcess(:0)evel SRRS.Enrollments.CompleteNewPaymentProcess(:0)ogger [DEBUGroperty{NDC}] - Inserting charges for default case.. ewline2008-04-04 09:31:48,516ate [6072hread] SRRS.Global.Application_Error(:0)evel SRRS.Global.Application_Error(:0)ogger [ERRORroperty{NDC}] …

Member Avatar for vbProg08

Hi, I'm having trouble having users install an application which I published on a webhost using clickonce. When users click on the Install Button hypereferenced to the application manifest, the web browser will show the XML content of the application manifest. It will not install the application. Can anyone help?

Member Avatar for rhinocort23

hey, im trying to make a screen saver while, as always, trying to learn more about programming. so far i can make a picture as a screensaver or i can capure a screenshot to use, but that still doesnt help much with trying to save the screen, i was thinking …

Member Avatar for kahaj

I keep getting this when I go to debug: "Error 1 Operator '=' is not defined for types 'Integer' and 'System.Random'. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\College-C\IT\VB.Net\Assignments\16.11\GuessNumber.vb 16 10 GuessNumber" I'm getting the same thing for the greater than and less than operators. I've been banging my head for an hour now …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for williams1987

Hi all, I am working on a simple form for work, which has multiple questions (labels) and text boxes and combo boxes (to answer the questions). My issue is that i do not wish to show all the questions right from the start. Some questions will remain non-visible, until a …

Member Avatar for williams1987
Member Avatar for leroi green

hey all, i've got a new issue with a program that allows the user to enter a number and then that number is checked against a random number that the PC chooses. Here's the code: [code] Private Sub xCalcButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xCalcButton.Click 'show the …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sandip250382

Friends, I am facing a strange problem with Visual Studio 2005 for few days. While I am surfing online for more than 15 minutes or so, an pop up message shows "An unhelded win32 exception occured in svchost.exe[808]",an error generated by Just in time Debugger,though I disabled Just in Time …

Member Avatar for coolzero

Need help.. Im a newbie here. How can I change the date format, here how it goes... I have datetimepicker(format="MM/dd/yy), I've separated the month and year already using this code: TextBox1.Text = Month(dt.Value) TextBox2.Text = Year(dt.Value) then the problem is I want textbox1 to show the month name, but it …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for farifari

can anyone tell me how to make exe file with VB.net, including i hav excel file linked with VB.net????? PLZ plz plz plz send me the whole process to make exe file in VB.net

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for carly

OK...here is the complicated stuff... 2 forms form 1 plays an mp3 when the power button is switched on (default-power off) form 2 is loaded when the scan button is selected from form 1 the scrollbar on the 2nd form automatically starts, here the scrollbar scrolls through numerous mp3s pausing …

Member Avatar for Divya123

can anyone help me regarding this issue. i have got few textfiles and i need to get all those textfiles displayed in a grid one after the other immediatly when i click a button.. thanks in advance Divya

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for bhappy

Hai All, Im creating 2 formula fields in my crystal reports for displaying empname and salary like this, abc 100 xyz 200 pqr 300 in code behind im passing values to crystal report like this, vb.net code j=0 for i=0 to noof emps rptDocument.DataDefinition.FormulaFields(j).Text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item(i) j=j+1 next It is …

Member Avatar for ThursdaysChild

Could someone plz help? I am trying to do age conversion Enter DOB and find out if the age is 21 or not (date should be mm/dd/yyyy) I'm sure I have something in here I don't really need But, Here goes Dim BirthDate As Integer Dim Answer As Integer Dim …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mufliha

hiiiiiiii can anyone tell me how to set breakpoint and trace the application step by step in vb.net.plz i donno abc of it so i wud b thankful if anyone can explain the steps clearly thnqqqqqqqq

Member Avatar for Divya123
Member Avatar for cutequencher

i need some help on how to customized a balloon on an msagent.. i have an msagent in my application and i want it to have a balloon that is somewhat like a messagebox to provide the user an option either to click yes or no. i've seen a thread …

Member Avatar for harryl5

I am currently working on creating a new game using VB.NET 2.0 framework in visual C++. Does anyone know of any Visual C++ codes I could use to help? I have also downloaded the Dark GDK gaming extension for visual C++ 2008 can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for ptaylor965
Member Avatar for Jen24

Hey everyone, I'm a brand new member who is desperately trying to pass a class in VB.Net. My problem is that I need to create a program that allows the user to select a name from a ComboBox, this selection will trigger an image change in a PictureBox. I've set …

Member Avatar for bwkeller

The End.