20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for shutupdave

Hi, For a school project i am making a quiz in vb. Im having trouble implimenting a countdown timer so that i could specify an amount of time before an action is taken. for example when a button is clicked there is 20 seconds before the next question is moved …

Member Avatar for shutupdave
Member Avatar for Mizzou

I'm trying to write a program that converts PDF files into TIFF files. I have been trying to so in VB.NET but someone told me that VB doesn't support Tiff files, is that right? If so what other language would be better suited for me to write this program? I …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for JadeWolf324

im trying to get together a team of coders to write some applications in VB.NET. i love writing and am new to .NET, but my problem is i cant seem to figure out what to create. i have an idea for a student/Teacher collaboration suite, but the project is over …

Member Avatar for JohnnyKay
Member Avatar for gidgetcracks

[COLOR=Indigo]I am making a Game called HangMan. :cheesy: I notice someone else has also but mine is due this Monday Comeing. I am having trouble with my Arrays. I keep getting am error :mad: saying "Index was outside the bounds of the array". I have been trying to fix it …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for isundby

Good day to all. First off, let me say that if this is the WRONG place to post such a thread, please let me know, and I will ensure that I get things right from this point on. A bit of background .... I am an archaic (20yrs +) Mainframe …

Member Avatar for isundby
Member Avatar for jasonkit84

does anyone know any plugins that can support fonts that xp cannot suuport? i've created a report using Crystal Report where the font is Roman 20 cpi but when i call the report using vb.net the report comes out with fonts that does not match with Roman 20 cpi

Member Avatar for weazel

Big Problem!!! [SIZE=7]ok hangman all worked perfectly... then suddenly this erro came up!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE THIS IS DUE 2MORROW!!![/SIZE] [COLOR=Red] ERROR = An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll Additional information: A generic error occurred in GDI+.[/COLOR] [CODE] Public Class form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form ' Author: Misha …

Member Avatar for nanosani

how can I disable/enable the minimize maximize/restore and close buttons within my code ?

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for red$

:?: :?: Hello, Does anyone know if the new vb.net stuff will allow me to write and test VBScript stuff? I currently use VB6 and was thinking of moving over. It would be nice to have VB.net, even better if it handled VBScript Thanks Red$

Member Avatar for muralidharan

hai, iam new to VB.NET and i don't know how to create a new user in the system or domain. By logging on into Admin we should be able to create new user for the system. thanking muralidharan.s

Member Avatar for CodeZombie
Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Devin

Alright i understand mybase.MouseMove event handles everytime the mouse is moved, but what i am having a problem with is using this code in a MDIContainer Form. When used here the mouse event is never trigged. So i am curious if there is away for this mouse event to be …

Member Avatar for Devin
Member Avatar for I_Byte

:oops: Trying to play with shapes, but can't get anything to come out. I can do it in a module, but when I try using a class and a module, I get totally lost. This is what I have: [code]Public Class CSquare Inherits Object Private mside As Integer Public Sub …

Member Avatar for DeFrog777
Member Avatar for miyakejess

Hi all, I want to make a report that the column headers are getting from one of the field in the dataset. Example, dataset ds has table A with 4 columns, col1, col2, col3, col4 I would like to use col1 values to be the column headers of the report, …

Member Avatar for DunBee

I have created a class that I believe should work. I just need to validate date. I chose to validate user name and user password. I created the class and 2-3 properties (not sure 1 will work at all), and I need to create at least 1 function. I created …

Member Avatar for spablos

I would like to some how be able to use in VB.NET structures and especially preprocessor defines (#define BLABLA") declared in C header files. i can use any metheod include .NET Frame work. Thanks allot, Pablo.

Member Avatar for gencor45

I need suggestions on how to compare a string from a textbox to a combo box list? I then need to take any items that the string is similiar to and display them in a message box? Im very confused on how to do this? I would appreciate any input> …

Member Avatar for darrindarrinnet
Member Avatar for CraZ

I would like to know how I would be able to detect what language is selected in Regional options of the control pannel. I need to know if it is in english or french. If it is possible, I would like to know ASAP. tia, Mat

Member Avatar for priyamahtha

hello all i am novicwe to .net framework.Have problem that if i have multiple button on the page and i click any one of that page reload.Due to this having problem of flickering. i have used an iframe having flsh movie but due to this its started from the begining. …

Member Avatar for priyamahtha
Member Avatar for HeavenslilAngel

Hi everyone, I need a lot of help with a homework assignment some pseudocode would be great. I'm trying to modify a current t-shirt ordering project. This project is supposed to keep track of each order in an array. Then it is supposed to print out the entire order with …

Member Avatar for Tengu

I am making a VB.NET web application in VS.NET 2003. I am using streamreader to access a text file for reading. I am able to access it without any problems using the full path (ie. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\<projectname>\bin\file.txt). But I want to use a relative path (ie. .\file.txt). If I use something …

Member Avatar for Tengu
Member Avatar for KEO

hi my name is KEO and i need help with my programming project my project states that to write a program that requests taxable income and calculates federal income tax. Use sub procedure for the input and a fucnction for procedure to calculate the tax. they given me a table …

Member Avatar for shylesh

How can we hide the dataitems to the corresponding values displayed in a combobox? Eg:we use Dataitem property of combobox in VB.

Member Avatar for mperez

Hi, I really need help, I need to print invoices and the size of paper is half of normal 8.5 x 11. The problem is that the printer FX-870 not support the custom paper size. Someone tell me, how to make it? Thanks a lot from Costa Rica...

Member Avatar for villalvillla

Is it possible to scroll a richtextbox from an outside scrollbar? i know it is possible to scroll it, but isnt possible to know the real max and min attributes in a "getscrollinfo" call if the richtextbox's scroll isnĀ“t active!! this microsoft guys are stupid! any help? they give u …

Member Avatar for SWET Student

hi everybody I have a project to write the code for the hangman game and i got stuck now :sad: :cry: The game should allow the user to choose if he/she wants to view the man as stick figure or a picture in the stick figure i should write the …

Member Avatar for SWET Student
Member Avatar for alogue

Hello... In VB6 I was able to write a SELECT statement to query from a table named "tcm_planned_coil@l3." However, in VB.NET, the "@l3" interferes and the query will not execute. Does anyone know how I can get this to work? Below I have simplified the query...any help is greatly appreciated! …

Member Avatar for johnny2k

I'm having difficulty writing a program that would accept an input for your birthday (month, year) and tell you your zodiac sign. I having difficulty with the syntax in VB.Net because our instructor assinged us a language to create our case study and he gave VB.Net to me... I have …

Member Avatar for johnny2k

I'm having difficulty writing a program that would accept an input for your birthday (month, year) and tell you your zodiac sign. I having difficulty with the syntax in VB.Net because our instructor assinged us a language to create our case study and he gave VB.Net to me... I have …

Member Avatar for Mr Gates

I'm really scared and etchy about getting VB. NET, as I've just started out in VB 6 and I've gotten pretty used to it. But I wanted to know from experts that used VB 6 before....is it a big change? Will it be hard to get used to after just …

Member Avatar for dmohanty

The End.