20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Khishin

When using the Form1.KeyDown, keystrokes don't seem to register. For example, the Click works fine: [code] Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Click MsgBox("Hello") End Sub[/code] That will display the message box when the form is clicked, but if you change it to: [code] Private …

Member Avatar for makatzena
Member Avatar for Robert Walker

I have set up a form that I can load a Datatable in, but how do I return the index number so I know what the user selected. If possible I would rather not use a global variable.

Member Avatar for Robert Walker
Member Avatar for hippychic43

Hi, I want to create a conduit to transfer files between a PDA and a PC in VB .NET, I've found something that teaches me how to do it for the Palm OS but I want to be able to do it on the Windows CE OS as well. Would …

Member Avatar for ESHbyESH
Member Avatar for shelly121

hey ppz! im havin problems wiv my code on vb.net! it dopesnt recognise the "ADODB connection()"-it says its not defined?? i have added the data adapter and connection, so why doesnt it work??? [PHP]Imports System.IO Public Class frmClients Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim CN As New ADODB.Connection() Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset() …

Member Avatar for Robert Walker
Member Avatar for augie0216

I'm trying to learn asp.net in vb.net. I have a form to order hats online because I'm learning only one hat at a time may be ordered. I have two listboxes one displays the size and the other the color, I have a checkbox which if checked adds a logo, …

Member Avatar for NPH
Member Avatar for Robert Walker
Member Avatar for ESHbyESH
Member Avatar for Pmaster
Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

Does anyone know if Microsoft will be offering [B]Visual Basic .Net 2005[/B] as a standalone product? I can't imagine that they would not, but I can't find anything on their site that mentions anything but Visual Studio 2005, which contains a host of things I don't want. I have a …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for lorf14plus

I have generate a ASP.NET page with a Codebehind but i want to create a file with common method that i must make in many page of my website. I create a new file class .vb, but how can I using the public function that I have insert in?? Thanks …

Member Avatar for vishalmishra2k

i ve embedded a Windows Media Player component in the ASP.NET Web Application interface.. but dunno how to play a media(audio/video) file in it... i m using VB.NET as the frontend and oracle9i as the backend...on Windows 2000 Advanced Server.. i ve tried giving a URL path to a Hyperlink, …

Member Avatar for Anine

I am working on a login password. I want my front page to load and then the password form to appear. The user then types in userid and password - if correct the login form closes. I want the front page to remain visible behind the login form BUT - …

Member Avatar for dreyes67

:?: Ok, this might sound like a dumb question. I am a beginner and I am not sure how these programs work. Our programming dept. creates and maintains severl programs they wrote in VB6 and VB6.NET. Every few weeks they make changes to some of them and they go to …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for blacknight

i am writing an app. for my company that hast to edit regitry entrys on pc in our network. any idea how i can solfe this problem??

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for sara

Hi.. anyone outthere have sample coding leave application. This application will calculate how many days u take leave not including public holidays. Please help me?

Member Avatar for sara
Member Avatar for Gambit0789

i am currently making a program that is sort of like the game "Concentration". i have almost everything done except i need to find out how i would randomly place the words u have to guess onto the buttons. If this is possible or if you can think of a …

Member Avatar for LearnerNM
Member Avatar for marijana

hi, please help..i have a problem with the TopMost property of a form, it doesn't work.. have 2 forms:frmA and frmB. i want frmB to appear over the frmA (on the top of the frmA), so i set its TopMost prop. to true, but it still appears under the frmA.. …

Member Avatar for juliik
Member Avatar for Kelleyj

I have a datagrid that is populated with data. If the operator scrolls off to the click on a field that is off to the right (not initially displayed on the grid) ---- then the operator does something that needs to repopulate that data with a different set of information …

Member Avatar for Kelleyj
Member Avatar for augie0216

Anybody know a good book for learning about oop reuseable components. I have a project I have do for school. The book i was given to use doesn't cover that subject real well. I'm really in a jam, I even went out on forums asking questions about reuseable components, but …

Member Avatar for augie0216
Member Avatar for jasonkit84

although i've specified in the printer setup where my printer is a dotmatrix printer (oki ML 591)->this printer supports (font) Roman 20 cpi but when i view the report using vb.net, it comes out with another font.

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Member Avatar for Khishin

How do you add controls through code instead of the form editor? I wasnt to do things like make a textbox appear when a button is pressed, but I'm looking for another way to do it than make a huge clutter of controls and edit the VISIBLE statement. Something like: …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Mohsin Khan

How can I integrate Crystal Report 9 along with VB.net (Version 2003). Is it possible to create CR based report in VB.Net? or I've to chose another reporting tool. Plz kindly reply me as soon as possible. It gives error when I declear CR9 object. [U]Dim report as new CrystalReport[/U] …

Member Avatar for Mohsin Khan
Member Avatar for deeraj

Hi I have a dataset which acts as a datasource to my datagrid. It just shows all the columns from a table. One of the columns is an image column. How do i show these icons\pictures on the grid? My code looks like this: dim cmd as sqlcommand dim da …

Member Avatar for deeraj
Member Avatar for augie0216

I 'm trying to code the SelectedIndexChanged event to display an airplane in other control instances when the user selects an AircraftID. I have three textboxes: aircraftID,CompanyName,and Fuel charges. When I input data in all three textboxes and click the menu the aircraftID appears in the listbox. I need to …

Member Avatar for SpiXener

Hi everybody, I've been searching for days to find a way to access Active directory database from my VB.NET appz and nothing made good results so far.. The Active directory DB is located onto a Win2k3 server but we have another on a NT4 server too.. Neither worked.. :( First, …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for Kiba Ookami

There wern't any topics here so I guess I'd go ahead and make one for my first post. I'm a high school Junior currently taking a Programming corse, and am working with VB until later this year. I plan to take a college major in Computer Sciences, and as such …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for N[e]tt[e]

Hi,any of you know how to like create a alert system(reminder) ?? using vb.net..windows application..and it goes in tis way.. a alert will pop out to tell u the amount of stocks when it left less than 10. (i creating an application -database)

Member Avatar for N[e]tt[e]
Member Avatar for marijana

i'm kind of new .NET programmer and i don't know which files i need to install on the machine running Windows98se , in order to make it able to execute application written in VB.NET. And where I can download thoose files? please help !! TNX :)

Member Avatar for Mullethead
Member Avatar for ziaddodin

in an form with two text boxes, one for entering the name of a peson in english and the other for entering the name in another language say Arabic; the two languages (locales) are installed on your win Xp; manually you change from one to the other by pressing ALT …

Member Avatar for Arne
Member Avatar for Gambit0789

i am currently making a game for my VB class and i am trying to make some boundary code. I have done everything. i've asked people my friends for help and we can't figure it out. if anyone could give me some clues to get started that would be great. …

Member Avatar for belama
Member Avatar for sham

Does any one has used dotfucaster(decompiler) for .net .exe files ? I am curious to know, how can we prevent people decompiling from our .exe, does it mean its risky to develop applications in .net ? =Sham


The End.