20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for cfonseca
Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for EsiSilver

Hi I want access to AutoNumber Fields in a Filled Dataset for Example : [code] For i= 0 To Dataset11.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1 If Dataset11.Tables(0).Columns(i).AutoIncrement = True Then MsgBox("This Field Is AutoNumber") End If Next [/code] But This Code Not Work !!!

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Member Avatar for noordhia

hi guys, iam just started with VB.NET and i really like to be a programmer please advice. it will be fine to learn about connecting with database i already had a good experience with VFoxPro(but not the sql connection). and i like to to make reports inside a web page …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for blindmancries

I hope someone can help me. I have already done all the queries which I need it thanks to your forum. Can someone tell me how to make a listbox where I can use my SQL Query, but date to be puted by myself. Example: USE NAIM GO SELECT Nr_Amez, …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for shaktisingh

Hi , I am creating an app in which I the database is populated in a datagrid with one row for each user when I click a button ,it should generate a DLL file for the selected user and open a save file dialog for saving it. help me in …

Member Avatar for SimpleJohn
Member Avatar for atv161

wrdMailMerge.Destination = Word.WdMailMergeDestination.wdSendToPrinter This line of code gives an error saying requested object is not available Does anyone know why? If so can you point me in the right direction to fix it.

Member Avatar for yyu
Member Avatar for swep

Can a tuple hold a URL that points to a particular file, so that when a SELECT is made on that tuple it will open up the file itself? What I'd like to do is within the db store the URL like "C:\MyDocuments...\Image1.jpg". When I use a SELECT statement on …

Member Avatar for swep
Member Avatar for shima1999

hi, please help me ... how to create dynamic menu using vb.net (webform)?? and my menu should be displayed base on data on the database. i'm recently using ms sql ... thanks for your helps

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for mikewm

Using Visual Basic Express, Beta 2: I have successfully used the SmtpClient support with UseDefaultCredentials set to True. I'm trying to figure out how to make it work with UseDefaultCredentials = False ; How would I enter the username and password. The documentation (both local and online) for Express is …

Member Avatar for mickyboy

hello all while looking on msdn i noticed there was a visual basic express edition that can be downloaded??? i currently just have the (working edition that came with a book so i cannot turn a programe into an exe ,just for home /personel use) its not that clear on …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for mona

i wanna know how to add a host header to the sirt already created in fact i created the site programmtically and i used that code to add host header on that site during creation : DirectoryEntry site = (DirectoryEntry)objIISRoot.Invoke("Create", "IIsWebServer", siteID); object[] hosts = {this.Server_IP + ":80:" + webSiteName, …

Member Avatar for neeraj_th

i want to create a toolbar just like the one appears in ms access for showing table , reports , queries etc using vb.net Please somebody help me Neeraj

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for earlofroberts

I read that session variables in ASP were a security threat. Is this true for session variables in .Net? thanks, ed

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for tonberry

Hi, I've some problems with a form resize in vb.net 2005. I thought about some solutions but i don't know how to do any of them: 1. When resizing, show a line which discribes the final size - and not automaticly set the new size. 2. Use an event which …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for jaeman

If there is a thread related to this one please reply back the url, thx What i have is Parent form that is the owner of multiple child forms, im having trouble trying to display the form, it flashes and then disappears Code: PrivateSub spawnNewChild(ByVal Name AsString, ByVal IP AsString, …

Member Avatar for jaeman
Member Avatar for soda0091

[Microsoft VB.NET Step by Step by Microsoft Press] This book has some good things and some bad things. Unfortunately I personally found it to be lacking some of the more critical coding practices I was interested in. But at the same time it does have some good points. Good: -Good …

Member Avatar for da_1_4u_08
Member Avatar for Lemon

Well, I'm hoping someone can help me.... I've got a web application that queries data from a database based on selections made in previous dropdownlists. The problem is that some of the final queries return only one data item. I'm using the onSelectedIndexChanged with autopostback enabled as my events in …

Member Avatar for vrushalinz1
Member Avatar for kapow

I HAVE TO HAVE THIS DONE BY TODAY ---Here Goes---ALL HELP REALLY TRULY APPRECIATED I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ASWELL!! Produce a vb application that incorportates a class module that will hold two pieces of information about 6 company employees. the information is their new salary and a short description …

Member Avatar for npasma
Member Avatar for softmind82

how can i make direct connection of my application software which is build in vb.net with my internet ms acces data base..? is it possible ,?

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for softmind82

how i can make connection with acces database from three location like, lahore, london and usa . i m using application software and , can u guy suggest me any other way to solve this prob or make is sufficent , might eb webbased ..? if one updation occur on …

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for erikkl2000

going crazy over here!!! If you will notice in the bottom left hand corner the ProductCategoryName Column is producing two and three results on the same product and these products are not in the categories table, this categories table is where the ProductCategoryName is at so i am not sure …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for Robert Walker

Dim OraStr As String = "Data Source=Oracle8i;Integrated Security=yes" OR dim OraStr As String = "Provider=""MSDAORA.1"";User ID=dev;Data Source=testdb;Password=dev" I am using oracle8i but that should be provider shouldn't it? the MSDAORA.1 is for the OLEDB so I assume it is wrong also. Any Ideas?

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for makatzena

hi everyone i've got a problem when trying to insert a previouly created user control which contains an ActiveX control in a new User control while i'm in design mode in VB.NET (caution: sounds messy). It just gives me an error saying something about happening an InvalidActiveXStateException. i will thank …

Member Avatar for earlofroberts

Is there a way to loop thro' the controls on a web page? thanks, earlofroberts

Member Avatar for khoobl

I would like to create a deployment project for my application. And my application need mysql as database, my deployment package will package the mysql installation. How to use VB.net to check whether mysql had been installed in the client PC and if not install, mysql installation will be initiated …

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for dhiraj.cool2k4

Hi All, I m VB 6.0 developer & i want to upgrade myself. but i m confused in between .Net & J2EE technologies...........plzz suggest me whether i go for .Net or J2EE............?

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for cpopham

Okay this is a good one I believe. In a dataset, you can create single relations (ParentTable.PrimaryKey to ChildTable.ForignKey) using the dataset.relations.add method. You can use a string variable something like this: Dataset.Relations.Add("relationName",Dataset.ParentTable.columns(strParentKey),dataset.ChildTable.columns(strchildForeignKey) This method works fine for single to single keys generated dynamically using schema info. Now if there …

Member Avatar for earlofroberts

I tried to add a dll to the vs.net toolbox. It said it wasn't registered. I ran regasm.exe. No when I try to add it to the toolbox, it tells me it is not recognized as a com object. How do I get this custom control added to the toolbox …

Member Avatar for bhautikdesai

HI i m Bhautik Desai doing Master In Computer Application... from india, gujarat.. i need help in VB or Vb.net to use winsock... thanx

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for erikkl2000

Hello All, :rolleyes: I found this code from and artical posted back in may and i had a newbie question that i would like to add to it. 1. Is this the proper all around method to pass values? 2. How would i capture these values? Could i do it …

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The End.