20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for erikkl2000

Hello all i am in need of some help with a datatier layout. I understand the gui, bussinessRules, but i am really not making any progress on the data tier. i have been tring to get a grip on the this one for over a week. I completely understand the …

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for mcupryk

click on modify button? Public Sub DoModify() Dim bm As BindingManagerBase = Me.DataGrid1.BindingContext(Me.DataGrid1.DataSource, Me.DataGrid1.DataMember) ===>>> Dim dr As DataRow = CType(bm.Current, DataRowView).Row <<<=== Dim editform As New EditTransOverride(dr) Dim retval As DialogResult = editform.ShowDialog() If retval = DialogResult.OK Then bm.EndCurrentEdit() Try Dim substr As String = dr.Item(4) substr = substr.Substring(0, …

Member Avatar for mcupryk

If you want to insert DON'T do this Dim dr As DataRow = CType(bm.Current, DataRowView).Row Dim addform As New AddTransOverride(dr) Dim retval As DialogResult = addform.ShowDialog() the above will modify the current row you are on, but do somethiing like this Dim dr As DataRow = bm.addnew 'or bm.new I …

Member Avatar for mcupryk

How do I pass a two character for dr.Item(4) in the following: ExecOnTransOverride.ins(dr.Item(1), dr.Item(2), dr.Item(3), dr.Item(4), dr.Item(5), dr.Item(6), dr.Item(8), dr.Item(7), DateTime.Now, dr.Item(7), dr.Item(9)) + dr.Item(1) "1234555" {String} Object + dr.Item(2) "CANADJ" {String} Object + dr.Item(3) #9/22/2005# {Date} Object + dr.Item(4) "ACCOUNT" {String} Object + dr.Item(5) "N" {String} Object + dr.Item(6) …

Member Avatar for Robert Walker

I have a list of 20 textboxes on a form. each textbox is a record in a table. I want to loop through the textboxes if posible: for x = 1 to 20 sStmt = "update list_table set" sStmt += " docu = '"+??textbox(x)??+"'" sStmt += " where id_code = …

Member Avatar for Robert Walker
Member Avatar for TennKV

Hello, I am having a problem with adding a row to my DataSet. I think I know what the problem is, but not how to correct it. I have several bound text boxes that fill from the DataSet. The first column is a numeric and the next several are text …

Member Avatar for Bharati Krishna
Member Avatar for achonk81

Hello I need some help I setup my Web application to print from a WebServer. I have setup the account so that it can print correctly. However, it can only print if the printer is connected to Win98 but if the printer is connected to Win2000/XP, it throws an error: …

Member Avatar for achonk81
Member Avatar for mcupryk

I have a stored procedure and it is not saving the values in the table. How can I view that the stored procedure is saving the values. Private Sub DoSave() Dim ConnectionString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("FinSolMainDBConn") Dim connfinsol As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnectionString) Dim strsql As String Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for marijana

:-) hi! can somebody help me, pls; i have an acces database, and a querry "Q1" that counts some records, depending on the value of one combo on the form. This is sql view of the querry: "SELECT Count(tblZARAZNABOLEST.idZarazna) AS CountOfidZarazna FROM tblGRADOPCINA INNER JOIN (tblNASELJE INNER JOIN tblZARAZNABOLEST ON …

Member Avatar for tayspen

ok so i open notepad and paste this code [code] ContactsXPortPath As String = "E:\Ipod\Contacts" Const CalendarXPortPath As String = "E:\Ipod\Calendars" Const NotesXPortPath As String = "E:\Ipod\Notes" Const EmailXPortPath As String = "E:\Ipod\Notes" Sub ExportAll() ExportToVCard ExportToiCalendar ExportToText ExportToEmail MsgBox ("Export to iPod Complete") End Sub Sub ExportToVCard() Dim ns …

Member Avatar for mcupryk

I have the following structure defined in a given form called transoverride.vb Public Structure structTransoverride Public Account_Name As String End Structure at the top of my class (TransOverride) I have defined the following: Public TransOverrideStruct Public objTransoverride As structTransoverride I have a datagrid that when I select modify button on …

Member Avatar for mcupryk

When I am in Debug mode, I want to set the value of the textbox on the dialog form. What happens the dialog form appears before , even when I am starting debug bug mode. The values of the textbox in show dialog sub routine they appear to be set …

Member Avatar for mcupryk

I have the error coming when I call a dialog form passing a parameter. An unhandled exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in microsoft.visualbasic.dll Additional information: Can't assign text to readonly, disabled or hidden C1Input control when its Text property is not detached. Public Sub DoModify() Dim dTable As DataTable = …

Member Avatar for mohansameer

Whenever I try to place Msflexgrid component on the form,it show me the message,"You don't have the liscence to use this control. Please send me solution for that,or tell me the other method to show the grid,as I only want to show the information in the grid form.

Member Avatar for readraj
Member Avatar for chancho25

Hi I saw someone asking for this same program but int he C++ thread. I need some help but using VB.net. Here it goes Develop a program that determines if a department store customer has exceeded the credit limit on a charge account. For each customer, the following facts are …

Member Avatar for yoavgold
Member Avatar for mcupryk

I have the following two functions. My goal is to highlight a row in a datagrid and delete a row. Problem arises when I click on the delete button. Below are two sub routines for DoDelete. Which route should I go with? I have created stored procedure for deleting the …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for newjerseydr

I do: paramField.ParameterFieldName = "P1" ' Set a value to the parameter. paramValue.Value = strTemp paramField.CurrentValues.Add(paramValue) paramField.DefaultValues.Add(paramValue) ' Add the parameter to the ParameterFields collection. paramFields.Add(paramField) CrystalReportViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields strReportSource = strReportSource & "Transaction For Specified Account.rpt" CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = strReportSource Then I get "Load report failed" Any suggestions? Thanks....

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for fieryidris

i have 9 pages that mostly follow on after each other and pages 4 and 5 both have to use information that has been added to textboxes on page three, both to show text in a label and also to use the added text to write to the registry. to …

Member Avatar for fieryidris
Member Avatar for YASSINE_MAKKE

hi all i have a problem setting me back i have a table "students" with fields (StudentIdPk , StudentName , Country) as an example im trying to lookup the field country and put all the distinct values from this field into the combobox's list.(not much records) what i would like …

Member Avatar for YASSINE_MAKKE
Member Avatar for mordtechin

Hello all you VB.NET 'ers This being my first post would first of all like to say "Hallo!" :cheesy: My problem is with Microsoft's FTP class [url]http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;832679[/url] When I use this class, I am calling the GetFileList Function to populate a listbox so that the user may be able to …

Member Avatar for mordtechin
Member Avatar for ninelg

I got as far as being able to execute a dts package from vb.net. The dts package passes a global variable to a stored procedure. How can I capture the returnValue of the stored procedure in vb.net? I'm stuck and can't figure it out. Can anyone please help me? Thanks, …

Member Avatar for kristin
Member Avatar for baba0880

Hi Everyone, ColumnName DataType Length AllowNulls sampleKey char 10 engDesc char 40 Yes frDesc char 40 Yes When I try to add a record,if the Textbox is empty then I am getting an errror. If it's not empty then it adds to the table. But in database, I checked those …

Member Avatar for baba0880
Member Avatar for munrogan

[B]Hi i have been ask to design a hangmen project for college but i broke my leg and missed quite alot of college and learning could someong please help me design my project as it has to be in by friday the 26th of August. thanks :cry: [/B]

Member Avatar for Quan Chi2
Member Avatar for marijana

HI! pls, can anybody help me, this is my problem: i have an application on two computers, it stores data in the access 2000 database. One database is design master, and another is its replica. Everything works fine, but i have to synchronise databases ( design master and replica) manually …

Member Avatar for marijana
Member Avatar for erikkl2000

Hello all, I have ddlA that loads another ddlB on a postback. I AM Able to get ddlA to load in the page load event;however, i can not get the ddlB to load from the selected value from ddlA. Can someone please help me with this. * I am very …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for yoavgold

Hi there, Does anyone knows ho to create an appointment in outlook from a PPC app. ? thanks

Member Avatar for newjerseydr

I created an application in .net that emails a person using mapi and outlook 2000. It works fine on pc that has outlook 2000 sp1, but doesn't work on pc that has outlook 2000 no sp. Outlook 2000 puts the recipaddress in quotes. Does anyone know how I stop Outlook …

Member Avatar for jagatcba
Member Avatar for newjerseydr

Does anyone know how to stop Outlook 2000 from prompting about A program is trying to automatically send e-mail on your behalf. I created a vb .net application to send e-mails using mapi but I get this message from Outlook 2000. Is there anyway to stop Outlook 2000 from prompting …

Member Avatar for jagatcba
Member Avatar for jagatcba

The End.