20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for gcc777

I'm new to vb & .net and I'm looking for Phone support: 900 or per call type support

Member Avatar for dbarcode

I am currently trying to call a program from VB.Net that uses some command line switches. The following is the code I am using. The problems is that I get the error: "No application is associated with the specified file for this operation." CODE: Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, …

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Member Avatar for sham

Hello, I am trying to run .net 2003 trial version on Terminal Server 2000. It got installed fine but giving error when application is started saying .net trial can not be run on Terminal Server 2000. =Sham

Member Avatar for N[e]tt[e]

Anyone can help me? I'm doing my final year project. I need source code for my project. I need to know how can i link my Ms access to my project..using OLEdb and Odbc..I need to do log in page(login.aspx) but i dunoe how to type the coding.anyone here can …

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Member Avatar for JBD2

Could I make two programs, but with one icon/startup so that when you click the icon, it runs both programs? Thats my first question. My other question is for something else, how can I make something delete files? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for kefka

Private Sub txtMessage_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal vv As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtMessage.KeyPress Dim tmdataleft As Integer Dim addby As Integer = 1 If tmdataleft = 160 Then vv.Handled = True Else tmdataleft = (tmdataleft + addby) DataLeft.Text = tmdataleft DataLeft.Update() MsgBox(tmdataleft & " ELSE --- The Variable is less than …

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for guins100

I am having difficulty understanding the process of passing values in vb.. If you name a sub procedure (Subsum) in one event procedure can you call it in another using the sam ecaal statement? and do you have to use the same parameter(byval-byref)? I am quite new to programming Thanks

Member Avatar for guins100
Member Avatar for augie0216

I have a form with a listbox and several textboxes. When I input data in the textboxes and click the menu I have created the aircraftId should appear in the listbox and link the data form the other textboxes with the aircraftId. So if I have three AircraftId's when I …

Member Avatar for augie0216
Member Avatar for shelly121

hey ppl, i know this is aa really daft Q, but i only started using vb.net this yr and im not that gud at it! basically i wana know how to go from one form to another using a button, wud it just be sumthin as simple as: [quote] Private …

Member Avatar for Khishin
Member Avatar for Khishin

I'm using MS Visual Studio.NET, and when I try to open a project, nothing happens. I can open the Form1.vb or whatever I've named it to, but I can't see the graphic version of the form editor anymore. Do I have to load something else or is there a view …

Member Avatar for Khishin
Member Avatar for dbarcode

How do you start/launch a 3rd party *.exe from within a VB.NET application. The program we want to run do have a few command swithces.

Member Avatar for dbarcode
Member Avatar for Slade

Ok here is my problem. When using VB .NET to create a web application, I can use dropdown list controls fine, when just creating a vb .NET windows app, they are nowhere in sight. What is the substitute for the dropdown menu? Sorry for my Naivity, Slade

Member Avatar for dreyes67
Member Avatar for gaam

please guide me i'm confused i have to make a banking project using .Net and i don't from where to start my mind is really not working :sad: :?:

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for castro1688

Im 24 and a time ago..when i was a junior and senior in high school i did some programming. We used basic...lol...then turbo pascal...lol...and just touched on C in my senior year...All the old guys with me remember basic... anyway, I'm going back to school for a degree in Computer …

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for cpopham

I am new to working with files in vb .net. I have worked with basic text files. I want to read a file such as a word document or pdf file in through a binary reader and then convert it to a jpg image. Does anyone know how I could …

Member Avatar for Richie

I am new to programming. I have taken two programming class (one we used qbasic and this semester I am taking a VB.NET class). I really enjoy programming exspecially in VB. I have done great so far. But then we get to a chapter on classes and I am have …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for reezin14

I just recently purchase VB6 and was wondering if it is worth putting in the time to learn it, seeing that VB.net is being pushed by MS. Should I be trying to learn VB.net instead? I'm basically new to programming and was just wondering if VB is going to be …

Member Avatar for mnemtsas
Member Avatar for Richie

The project should display a different amount if the new release check box and the dvd {or vhs} radio button are both checked, its displaying the regular price. This is my code: Option Strict On Public Class videoBonanzaSaleForm Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form ' Declare Constants Const DVD_PRICE_Decimal As Decimal = 2.5D Const …

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for haych

Hi, As part of my final project for uni I am developing a tool in VB.NET that will calculate the size and downloading times of webpages. I plan to evaluate the implications of HCI (Human Computer Interaction) on website performance. I believe that currently there are tools in existance that …

Member Avatar for Letscode

After days of searching in the web i found out that One cannot create menu and tabs in VB... You need to use a Java script or HTML to do this task.I got some examples to start with and in couple of these examples i got something like user controls... …

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for shelly121

Please help!!iv tryed and tryed with this!basically i have a combo box which displays the date-of-births from 1940-1995, and a button to press to display the maximum mortgage in a label. The max mortgage depends on the age of client:[quote] *Over 50yrs- maximum mortage = 15yrs *between 40 - 50 …

Member Avatar for shelly121
Member Avatar for Tom Pilk

I've produced an exe file in visual basic - (recently downloaded as beta version) When I run it it will start up an excel file - runs fine on my computer but when I try it on another I get error message that dotnetfx must be installed. Can I alter …

Member Avatar for mcldev
Member Avatar for april_er
Member Avatar for april_er

how to transfer between 2 computers? I have no idea how to start, can someone guide me? it is better to have sample code or website as reference. the file transfer need to in vb.net. thanks

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for april_er
Member Avatar for jasonkit84

hi, My problem is i have created a report using Crystal Report and the font-style is Roman 20 cpi. When i preview the report in Crystal Report, the font-style is still Roman 20 cpi but when i view the report using VB.NET the font-style has changed into another font-style. And …

Member Avatar for AK47
Member Avatar for BobbyRags

If I were to ask you "How should I get starting learning VB.NET?" What would you say? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Letscode
Member Avatar for x38class

Microsoft has the following example of how to use itemdata in .net It works fine if you are populating row by row from 0 to whatever I need to reset itemdata in a particular row that has been deleted, eg the microsoft example equates to the following lstBox.items.add("123",654) where 654 …

Member Avatar for april_er

Do u all know what is API? Do anyone there have the code of API for iTegno SMS modem?

Member Avatar for april_er

how to lauch a program from the desktop using window application? and how to save a converstion of the textbox to a file?

Member Avatar for april_er

The End.