20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jing_1

Hi everyone, can i check with you, if i want to compare time... how can i do that... i have the following code time_One = Now el_Time = time_One - time_Two Label1.Text = Now.ToShortTimeString If Label1.Text < "06:30:00 PM" Then Label1.Text = "-----" Else Label1.Text = el_Time.ToString End If I …

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Member Avatar for wish4129

Dear fellows, i have a problem here, is there anyway to implement the drag and drop function for users to reorder the column sequence? i have tried several ways but it still not working, any hints can enlighten me? bottom is part of my code, thanks in advance. [CODE] DataGridView1.AllowUserToOrderColumns …

Member Avatar for Mukesh_3
Member Avatar for solutionland

hello thank you for your good solution but your solution always assume external workbook to be open, how to work with current opened workbook? Dim oxcel As Excel.Application Dim owb As Excel.Workbook Dim osht As Excel.Worksheet oxcel= New Excel.Application oxcel.Visible = True owb= oxcel.Workbooks.Open(Path) osht= owb.Worksheets(1) now I developing add-in …

Member Avatar for solutionland
Member Avatar for Samarth_1

Hello, I am a School Boy and a bit new to vb.net 2008. I want to know about Class Form and Class Diagram in simple language. Can Anyone Help me Please? Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I want to know, which programs are installed. and then aftEr if I Get the program theN it should find locatioN of programs... while here the user should not able to do anything accept clickIng on button 1 I mean this whole process should be dOne in background

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Patrick_3

Hello, I am experiencing a very unusual problem. If an exception occurs within my Frm_Load method which handles MyBase.Load, the method simply ends, a nice message is printed to the debug windows explaining the error, and program execution continues. The problem is, I want an error in the Load method …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

hey frnds, Firstly I pick the records from the databse into the DataGridView, Then I want that If we made changes to the records in the GridView & Click on Update Button, Changes are Reflected into the Datbase .Plz do reply back the ..

Member Avatar for Venkatesh_6
Member Avatar for cypress1976

I am trying to export the current record in my app into a PDF. My current code (shown below) is exporting into Crystal Report and then into PDF format but it is exporting ALL records in the database. This program is used for entering in Purchase Requests. Each record in …

Member Avatar for Gayathri1990
Member Avatar for Exaktor

How do you delete rows from a datagridview. I have a delete button to the right in the datagridview. I want to know how to delete a single row by clicking the delete button.

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi All's, I in a project to write some value into Mifare 1K using ACR122U with VB.Net. The value is Student ID like ' MA091221'....already read the API / SDK but not understand to do it. Can anyone giude me?..Tq

Member Avatar for arvinrrnhine

Private Sub txtamount_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtamount.TextChanged If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtquantity.Text) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtamount.Text) Then Exit Sub If Not IsNumeric(txtquantity.Text) OrElse Not IsNumeric(txtamount.Text) Then Exit Sub txttotal.Text = CDbl(txtquantity.Text) * CDbl(txtamount.Text) End Sub Private Sub txtquantity_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtquantity.TextChanged If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtquantity.Text) OrElse …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for TarkiB

Hi guys, I'm running into an issue that's really frustrating me. It's probably the most common newbie oversight, causing me to get the dreaded NullReferenceException. I've encountered it many times before, but this time it's got me stumped. I'm filling a Datagrid with a table from a database. I'm able …

Member Avatar for arunkumars
Member Avatar for Samarth_1

I am a bit new to vb.net. I Want to make a custom shaped button in vb.net 2008 professional Edition. I Want to make it by Design and not by Code. Can Anyone Help me Please? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Samarth_1
Member Avatar for hhm_pro992

Please Help me ! I want to make SCREEN LOCK program(softwar) for my pc! i want when SCREEN LOCK program start, then unable to close by user but i am unable to do this. when i press alt + f4, it's working great but when i press alt + f1, …

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Member Avatar for enrique.mansilla.908

I'm a newbie to VB.Net. I created a listBox(lstInventory), 4 text boxes (txtDesc, txtRetailPrice,txtOnHand,txtQuantity) and 4 label Boxes(lblSubTotal,lblSalesTax,lblGrandTotal). I just need ways to achieve this project. Mainform on load reads inventory items from the file and updates the list box with error checking. Do not display items in the list …

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Member Avatar for Riteman

I have created a C# code where I'll input a code to it and it returns me an encrypted entry pass code. Its all working perfectly. Now the question is that, I want to apply this code to every application I create so that only after getting the pass code, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for renn.lin

hello, i want to ask why my function cant be called here's the function create or replace function hitung_denda (idPinjam number, tggl varchar2) return number is denda number; tgl1 date; tgl date; begin select tgl_batas into tgl1 from peminjaman where id_pinjam=idPinjam; tgl:=to_date (tggl, 'MM/DD/YYYY'); if tgl>tgl1 then select (tgl-tgl_batas)*1000 into …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I created an app to view and tag all of my home movie files. To play back the video I embedded Windows Media Player in the form. It also allows me to add comments to videos and search based on the comments. While it is functional, I would prefer to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for zabayin

I have One DatagridView. I need to highlights rows which belongs to "ID" For Example ID 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 That's it. I need to highlights ID-1 all rows to Yellow Color Then 2 to Lime Color. And 3 to Yellow Again. Here is my Code …

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Member Avatar for Leftic

ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment. Im getting this error every time my program tries to initalize the users nasme, and im not sure how to fix it. I looked a bit on Google, but I couldnt find a solution …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Adejola

i need to trigger a reminder from database and pass the result to a msgbox using a button

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pop_cola

Hi VB.NET gurus, Is there any way to get the name of a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) of a different domain (let's say workDomain) by using a computer that is not part of the domain (let's say home-PC)? If there is, can somebody show me how or point me to …

Member Avatar for bmufaris
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, I have 3 tables Description, Item, Transaction Description Item Transaction DeID Name IID Name DeID TranNo Type IID Date 1 Printer 1 Stylus T10 1 1 Repair 1 2 Monitor 2 HP 1 2 Repair 3 3 ViewSonic 2 I need to count how many printers, Monitors etc. are …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jrb47

I have been able to limit the number of data to send to the application however I need help setting up the application to show the fetch next button. data retrieval code - I am using show only 2 rows because I have a small amount of data in the …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi, You can simulate this by starting a new WinForm app. Add a datagridview and add some columns. Add a contextmenustrip, add a menuitem, doubleclick it to get a clickhandler. Attach the menustrip to the datagridview in the properties window of the DGV. Then refer to this code and the …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi All Quick question would VB in visual studio 2010 work in visual studio 2013. I know that when I went from 6 to 10, there were changes in the code. Thanks Michael

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for lordcar

tables: T_THERA - is a transaction table Columns: ID - STRING MR - STRING ITEMCODE - STRING QTY - INT SIGNA - TEXT M_ITEMS - Masterfile of items Columns: ITEMCODE - STRING DESCRIPTION - STRING M_SIGNA - Masterfile of Signa Columns: SIGNACODE - String DESCRIPTION - String I have a …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for Learner010

hello , today i read about barcodes and QRcodes . well i see barcodes / QR codes and often see them on almost every product. But as a programming learner , i wanna know about what they represent ?, how they are created(with which information) ?, how they are read …

Member Avatar for Pregger
Member Avatar for enrique.mansilla.908

Hello, I attached my solution so far. I dont know how to create a collection within the code and read it from the .txt file. I seriously have tried and just need to know how to create the Inventory Collection so it reads throughout the code. Please help. Project : …

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The End.