20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for lincoln0988
Member Avatar for vbshad

can anyone help me regarding this??..i have here the code to get the new last record after deleting the last record...but i encountered an error saying... "An unhandled exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred in System.Data.dll Additional information: locid, make sure data column names are correct, ,make sure the index is …

Member Avatar for samir_ibrahim
Member Avatar for vbshad

i have here separated code for inserting new data, and updating changes in existing data in access using vb.net....when i run the program, both run sucessfully...now, i want to use if statement to combine the code for inserting new and updating changes in the data in one command button 'save'..but …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, Im making a simple program which converts a encrypted text file the upload it to sql CE. This is time in and out logs of every employee. The date is extracted from a machine and downloaded as encrypted file. We managed to decrypt it by getting the equivalent value …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for FRANK WAGON

hello guys am working on a window application in vb.net Am trying to code an array that can add only 8 best subjects grades from the 10 subjects done by a student. the ten subject grades are dispayed as labels and also the TOTAL of best eight subject grades is …

Member Avatar for Benard joseph
Member Avatar for riayas

i have 2 tables one holds and id number for a transaction and the other tables holds the data for that transaction i can populate the first datagridview with the "id" data. I want to be able to select the row on the datagridview (id) and show the details for …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

I have this line of code which gets the activation date of an agent and computes the difference between date.now to get the date difference: Dim dt As New DataTable dt = ExecQuery("select agtid,Activation from tblagentinfo") If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim activation As String For i As Integer = …

Member Avatar for airhalynn101
Member Avatar for Start4me

What I have is a listbox with items imported from the database. From the Data Sources (Shift+Alt+D) I've dragged a table in the form of Details, instead of DataGridView. What I'm trying to figure out, is how to make the information to be displayed in the Details when an item …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for Start4me

I have linklabel which has spaces at the end, I want to copy the label's content without the spaces. This copies the linklbl with spaces at the end: Clipboard.SetText(E_mailLinkLabel.Text) But couldn't figure out how to trim the linklabel before copying it.

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for vbshad

hi...i am a new user of vb.net and i want to have a code where changes in my existing data could be save when i click the button "update"...can anyone help me about this matter?...here's my code for the said matter... Private Sub menu_update_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for vbshad
Member Avatar for CooRay

I need to add the URL property to webbrowser1 (located on my form) from a dataset containing the URL, but am getting the error "Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Uri'. The column in datagridview1 is called link. I need the web browser URL to change with a corresponding textbox and …

Member Avatar for philippeslim
Member Avatar for riayas

I am importing data from an excel worksheet in to a sql table, one of the columns in the table is set to nvarchar(50), the data i am importing are barcodes, but the problem i am having is the column is changing the data for example the number "5900397732209" is …

Member Avatar for riayas
Member Avatar for Satyam_1

I am using vb.net application with OleDb database. In the form there is a richtextbox I want to print it and here is my code for that. But it prints all text in the RichTextBox in a single line and it goes beyond the page margins. It doesn't print the …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

I have a form with a dgv on it. The dgv has 1 column defined as a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn. I would like this dgv to behave as a radiobutton group, i.e. when I click on one cell, that should be set to true, and the others to false. I've got it …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for Qromium

Closing my program saves the entire listview. Opening the program restores the entire listview, however, each item loses it's ImageKey. How do I restore the ImageKey when reopening the program? A better way of putting it: If any item in the listview has the same name as any item from …

Member Avatar for Qromium
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I've create an ASP.NET web app using VB.NET and now I want to connect an access database to it so that it can save data, and also read data from it, I've added the database as resources but I'm not sure if this is appropriate and I haven't …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

For this project, my client asked me if he could select seven names from the list (which is a DataGridView) and use them in a single, separate form. The solution that came to my mind is to use the CheckBoxColumn for this matter. My problem is I have never used …

Member Avatar for airhalynn101
Member Avatar for henryz_box

I'm using VisualBasic.Net 2010 Pro, Windows Form Application, Win. 7, Wamp Server & MySQL Database This CODE is from the Declarations Section of the main form. Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Login Private mysql_host As String = "Localhost" Private mysql_player_log As String = "root" Private mysql_pass As String = "" Private …

Member Avatar for henryz_box
Member Avatar for rikb53

guys - most of the export to excel code i've found really doesn't wind up being excel. it's simply HTML w/ a .xls tag on it. and i've done this for years in asp.net, winforms in both c# & vb.net. but it's always a hack. can someone point me in …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for docgrid

Hi, I have created a databse using sql database "TestingSQL" using microsoft management studio 2012 and created a simple vb application as a tryout. It works well in my pc and i would be able to access remotely as well. But the problem is, it is only works with my …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I am trying to create a simple application for personal use for Twitter marketing. This is my first time trying to interact with REST APIs through VB and I have been going around and round getting various different errors. Here is my current code and I get a '401 …

Member Avatar for henryz_box

I found this along my way of trying to learn how to use databases 1."SELECT usname, password FROM userinfo " & 2." WHERE usname = '" & textbox1.Text & "'" & 3." AND [password] = '" & textbox2.Text & "'" I would like to know how I would execute code …

Member Avatar for henryz_box
Member Avatar for AQWst

Hello-- I am not sure if I should have three separate postings for these questions or just the one, since they all deal with VB.NET. I will list them here and if they should be separated, I understand and hope that I can get help with them. 1) Is it …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

I created a form with datagridview for a list of clients. Now, I want to add a Search funtionality for my list, so that the user can just type in the value he wants to see and the row with that value will get selected. Also, I want to add …

Member Avatar for airhalynn101
Member Avatar for bloomineck

Hi All, I have a form with 4 listboxes on it connected up to a "books' database.The four boxes are: 1)Authors (this one is a list of authors names) 2)Publishers (A list of the publishers who have published the authors books) 3)YearPublished(A list of the years in which the book …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for deletedaccount

Hi. I am making a Anti-Virus (almost complete) however I would like to know how to make a custom 'Run As Administrator' dialog. Before you tell me this isn't possible, I do not mean I would like to replace the Windows 'Run As Administrator' dialog, I would just like to …

Member Avatar for Firstgamefreak
Member Avatar for Start4me

I've trying to figure out how to do this, but errors didn't stop flooding me. The following code works fine: For i = 1 To 50 Me.Controls("CheckBox" & i).Visible = True Next i But when I modify it to: For i = 1 To 50 Me.Controls("CheckBox" & i).Checked = False …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for RonKevinT.Manuela

I have a problem with my code in deleting of a record in datagridview and database(see attatchment)...for some reason I cant delete the data in my database...heres the code: private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int selectedindex=dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex; string deleted; try { cnn.Open(); if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for devonrichards

Hello noob here. I'm doing a program where we are campground managers and in the third form do campground housing I'm stuck in the final part of the third form where we must take the inputs of both list and be able to add and remove occupancy. Cabins Occupants Cabin …

Member Avatar for devonrichards
Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi I have a Help.doc file in my application. How can I open this file on a winform to page 2 (say)? How can I open it to page 2 using a WebBrowser control? 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word added Private Sub OpenMyWordDoc() Dim MyWordApp As Word.Application Dim MyDoc As Word.Document MyWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") …

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The End.