20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi I have a Help.doc file in my application. How can I open this file on a winform to page 2 (say)? How can I open it to page 2 using a WebBrowser control? 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word added Private Sub OpenMyWordDoc() Dim MyWordApp As Word.Application Dim MyDoc As Word.Document MyWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application") …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Sadaf_1

Salam... I have SQl Database...And i am using visual basic 2010 i have a problem with Null values.When in my database data have some null values then data not showing in my crystal report ...crystal report showing blank..I want '0' when data is null..for example my table name is (meetings …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

Is it possible to make a textbox format inputted text into currency form (with comma separators and two decimal places) during input? I have tried formatting currencies from textbox input (after typing the text or after clicking a button) but is this possible during input (I mean, while you are …

Member Avatar for airhalynn101
Member Avatar for tirumalai

I have the table called cardstatus. It contains the following details. 1. SlNo - Number 2. Product - Text 3. SProduct - Text 4. JobNo - Text 5. Description - Text 6. SubAssemblyNo - Text 7. PlanNo - Text 8. PlanDate - Date/Time 9. WONo - Text 10. WODate - …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for tirumalai
Member Avatar for taylorjames01

Hi I'm new to programming but have learned pretty fast and have most of my small application figured out. But the part that I'm working on now has got me. I have a form with some text boxes that after they are filled out get added as a new row …

Member Avatar for taylorjames01
Member Avatar for Centorpe

Why does textbox text appear faded when 'enable' propery is set to false?

Member Avatar for Centorpe
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi Group! I'm curious to know, is it is possible to build a custom control in Visual Basic? Specifically, I want to build a control that would be similar that would be similar to a ListView (in the Detail "view"). However the difference would be in how it actually displays. …

Member Avatar for deletedaccount
Member Avatar for akkbkht

Hi there. I am making an application in VB.Net. In which i am scanning some system folders and on the execution time it gives me the error; E.g, access to the path "C:\any system file" is denied. Is there any code you people have that is edited in to the …

Member Avatar for deletedaccount
Member Avatar for wa0h@arrl.net

i wrote a (visual basic.net-2008) desktop app that allows ham radio operators to enter a call, such as WA0H, and the program gives the ham's location (springfield, mo.). you can download the program free from my website .. www.wa0h.com i want the program to display the ham's location on a …

Member Avatar for deletedaccount
Member Avatar for tirumalai

With reference to the databases I want to know the source code how to add, delete, update, save a ms access database in vb.net.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tshukela.george

hi there I have made a connection to a database, and my problem is, when I try to add a new record to a table, it is fine for that time. Next time when I check the record is not there

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Gus_19

I am checking a couple of textboxes in my datarows. If the first textbox (event association 1) is not blank and it does not contain the word business, but the date of birth mtb is empty, then the statement is true and a messagebox will be displayed. Right now, I …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for OTOSystem

I am a self-taught VB programmer and have found these forums invaluable. Usually the solution can be found here and I am happy - but this is causing me some trouble... I want to play a sound, using Media player, twice - one after the other. I have written a …

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

I have an identity (auto-increment) column in my mssql table, which is also my primary key. I want to use these numbers on my form, such that when I open that form, the auto-increment id will already be displayed on a textbox (so I wont have to type it in …

Member Avatar for airhalynn101
Member Avatar for jared.geli

Guys I need your help again I use this code to copy values from excel spreadsheet to datagrid. Try 's = Clipboard.GetText() Dim tArr() As String Dim arT() As String Dim i, ii As Integer Dim c, cc, r As Integer tArr = Clipboard.GetText().Split(Environment.NewLine) r = Form1.DataGridView1.SelectedCells(0).RowIndex c = Form1.DataGridView1.SelectedCells(0).ColumnIndex …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I've got a protected spreadsheet at work that prevents me from creating links or writing macro's to do some repetitive copying and pasting from one spreadsheet to another. I hope someone can help. I'd like to use VB (if possible) to copy from a specific range in Spreadsheet1.Sheet1 (let's …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for Centorpe

When selecting from DataGridView as program line below: Diameter = DesignationsDataGridView.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0).Value I get following exception message box:- System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled Message="Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" If I select 'continue' from message box then I return to …

Member Avatar for Centorpe
Member Avatar for yogesh_10

How to save, delete and insert current cell value of datagridview from xml file in C#.net winforms. i am entering the data in current cell of datagridview, that data is comming from xml file. now how should i save this current cell data.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for ajinkya112

Hello all, It has been long since i am facing this problem. I want to convert my datagridview data to pdf format. I have searched a lot but couldnt find any. Need your help. Regards, Ajinkya

Member Avatar for jaga.dish.39
Member Avatar for AtillaKahuna

Hello all, I have an XML string that I need to tear down and process. Sorry for what may be a simple problem, but I'm new to XML processing. Here is a sample of the XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <CCSMessage Type="4" Name="CustomerFetchResponse" Source="CoremaContextServer" Destination="WSA0205" UserID="LoyaltyBatch" IncludeLoyaltySummary="true" LimitLoyaltyTransactions="0" > <Result> …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for pebryan

hy im very newbie with VB.net 2010 i want to search/filter my datagridview with textbox i use this to connect mysql and datagridview dbconn = New MySqlConnection("server=localhost ;database=login") Try dbconn.Open() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Connection Error") Close() End Try Dim table As New DataTable() dbdata = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM …

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Member Avatar for CrankyMero

Hello everyone I have this XML file that has all the information for payroll, but we have a system where the employee goes and sees his payment for the week, so what i've been trying to get my head around this problem is that we need to extract some information …

Member Avatar for CrankyMero
Member Avatar for tshukela.george

every combobox selection is replaced with what a user has selected, I want it not to be replaced so that all seleced combobox can be printed

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for rac_engg

[B]Hello to all, I want to know how i to write code for IVR. Is there any site from where i can get help. Is VB.Net a good language for it or not.[/B] Can anybody tell how can i make an application that can store what i speak.

Member Avatar for austincarven
Member Avatar for airhalynn101

I want to check if txtCRCNum1 is empty or not. If it is empty, then some values from frmComm will get displayed on frmcrc (which I call the default values). If not empty, then it will execute an SQL query which will select data from the value of txtCRCNum1 and …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Centorpe

I have a form which contains a datagridview and 2 textboxes. I have managed to populate the 2 textboxes as required by click of relevant row in datagridview. With the same click I also open another form which also contains 2 textboxes of the same name and these require the …

Member Avatar for Centorpe
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

Until now I've been replacing Enter key behaviour in controls (in base classes) with Tab key behaviour with the following code in the keypress event handler : If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then SendKeys.Send(vbTab) e.Handled = True End If Although it's worked for me until now, I have serious doubts about …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for lavanya uppala

Hi sir this is lavanya. I am begginer in vb.net. I have a problem in deleting the first two words in a string. I am not using the loops.

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I have a datagridview with 10 rows I can select mutiple rows by using Ctrl & Mouse click but what I would like to do is use a button to select the row. I.E the user could select row one, click the button and row one would be selected then …

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

The End.