I am making a Anti-Virus (almost complete) however I would like to know how to make a custom 'Run As Administrator' dialog. Before you tell me this isn't possible, I do not mean I would like to replace the Windows 'Run As Administrator' dialog, I would just like to creare a form with the same appearance.
If you have ever used the latest version of Avast Anti-Virus, when you try to disable protection a window is shown, and the screen behind the form is locked the the brightness behind it goes down. That's a custom run as administrator window, but with they're form instead. Except, it's not the actual 'Run As Administrator' dialog from Windows. It's just been remade in their style for their application.
How would I go about doing this?
I have already designed my form. I just now need to know how to lock the screen, make it run in the center well I can do this from the properties window and how to change the brightness of screen down but keeping the form opacity 100% and normal brightness.