20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for kRod

I've been working on a Textbox that only accepts 0-9, Decimal Point, and the Backspace Keys. Also keeps it in the base form 0.00. Max value is 999999.99 can be set as needed. It works as expected, but I have to ask if I have remade the wheel. This sub …

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Member Avatar for Patrick_3

Hello everyone, I am working on a VB project which implements a number of custom controls. So far I have had no issue with the controls I have been writing; until now. Every time I add the control to the form it appears like a normal control, however when I …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am having the website and it's based on the Educational Purposes... I am having the code for different programs and all so etc... So The question is that How can i add the code as syntax highlighter PFA... ![d71ec5623473d0f488c3f95f9bcc962e](/attachments/large/4/d71ec5623473d0f488c3f95f9bcc962e.jpg "d71ec5623473d0f488c3f95f9bcc962e")

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for thannu07

hy i got a combo box and datagridview in my form and few other controls (to insert new record into my database),after the insertion is succcesful i want the inserted item to be displayed in my combo box and gridview by then only (i.e without restarting the project) could u …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi Is there a way a vb form structure the same as its backgroud picture? Its same with making the form invisible and let its background picture remain Im trying to make a program that when it runs, it displays like widget. thanks

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for missy_mi

Hello.. good day evryone, i encounter a problem with my save as form..i use savefiledialog..the result is that the page is saved..but when i open the word doc, it is empty..there is no data whatsoever.. i dont use database..it is suppose to save the the data that i filled in …

Member Avatar for missy_mi
Member Avatar for Gulzar_1

I have project of vb.net when i make setup and run in my machine it works perfectly but when i run that setup in another machine it is giving "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154) HRESULT-class not registered" error..I have to give this project to client...please help

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm working on a program which has many forms and these forms are for setting the functionality of this program so now I want to detect if, let say Shift+F is pressed then the appropriate form will show. I don't want to use the Form_KeyPress or KeyDown or …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for TechxRay

Greets to all! I have 2 user defined controls. 1 is the main, the other is the control that contains all the radio buttons. One of the criteria is to have a clear button in the main control to select the 0 radio button that clears all the text fields …

Member Avatar for NeilR
Member Avatar for Iamateur
Member Avatar for on94

Anyone has any idea about how to add a column to the database's table that already create From the coding part ?

Member Avatar for on94
Member Avatar for Iamateur

Module avgarr Function getavg(ByVal arr As Integer(), ByVal size As Integer) As Double Dim i As Integer Dim avg As Double Dim sum As Integer = 0 For i = 0 To size - 1 sum += arr(i) Next i avg = sum / size Return avg End Function Sub …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for Gulzar_1

vb.net project shifted from one pc to another pc.project includes some private dlls.I include those dlls and some activex controls are linked with these dlls.At the time of loading form it is throwing some exception.when I create controls.It is running well,But after creating exe file.It is showing error file not …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for sfiftysix

How to create a form with a a button add_subjects which adds one textbox on each click, at runtime in VB and a corresponding label, 3 buttons - Add, Edit and Delete, for each textbox created. Once each texbox's corresponding Add _button is clicked, it passes textbox's value is passed …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for tirso

Hi to all I have two forms, one is form1 for registration and the other one is form2 for my main menu. How to call the form2 if the user successfully register with the form1. The code in form 1 is me.close (to close the form1) then form2.show but it …

Member Avatar for luck_1
Member Avatar for Iamateur

Well I am totally beginner. I came across this program. Module arrayredim Sub main() Dim marks() As Integer ReDim marks(2) marks(0) = 85 marks(1) = 75 marks(2) = 90 ReDim Preserve marks(10) marks(3) = 80 marks(4) = 76 marks(5) = 92 marks(6) = 99 marks(7) = 79 marks(8) = 75 …

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Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , I am looking for a .net control to act as progressBar. it shoule have many empty boxes , and which progress , it gets filled. as in Free Download manager. Please refer to attached screen shot. Thanks, Waleed

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I've rewritten this question a half dozen times and each time it makes less sense. In a nutshell, I want to populate a listview with large icons representing image files but I can't get them to come out unstretched. They are always stretched along the x or y axis because …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for thannu07

hy i m trying to do a smal vb.net project using sql server 2008 in vs2012,and i dont know how to use those database in my project for eg : using select/insert/update/delete queriesfor my controls(textbox,combobox datagrids etc..) please help me with detail how to connect database and use it in …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I already created application, now I want to add the "Submit Software/image/etc page", So i am having my own website in weebly which allows me only 10MB per File, and also I am link with mediafire, 2shared, 4shared etc hosting service, But what i need is that the user can …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for artemix22

i am so confuse dude.. why in my visual studio 2010 ultimate didn't show crystal report gallery? after i click "add new item" and add crystal report, it just show me SAP page that say "learn and download". i have install SAP crystal report runtime engine for .NET framework 4(32-bit). …

Member Avatar for Sqiar
Member Avatar for Sonic42

Hi- How can I change the content of the PictureBox control based on user entry? I'm assuming it would be similar to this: [CODE]If (TextBox1.Text = "Test") Then Picturebox1.Picture= (testpic.jpg) End If [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Pickletronic

Hello, I've been trying to create a function to calculate and return the total payment. RadioDay is a radio button with value of 7 while RadioHour is 70. Somehow I am getting InvalidCastException "Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid." from the part where I want to …

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Member Avatar for denmarkstan

please i need help here. i want write code for label control into my application. i wrote the code below, but was not getting the labels when i run the program. [CODE]GroupBox.Controls.Clear() Dim lbl1 As Label = New Label() lbl1.AutoSize = True lbl1.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control lbl1.Font = New Font(lbl1.Font.FontFamily, 20) …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Ahmed_43

i want to comare textbox value with datagridview items before adding this textbox value in datagridview

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for grahammarkmac

I am trying to use sql to sum a column in my access database and put the result of this in a text box. The code I have got is the following, but this is coming up with the error below. [QUOTE]Error : Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' …

Member Avatar for leninalberto
Member Avatar for Learner010

hello today i start writing an application which uses mdi forms(its new to me). and i use the following code:(i set form1=idmdicontainer=true) , is this correct way to create mdi forms ? further i write the code : there i have 2 more forms (form2 and form 3) Private Sub …

Member Avatar for Learner010
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi all, I was going through a lot of resources on how to populate a dataset.And i kind of got an error when trying to populate the created dataset with 4 select statements. but my sql uses the where clause,the other statements i saw select certain columns and go to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kentuckyjoe

I have a question about best practices as far as opening and closing the database connetion in my app. Currently I am opening and closing each time the database is accessed with a query or update. Should I be doing this? It’s a lot of opens and closes. Or maybe …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mohd.nasrul.iwan.fajaruddin

*new to C#* I have created a form , with a working coding , but i need an extra assistance. Somewhat , i am stuck on trying to figure out how to let the 3rd combobox value , determined by the first and second. Like this : [Main Form](http://i.imgur.com/1rePOge.png) For …

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The End.