20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for samuelz

Hello everyone, i have the code below, it works fine but whenever i insert a student number that does not exist in the table, the rest of the textboxes will keep displaying data from the previous existing entry. This happens even when the i delete everything in the student number …

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Member Avatar for tinstaafl
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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi all! I have just developed an application on VB.NET with mysql. I then need to deploy this to clients workstations. The plan is to install mysql server on one computer and have all other clients connect to this. What do I need to install on the server and what …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for zakn

how to mute mic/line output in vb.net? how to mute microphone in vb.net?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for zakn

how to find monitor brightness Level in vb.net? Change Display Screen Brightness.

Member Avatar for zakn
Member Avatar for Yuki_1

Hi,I wan to sort my added record on the top of datagridview.I had try a few way to sort it but it no function.*"attn_id"*is a primary key in database. using (TMPB_attn_DAL dalObj = new TMPB_attn_DAL()) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dalObj.GetRecords().Cast<TMPB_attn>().ToList(); dataGridView1.Refresh(); dataGridView1.Sort(dataGridView1.Columns["attn_id"], ListSortDirection.Descending); } when i run the above code it …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for Nguyen_4

I import excel file and show on datagridview I want insert all row datagridview to mysql. But i receive error: Incorrect date value:'11/14/1991 12:00:00 AM' for column 'Ngaysinh at row 1. Mysql : i using date : yyyy/mm/dd datagridview show : mm/dd/yyyy. i don't know error: '12:00:00AM ' ???? column …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for altjen

Hello again. as some of you may know Im creating a software based on SQL dataserver, every code I use is good and work and I use this connection string Dim conn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=SS;User ID=Al;Password=altn") But the ip is the other pc (next …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Rustatic

I've got my code all ready to go, except what i want to do is have the 'btnSTART' button move the mouse to the selected coordinates, and Left Click down then Left Click up. Here's my code: Public Class Form1 Public Declare Auto Function GetCursorPos Lib "User32.dll" (ByRef lpPoint As …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi, I am having trouble with dropping a temp table. I was using it so many times in other projects but this time it went bad. The only thing different now is that I referred a string value from the main form to another form.The other form populates a dgv …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for eetigu

hi guys, i had an account on Daniweb but forgot password and recovery was a bit hectic so decided to crreate a new account. the previous username was emma etigu. i have a problem and need some help. below i have two tables from my dataset, i would like to …

Member Avatar for moshelilin
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm using the following code to read down to the third line of a text file. If it meets the criteria, I need to stop the read and then delete the file. However I'm finding it difficult to do this as everything I've tried has failed. Have you some …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Nguyen_4

i connect mysql using c# and show database in datagridview I want when i click the row in datagridview, textbox, combobox , datetimepicker will show form datagirdview But mysql datetime : yyyy/mm/dd 00:00:00 ( 00:00:00 will default if don't write) Datagridview : mm/dd/yyyy i used code: datetimepicker1.DataBindings.Add("text", dataGridView1.DataSource, "Birthday"); and …

Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra
Member Avatar for Yuki_1

I want to show only specify database table in datagridview.I had use dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; but i don't know how to add the column.For example on of the column is "attn_id".How should i add it? here my code to connect database private void tmst_timein_new_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for altjen

hello. recently Im having this error. Why is this? why is that? PS: after enter a 2nd person in the database it has imported and the first person in. Sometimes when import the data fast, it upload the person, if it take for a while (~40 seconds or more) it …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for karodhill

I am suppose to display 3 error messages,Premium Channels is a required field,Customer Type is a required field and If a business checkbox is checked an error message is suppose to display saying Business Customers must select 1 or more Connection." can anyone tell me why just the Business Customers …

Member Avatar for karodhill
Member Avatar for karodhill

I have been working on a pig latin converter. If a letter starts with a vowel or number it should end with way if it begins with a consonant it should revert the letters so the first one begins with aeiouy like chair should be airchay. Everything in my program …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I'm using VB.net to convert an output file (text) from a Linux based program into a file that will easily read in Notepad. I found some code in VB.net to do this conversion for UNIX that works "OK" (meaning fair but not perfect). It looks like this: txtLine …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I'm attempting to use a variable (i) to read the multiple files within a folder. However this doesn't seem to be working. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? For i = 0 To counter Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(getRestranName(i)) If System.IO.File.Exists(folderName) Then Do While objReader.Peek() <> …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Rustatic

What I am currently trying to do is have the user press a button, upon pressing that button, the cursor turns into a crosshair. Wherever the user clicks next is the point recorded in the code. Any help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for eetigu

hi guys, i have the following code: "select sum(( receiptDetails.retailprice - receiptDetails.purchaseprice)* receiptDetails.itemcount ) + ((customerReceiptDetails.retailPrice -customerReceiptDetails.purchasePrice)* customerReceiptDetails.itemCount) As Total from receiptDetails,customerReceiptDetails " am trying to get the gross profit from the two tables: receiptDetails and customerReceiptDetails. the query works well if both tables have values. i tried to use …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for altjen

Hi everyone. I want to make a update option for my app. I have a idea how to do this but doesnt sound very logic. This is how it is: The files are located at a drive. When download the update it download on the some folder and overwrite the …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Emma Etigu

hi guys I was wondering whether it is possible to load items to the data grid view without having to do it in the form load event. if so, please assist in discussing a few techniques. thanks

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for Abdullahi_1

** # i try to insert 10 record under the field year and actual data but only the first text from text1 is entering inside # ** provider = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source =" dataFile = "db7exmpl.accdb" connString = provider & dataFile myConnection.ConnectionString = connString myConnection.Open() Dim str As String 'str = …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi, I have a string like 32/355ab//3456 from which I need to extract the three separate numbers 32, 355 and 3456. The string pattern may vary. I can use Split by (say) / to separate strings. How can I extract groups of numbers from a 'mixed' string like above. The …

Member Avatar for gbhs
Member Avatar for naz1234

Hi How to plot chart from data in the middle of Datagridview ? I tried this code below , [from this table](http://i.imgur.com/1GzQITe.png) , it plot [nicely like this](http://i.imgur.com/NH2aTio.png) , but but when [this data increase](http://i.imgur.com/CSMfEGJ.png) , I [do not want this kind of chart](http://i.imgur.com/wUx89fP.png) ..... Chart1.Series(0).Points.Clear() Chart1.Series(0).BorderWidth = 5 Chart1.Series(0).Points.AddXY(DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value, …

Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, Im trying to use a multi column combobox from this thread [Here](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/8619/Flat-MultiColumn-Combobox-with-Autocomplete) Just wondering if there's a way to show Column header from its datasource (sql) Can't find a property to do this Thanks

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Member Avatar for wagraphics

I searched through nearly every article in the forum as well as other groups but I'm stumped on a solution. I have a ComboBox filled with values from a DB. I would like autocomplete to show results from the entire string not just the beginning of the string. Autocomplete queries …

Member Avatar for wagraphics
Member Avatar for karodhill

I am trying to calculate a cable bill for a residential and business customer can someone point me in the right direction for my logic?For residential customers it is 4.50 processing fee,30 basic service fee and 5 per channel. For business customers processing fee = 16.50 basicservice fee is 80 …

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The End.