20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tecuajlo

Right now im testing a script to start at boot up. I accomplished starting it at boot up by creating a new string value in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry. Now my question is how do I run the script so that it doesn't display the dialog box? Is there a silent …

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Member Avatar for Spyderbane

I am looking for a way to reboot the system and launch the program with elevated permission without user interaction after the first time the program is launched. The program I am trying to write is for new system. Part of the setup I want to perform system updates then …

Member Avatar for Spyderbane
Member Avatar for batoolhussain

hi everyone. how can I convert image fromat from jpeg to bmp without saving image in vn.net 2010.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi Guys I am coding as very simple database in VB.net. I have decided to manually code my buttons but for some reason my save button returns with an error. Below is my code for my entire program (I know its not perfect). This is the error i Get: An …

Member Avatar for mcoliver88
Member Avatar for kayecng

I am calling function (i don't know, if this code is really called function.. so please correct me if i'm wrong) to disable the fields except for buttons and other necessary information needed during form load. But my problem is, some fields are not disabled. My application goes like this: …

Member Avatar for kayecng
Member Avatar for Abdullahi_1

private void Form1_Closed(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create a PDF document object PDFDocument doc = new PDFDocument(); // Creates a PDF page PDFPage page = new PDFPage(this.Width, this.Heigh,PDFMeasurementUnit.Points); page.MeasurementUnit = PDFMeasurementUnit.Points; // Parses controls on the form for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++) { Label label …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for karodhill

need to code a linq statement that codes the grade display button so it allows the user to display either all records or only records matching a specific grade. Also it has to calculate a gpa where a=4 b=3 c=2 d=1 f=0 My main problem is with a linq statement …

Member Avatar for karodhill
Member Avatar for SpeakerKeyboard

Hey everyone. I'm currently trying to figure out how to use the StreamReader and ReadAllLines functions of VB.NET to search a text file for keywords and pull the information that follows those keywords. To elaborate more, I have a PDF which I convert to text and once converted, the text …

Member Avatar for SpeakerKeyboard
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I was just reading another article on video recording using AVICAP32 this shows how to use this library to record video from a video device such as webcam but what I would like to know is that how can I record internal video, I want to record my …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Metalvoice

Hi All i dynamically created gropbox and dynamically insert inside it listview and button Dim count1 As Integer Dim Listvcounter As Integer Dim flashCounter As Integer Private Panel As New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox Private ListV As New System.Windows.Forms.ListView Private Btn As New System.Windows.Forms.Button Private PancLeft As Integer = Me.Controls.OfType(Of GroupBox)().ToList().Count Private cLeft …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for mohammed_22

after setup file created,i copied my project into other computer but the report is not working on that system,rest all is working properly.i dont have any idea

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Member Avatar for westsiderailway

hi there , i would like to use the select statement in this event and not sure how to proceed... Private Sub TreeView1_AfterSelect(sender As Object, e As TreeViewEventArgs) Handles TreeView1.AfterSelect Dim NS As String = "" Select Case NS Case "Monday" If NS And e.Node.Text = "Monday" Then MessageBox.Show("The user …

Member Avatar for westsiderailway
Member Avatar for Abdullahi_1

please i need help on how to covert or save a form as pdf at run time.Convert a Windows Form to PDF in vb 10

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for wael_3

HEllO guys I have been stuck for 3 weeks on this thing in vb .net. usually when we use suggestappend or autocomplete in a combobox for example three names in database retreived 1- Jack Nickelson 2- John Wether 3- Robert Garland If I just remember the family name and I …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi all! I have a form with a combobox, a listbox and 2 command buttons.(see photo and neglect the blank listview) I select items from the combobox and add items to my listbox after clicking the button.(no problem with this) Then, I need to save each item of the ListView …

Member Avatar for savedlema
Member Avatar for mohammed_22

i have a number of values in my database and i want to list only those values which is greater than zero

Member Avatar for mohammed_22
Member Avatar for Satyam_1

hi, I have dgv1 that contains amount column, and dgv2 that also have amount aolumn. I have following code to sum total vlaues of dgv1. but i want display both column vlaues from both dgv in to single textbox. how can i do this? Dim total As Integer For Each …

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Member Avatar for naz1234

I have Button A and Button B. How to make Button A, same with action like Button B ? For example , if I click Button A , it will do calculation x = 1 + 1 . Button B also will do that if I click at somewhere else. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mike Bishop

I have the folling code which imports my CSV file into the respective columbs on my datagridview I would like to clean the string by removing any " from the string before populating the datagridview. can anyone point me in the right direction please? Dim newstring As String = Nothing …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for TnTinMN

I am posting this in response to those who ask about replacing the webbrowser (WB) control’s default browser. You cannot ask the WB control to use a different browser, it is hardwired to use the current version of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer that is installed on the target computer. It may …

Member Avatar for Jim_8
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm converting a text file into a .pdf file using ItextSharp. The code below works perfectly to do this. Unfortunately the default font size is to large. I need to make it smaller. Here's my code: Private Sub ConvertToPDF() ' Converting the Restran text file to a PDF file …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I'm using `System.IO.File.Move` to move an existing file into another folder. However it the program is stopping at this point with the error message "The process cannot access this file because is being used by another process". Unfortunately I can't find "the other process". For the record, I've also …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Satyam_1

HI, I have a form1 with datagridview, and same datagridview in form2. both have databindingsource so when I update any data in form1 it should reflect the changes in form2, when both are open. Here is some what could i get, but its not refreshing the data. form 2 load …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for paul1145

In the code below, I'm trying (works) to insert a mail message before the signature line. With each new email within a run, the email new window flashes on the user's desktop. I'd like to minimize to outlook window to reduce the 'flashing'. The email is sent correctly but I …

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Member Avatar for Pompy

Hi im trying to do this project for class on functions. I am little confused on what i am doing wrong. Here is the assignment 1) Write a program to calculate the wind chill. The wind chill is calculated by using the ambient temperature and the wind speed. Wind chill …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for kayecng

In my windows form, I have a combo box which is populated with (part code)values from my database and I'm finding it hard to set each equivalent (part name)value to a text box which is in the same table. I was able to populate combo box values using the code …

Member Avatar for kayecng
Member Avatar for akuikhwan94

My tables in MS Access doesn't have any change which it did not update the record that I entered in Visual Studio.. This is my code. Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click On Error GoTo saveErr RequestSoftwareBindingSource.EndEdit() RequestSoftwareTableAdapter.Update(FYPDataSet.RequestSoftware) MessageBox.Show("Your request has been submitted.", "Thank you", MessageBoxButtons.OK, …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for leon18107

Hi !! I would seek help to do the following: I'm working on an application for Pocket PC with visual studio 2005 in which over the contents of a txt file in a DataGrid (No DatadridView); I would like to know how the whole contents of the DataGrid to the …

Member Avatar for wilsonchama

Hi guys, I am trying to update a single column in an already existing record with a value in a textbox in Access database using VB.NET 2008 express edition. This is how it should happen, combo box is drawing product IDs from the table and two textboxes display product description …

Member Avatar for JerrimePatient
Member Avatar for webber2015

Hello, we have to create a football scoreboard in Visual Basic. Purpose: The application calculates the points scored during a football game by one team Requirements: 1. The user clicks the enter score button in an input box object to enter a score after the football team scores 1. Each …

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The End.