20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sashika_1

Hi guys. I'm looking for develop right click menu for data grid view control. I mean When I right click on data grid view I want to show right click menu. I find a way. But I need aditional help. I know How to add right click menu. But I …

Member Avatar for Sashika_1
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi guys. Im trying to delete a row from a table in DataGridView (**VB 2010**) and my database (**MS Access 2013**) but on "Delete" it shows that it doesnt get the ID of that data row, so it wouldnt actually know what data to "Delete" delete btn: Private Sub btn_dlt_Click(ByVal …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for Michelle_7

Hi, can some one please help? I want to double-click on a "customer name" in form1 datagridview and then see "customer details" of selected customer on form2.. (in ms access it called "linked forms") I use VS2012 (vb.net) and SQL database.. Thanks, Michelle

Member Avatar for Michelle_7
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW. How can one read a file or change a file bits without reading the entire file. But first of all how can I read a file in such a way that I get it's bits. I want to read MP3 file and change it bits but I don't …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for Sashika_1

I want to retrive data from two tables. I used below code : (SELECT sum(total_amount) as tr from loan where loan_status = 'not finish') union (SELECT sum(amount) as tt from settlement where sett_status = 'Active') But It load data by one column and these two values load under the another …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for murid

Help me... I want to sent picture with socket programming, from client to server. client : get picture from OpenFileDialog, after get the picture , I send it to server. server : after get the picture from client, the picture is saved in a destination folder. I try my best, …

Member Avatar for Haleem_1
Member Avatar for EVELYN_2

I am testing my program "Pats Auto Repair shop" that includes the mainform with menustrips for file, process and help, Splash form, About, Job information form and summary form. The process has two subs, job information with a separator for "summary", and summary form. I written all coding solutions for …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for RobinTheHood

Hi, I have a form (FrmOverView) that’s based on a dataset containing a number of related tables, one of which is named TblCustomer. This form shows, amongst other things, Tblcustomer details in a gridview. What I want is to open another form (FrmCustomerDetails), that shows individual customer details in greater …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi! So, I have a dataset which is filled with data after a mysql SELECT Statement, I'll call the dataset dsResults.Tables("Results") Inside the dataset is data that I want to be filled into their respective text boxes. The columns in the dataset are expected to vary, for example, sometimes it …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for TrueCoding

First of all-I will guarantee I will mark the thread as solved when you kind people have helped me to solve the problem. Ok well Ive got a project which is to make a Quizzing System for my school using a database. It is a multiple choice quiz (so only …

Member Avatar for Ailan
Member Avatar for Ahmed_78

I want to convert this VB 6 code If Len(Text1.text) <> 0 Then Text1.text = Left(Text1.text, Len(Text1.text) - 1) To visual basic.net 2010 pro This code is used for making textbox delete only one number when you click on button .

Member Avatar for Ahmed_78
Member Avatar for Waldek

I wonder if anyone has solved this problem already. I have a fully populated datatable (ado.net datatable) containing about 3000 rows of data with 53 fields. I want to copy the contents of the data table into an access database table ready prepared and empty which has the identical structure …

Member Avatar for Daniele_1
Member Avatar for Frank_16

I'm a bit stuck. I've tried googling but my google-fu appears to be lacking I've finished almost everything I need to do in this program, I'm just stuck and don't know the formula/code for this one thing three forms. form1 is the parent form, form2 and form3 are child forms …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for yumyam09

Below are my current codes that will run a .VBS file. When I run the code it will open an CMD app to show the process. Now how can I run the .VBS file and the process will be shown in Textbox/Richtextbox. Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sashika_1

I find something related to this topic and found. But I can't satisfie with this. The code is below. Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class Form1 Private Const SB_BOTH As Integer = 3 Private Const WM_NCCALCSIZE As Integer = &H83 <DllImport("user32.dll")> _ Private Shared Function ShowScrollBar(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal wBar As …

Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi! I have two tables, I will call them first-half and second-half (of the year) Table: first id jan feb mar apr ----------------------- 2 80 90 70 60 3 50 40 60 30 Table: second id jan feb mar apr ----------------------- 2 50 70 60 90 3 80 60 50 …

Member Avatar for savedlema
Member Avatar for Reo_1

hey guys i am trying to create a library management system which is supposed to be used to store/keep infp for the library and the library members( book title, author, name and picture for borrower and other stuffs). The app has 6 buttons, delete, save, add,previsous,next, and upload( for upload …

Member Avatar for Reo_1
Member Avatar for Sashika_1

I'm using vb.net with mysql,sql,oracle. Now I want some advice. My questions I'll bold it after described situation(my need). I used some accounting packages. From that I know behind exe file there is database. From all accounting packages we create new company file. At that moment we input some time …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for abdullah_11

Hi all! I need help with Visual Basic.. ![vb.png](/attachments/small/4/7125b0dd5906a51d99082aad2a1a2add.png "align-right") Write a program that reads 3 integers numbers, then the program prints the square and cube of each. i want a one button and one label in form and the result i want in label . and thank you all

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Garry_1

Hi I have 60 picture boxes on a form, I want to update these images using a for loop. I have tried Dim PCB as Image For i = 1 to 60 PCB(i).Image = mySampleProject.My.Resources.TestPCB1 next but get an error "Class 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be indexed because it has no default …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for TheGuy831
Member Avatar for TheGuy831
Member Avatar for Kifiote

Hello Guys! Please help me out!!! Curently finishing a small project, when my boss asked that the report should include the person Photo... CR won't display photo unless it is stored directly into DataBase. I read some where it is easuer to use Parameter to save both text and image. …

Member Avatar for Kifiote
Member Avatar for Baastina

Try Dim cn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=MSR\LOCAL;Initial Catalog=Eventena;Integrated Security=True") cn.Open() Using cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("INSERT into BirthdayRegistration where Name='" & TextBox4.Text & "',LastName='" & TextBox2.Text & "',Email='" & TextBox5.Text & "',StreetNo='" & TextBox6.Text & "',Main='" & TextBox7.Text & "',Area='" & TextBox8.Text & "',City='" & ComboBox1.Text & "',State='" & ComboBox2.Text & …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hello Group! I've developed an app that takes the data in a text file and moves it to specific columns in an Excel file. My computer has the Excel 2010 installed. So the application works fine with no issues. However we've begun to upgrade computers and software in the office …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

# BlowFish? # BlowFish was the brain child of Bruce Schneier back in 93. Since BlowFish was released to the public domain, Bruce Schneier has released new encryption algorythems, TwoFish and ThreeFish. BlowFish is an increddibly popular and very strong algorythem. Because it conforms to Kerckhoffs's Principal [Explained Here](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerckhoffs's_principle), even …

Member Avatar for zen_1
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I'm discovering that my Excel spreadsheets that are being created by a VB.net app I've written isn't completely closing them as they should be. I'm struggling to understand why and how to fix this. Here is the code for the portion of the app that creates the workbook, …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Javed_5

dim a, b, res as integer dim c as string a=10 b=5 c= "a+b" res= '" & c & "' how do i get the result value 15 ?

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for ibpet11

Hello everyone here, I want to be able to read from file or DB and place lines on a page in Matrix form. This is what I mean, say I read a file to an array or list(of string), so that I have the lines like this 1.aaaa,bbbb,ccc 2.5533ds,iodfas,ssss 3. …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I'm making a handful of changes to an existing program I wrote a year or so ago. For some reason I can't get it to build as I'm getting an error that says: 1> Copying file from "obj\x86\Debug\Restran Solutions.exe" to "bin\Debug\app.publish\Restran Solutions.exe". 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(3506,5): error MSB3113: Could …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Doğukan

I'm trying to develop some code to do a button click onto an application without moving the cursor over to it. I can see messages under Spy++ but nothing happens. Thanks in advance... Public Class Form1 Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202 Const MK_LBUTTON = &H1 Public Declare …

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The End.