Hi Guys! I'm trying to create an addition game with an image to display as the given number (addends)
instead of just displaying texts like 1+1 = 2
I will be using images to display the given numbers and the answer.
I have created some codes here that was able to display the images randomly using an imagelist however the program isn't displaying the correct sum for the problem. Any advice and help is greatly appreciated.
Public Class Play
Dim RandomGen As New Random
Dim RandomNum1 As Integer
Dim RandomNum2 As Integer
Dim QuestionNumber As Integer = 0
Dim Answer As Integer
Dim NumGuesses As Integer = 5
Const MaxGuesses As Integer = 2
Const NumQuestions As Integer = 5
Private Sub Play_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
lblTryAgain.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub BtnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnNext.Click
RandomNum1 = RandomGen.Next(0, 9)
RandomNum2 = RandomGen.Next(0, 9)
lblQuestion1.Image = ImageList1.Images(RandomNum1)
lblQuestion2.Image = ImageList1.Images(RandomNum2)
If QuestionNumber < 1 Then
BtnNext.Text = "Answer"
QuestionNumber = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowQuestion()
Dim addend1 As Integer = RandomGen.Next(9)
Dim addend2 As Integer = RandomGen.Next(9)
NumGuesses = 0
lblTryAgain.Visible = False
Answer = addend1 + addend2
Me.Text = "Question " & _
QuestionNumber.ToString() & _
" of " & NumQuestions.ToString()
txtAnswer.Text = ""
'Answer = RandomNum1 + RandomNum2
End Sub
Private Sub CheckAnswer()
Dim guess As Integer = Val(txtAnswer.Text)
txtAnswer.Text = ""
If Math.Abs(guess - Answer) < 0.01 Then
QuestionNumber += 1
If QuestionNumber > NumQuestions Then
lblQuestion1.Text = ""
lblQuestion2.Text = ""
txtAnswer.Text = ""
' Show another question.
End If
If NumGuesses >= MaxGuesses Then
' Show a new question.
End If
End If
End Sub