20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for Edwin_11

**I would Like to Use this code after you have clicked into your textbox And I am Edwin Have a good Time**

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for k_7

Hi, How can i make query for this: Table1 Column1 Column2 LS11111 0 LS22222 100 LS33333 10 LS44444 0 LS55555 25 Table2 Column1 Column3 LS11111 100 LS22222 80 LS33333 25 Result i need is Column1 Column2 LS11111 100 LS22222 100 LS33333 25 LS44444 0 LS55555 25 Column1 is same on …

Member Avatar for Sherin Mathew
Member Avatar for Blueie

Hello I am getting 3 errors (same errors for all 3 lines) in my Visual Studio 2017 Web Forms project: Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load pnlFormFields.Visible = False pnlThankYouMessage.Visible = True LblDate.Text = ReturnDate() End Sub pnlFormFields, pnlThankYouMessage, and LblDate, are not declared. …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Daniel_102

i want to add some text at the begining of every line in a text file. i'm only able to append text to the file Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main() ' Append the first line of text to a new file. Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("C:\append.txt", True) …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for tomexlfc

Hello, I wrote some codes for student login. the codes checks for the "username", "password" as well as their type of "status", from the database. once this input are met, the student logs in successful, otherwise a message pops up. The problem i encountered is this, i have 11 student …

Member Avatar for The Acnor
Member Avatar for zaren_05

Hello guys! I'm doing some game here in VB.NET with age limitation. In my registration form, when user put his/her birthday, the computer identify his/her age. Only 15 years old to above who can play/register in my game. I used date time picker for the birthday. And age is not …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for C-SHARP

Good Day I have a program I am coding, but I have a peoblem with the calculation below. Oh the Application is for a Wallpaper App to calculate the number of single rolls of wallpaper required to cover a room. I attached a picture of the program Question: If the …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for PM312

hi I have datagridview which i want to add on several forms. Number of columons and all ather functionality remains the same. to avoid creating size, columns, column names each time, i am trying to create class control for datagridview which will give me by default number of columns and …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for xuexue

Hi! I've found this code in the net that merges rows successfully. However, the data is being written in the last row of the merge rows. What I want is that it should be written on the first instead. This is the code: Using gridBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Me.dgSM.GridColor), …

Member Avatar for Mauro Galati
Member Avatar for Jagruti_23

Plz Help Me to Solve this Error.. I am coding this to build a Calcuator in Vb.net....i have declared "b" as a Button.. how to resolve this error.. plz help.. ![error.jpg](/attachments/large/4/bc99a90be607e68a81a81b5b7eed68b2.jpg)

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Abdihakim_1

hi everybody i need to get the application of software whoos breake the setup of vb.net whoose i built ago, becouse i forget it's password , tell me you know , thank you....

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for overwraith

Hello all, I was wondering if I could get some questions answered about how cupons work in the work place. I have an idea which involves creating a very flexible cupon service, but would require knowing the rudiments of how cupons work. The main question I have is how is …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Nezar Al-Akhras

Hi Mr Dani first i would like to thank you for help always for a lot of hard issues , i always check your site to have some help and now plz help me to get thime and date from server , becouse the clients in my school has a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Rizwan_10

Dear All i am developing .Net Application with MS Access and Crystal Report i am using DSN for crystal report to view the data from database. on each new client i have to go there to make DSN and then crystal reoport work, my application forms using database through physical …

Member Avatar for JModak

hello sir getting error when run the loop and going to last value of row count please help and i can not use the 2nd loop in the place of cells(?????) number how can i use this **Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for joshi1984

Hello, I want to have a manual IP-input-box like windows. ![tcpip_properties.gif](/attachments/large/4/1b3cb2d2b7b2be11e2b4abcef8d6fcc5.gif) I tried by MaskedTextBox but the problem is, the 3 pionts are sliding when i insert some numbers and i can insert letters and numbers higher then 255 (higher is not allowed in IP´s). I hope anyone helps me, …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for EddiRae

Hi, I have checked all the prior forum questions on this topic, but none of the options seem to be working for me. I am creating an output file that goes into a specific folder for getting MP3 file information. When I run inside of Visual Studio Community 15, it …

Member Avatar for EddiRae
Member Avatar for Jagruti22

Please tell what's wrong in this code.. I am using 3 DateTimePicker.. I think that line has some problem...Please Help.. ![Untitled.jpg](/attachments/large/4/f42d519e8bc5ead2edc0bf81395f227c.jpg)

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for joshi1984

Hello, i got a table in Excel (or exported to CSV). There are 3 columns (1. column = specification / 2. columns = value1 / 3. column = value2). On my vb.net form i got a textbox, 2 labels and a button. If i write in in the textbox "5" …

Member Avatar for Ella34
Member Avatar for Jagruti22

"Error in Line 4- System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Private Sub btnsearch3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnsearch3.Click Dim vSearch As String = InputBox("Enter Employee Id to search the details:") If vSearch <> "" Then cmdSearch.CommandText = "SELECT * from Employee_Details WHERE Emp_Id …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for omi4u

Hi All Brothers I am working on ERP system and i need one help I wrote code for Datagrid auto complete. this code is working perfect but it only showing one Column record from database what i need is i want first column is to autocomplete as i did and …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for AMINE.NOMIDIA

pls can iny one help me , i want to display table from database or datagridview to template word for exmlple i have table "items" with 3 champ id_items,name_items,price_items

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for JModak

Getting error when showing data in list view, please help me..... Error :* Cannot add or insert the item '10-07-2018' in more than one place. You must first remove it from its current location or clone it. Parameter name: item* I use Vb.net 2010 visual basic sql server 2008 r2 …

Member Avatar for JModak
Member Avatar for Braden_1

I would like to create a Microsoft Access database and integrate it into my VB.net application. I am also hoping to distribute this application to others. My concern though is whether or not users who download my application will also need Microsoft Access in order for the database (and app) …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for omi4u

i have a mssql datagridviewer. i only need when user load the form..they must get empty datagrid...data only show when they search any item or add item....i worked on search and add but i am confused on load event ....please help with code

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Braden_1

I have a text file with the following contents: Andrew Law 32 6'1 123 Pounds Tom Harris 19 5'5 180 Pounds Randy Poffo 45 5'3 141 Pounds Now on my form i have a listbox and four labels. What i would like to do is have the listbox show only …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Divinedar

I have a worksheet of about 388 items that each item is exported into a template worksheet that is created to itemize each item. It creates the worksheets but I can't get it to stop looping at the line of code in bold comments icons. The line that it stops …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for omi4u

Dear all I am working on a project for my customer . I wrote code to search items from sql using vb.net Now my code working fine.....when I search data using itemid it show me data in all related textboxes but not in datagrid here my code Dim connection As …

Member Avatar for SeanDevoy
Member Avatar for spades0001

Greetings, I'm kinda new to ASP.NET so I'm unsure as to how to proceed with accomplishing this task. I have a webpage that contains a GridView and controls associated to that such as Add, Issue Equipment, Edit, Delete. What I'm trying to do is when I click on a cell …

Member Avatar for SeanDevoy
Member Avatar for PM312

Hi, I Have below table I want all rows with all coloumn from below table where ActCode is 1162828 and sum of DocAmount for DocNo. i.e where the docNo is repeated i want only one row with sum of amount of all repeated rows. ** "Select *, Sum (DocAmount) from …

Member Avatar for SeanDevoy

The End.