20,278 Topics

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Little League Batting Average Windows Application: Finds the avg batting average of the starting line-up of nine little league baseball players. The user enters the present batting avg of each of the nine players to compute the team batting avg. 1.The user clicks the Enter Batting Averages button to enter …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jez9

I tried to make a setup file wherein i want to install and unistall the application/system that i made but when i try to run the application and i tried to save, edit, order and other stuff in the application it says "Operation must use an updateable query" i use …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for autoXP

need some assistance. I am currently learning vb.net with sql. I have two textboxes (txtValue and txtText) , a dropdownlist (ddl1) and save button (btnAdd). I insert value to txtValue and txtText (eg: txtValue: A and txtText: Apple). when i click button Add, The value will display in dropdownlist (like …

Member Avatar for autoXP
Member Avatar for rnyamonga

Hi guys, I need help with some homework... hopefully this is the right forum. So my last project assignment is making a shopping cart and having the user add, remove items therefrom. I am having a problem adjusting the totals after the items get removed from the cart: Using Lists …

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Member Avatar for paul1145

Public Function setEmailSend(ByVal sSubject As String, ByVal sBody As String, _ ByVal sTo As String) As Boolean Dim oApp As Outlook._Application Dim oMsg As Outlook._MailItem setEmailSend = False oApp = New Outlook.Application oMsg = CType(oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem), Outlook._MailItem) oMsg.BodyFormat = Outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatRichText oMsg.Subject = sSubject oMsg.To = sTo 'here I need the current …

Member Avatar for paul1145
Member Avatar for autoXP

I need some assistance here. I currently learning and i would like to create a simple webpage (as a hobby). I have two textboxes (textbox1 and textbox2) , a dropdownlist (ddlist) and save button (btnSave). I insert value to textbox1 and textbox2 (eg: textbox1: A and textbox2: Apple). when i …

Member Avatar for autoXP
Member Avatar for westsiderailway

hi there, Dim queryString As String = "select avg(pumpnum) from petrol_table" Using adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(queryString, connectionString) Dim table As New DataTable adapter.Fill(table) Dim row As DataRow = table.Rows(0) TextBox5.Text = row.ToString as the code stands now, all i get in the textbox is "system.data.datarow" the column called "pumpnum" is …

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Member Avatar for karodhill

a)I am working on a payroll program The first base class is bonus the class should contain 2 public properties salesid and sales. Include a default constructor and a parameeterized constructor in the class.Also include a a getbonus method(function) that calculates a salespersons bonus using the formula sales*0.05 b) create …

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Member Avatar for PM312

I am trying to update pdf file to sql but getting error (line 17) as **operator '&' is not defined for types 'string' and '1-dimensional array of byte'** on beow line cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE PDC_CHQ_IN_HAND set PDC_CHQ_IN_HAND.PDF='" & data & "'WHERE PDC_CHQ_IN_HAND.RefNo='" & TxtRefNo.Text & "'" * my code is* …

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Member Avatar for westsiderailway

Hello everyone, Dim SI As String = "" SI = CheckedListBox1.SelectedItem Dim TextcommandSQL As String = "" Dim myCOLUMN As String = "" myCOLUMN = ComboBox1.SelectedItem TextcommandSQL = "SELECT * FROM test_table where " & myCOLUMN & " = " & SI MsgBox(TextcommandSQL) Dim con As New SqlConnection con.ConnectionString = …

Member Avatar for westsiderailway
Member Avatar for imti321

I am getting this error while trying to login to my school managment software.It gives error message when i dont write anything in username and password but when i type correct login details it gives this error An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll Additional information: A connection …

Member Avatar for imti321
Member Avatar for Yuki_1

Hi,I would like to do a sorting when i had add new record,the new record must shown on the top of datagridview.It will always show latest record on top of the others old records.I had try several method that found from website but still cannot work!!! **code for load database …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for Eugyn

In my database there are two tables: the *CustOrder* table and the *Product* table. In my CustOrder winform I have a Product combobox, bound in this way : cbxProductCode.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("SelectedValue", ds1, "CustOrder.ProductCode")) and the combobox items comes with the following code: With cbxProductCode .DataSource = ds1.Tables("Product") .ValueMember = "ProductCode" .DisplayMember …

Member Avatar for Quazy

Hello I am creating a little application, using VB.net, and Access database. I want to count the number of records whitch have more than 6 hours difference between records. Is it possible to have a query to count the number of recordset where the "Time End" and "Time Start" of …

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Member Avatar for Satyam_1

HI I have vb.net with ms access database application. I want to create log in form Here is my code but when enter the details and hit Login button it says"datatype mismatch error" Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim rd As OleDbDataReader con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for chotep

Hi.. I have this problem in vb 2008 with this MDI parent form.. I know that you can't put any imageBackground for this, so I've just put a pictureBox the size of the MDIparent form to make it look like its background. But when I'm opening another form(it is just …

Member Avatar for melvinbelo
Member Avatar for jez9

ive got a table: code, stocksretail, stocksws and numexpected for example code: 0001, stocksretail : 24, stocksws: 1, numexpected :24 (numexpected = 1wholesale that contains 24pcs in retail) code: 0002, stocksretail : 24, stocksws: 1, numexpected :24 my problem is when i buy the two items above, the stocksretail should …

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Member Avatar for jatin24

I'm facing this strange problem while working with DataGridView. In my application that i'm building, there is a form with some tabs, and im using the dataGridView Controls in some of the tabs. These dataGridView controls have already been configured, with a number of columns already added, and has been …

Member Avatar for sebbu
Member Avatar for fugio

hi all, I tried to extract the files and corrupted file, the special characters you can see. (Rar! ϐs tÀ/ õ 3 ZÌtòf‰”F3 app.config ð{‰sͼ”¸§Þp o߁Á›å 8Þcm8rAêOu±§Ñº“a¡‹SMk$I±4¤kó{ø) how to files may display the correct content thanks

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Yuki_1

Hi, in my project i need to update the attn_dateTimeOut in database.After i updated it will automatic delete the specific row record that had been updated. I had two question: 1) in my database there are a few table is assign not null."attn_dateTimeOut" is a table that haven insert any …

Member Avatar for naz1234

Hi, how to dock this label to bottom ? ![Chart.PNG](/attachments/large/3/ca00538d0c8223d401e1e81bfdf00d7d.PNG "align-center") and how to remove all this line in chart ? ![21.PNG](/attachments/large/3/64a2fe2fca2f21051e29c0f69d4889da.PNG "align-center") Code : Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Interval = 1 Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IntervalOffset = 1

Member Avatar for jez9

Really need help please this is my code: Sub updteWS() Dim sql = "select Count(*) from ItemProduct where Code= ?" Dim cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Code", LVCart.Items(0).SubItems(0).Text) Dim result As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()) cmd.Parameters.Clear() cmd.Dispose() If result > 0 Then For Each x As ListViewItem In LVCart.Items Dim Stocks_WS1 …

Member Avatar for jez9
Member Avatar for wilsonchama

Hi everyone, I have been strugling wit the "INSERT INTO" statement. I intend to insert the items that are in a datagridview into An Access Database when a button is clicked. I am using VB.NET 2008 express and Microsoft acces 2007. At first, I tried to use the listview, but …

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Member Avatar for bamun

hi, I m using vb.net 2008 & mysql. i need to save array in 2 different datafield in the same database table. For eg: let consider dim n(10) as array & D1 as 1st data field, D2 as 2nd datafield now i need to save n(1) on D1 and n(2) …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sequeira

Hi , i need a sample code for Export data from MS-SQL to Notepad.txt using vb.net in Pipe line format this is my sample table data ID Name Address 1 Meenu Meenuhouse 2 Ammu MeenuHouse 3 Chinnu Meenuhouse i need output like 1|Meenu|Meenuhouse 2|Ammu|Meenuhouse 3|Chinnu|Meenuhouse Can any one help me …

Member Avatar for Sequeira
Member Avatar for altjen

hi. few days ago I open a microsoft azure account and create a virtual machine. download SQL server managment and do everything ready. open TCP port 1433 and my DSN name is btca.cloudapp.net now I cant connect with the database inside it... what to do. Im looking everything but nothing …

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

hi. few days ago I create a Azure account and create a Virtual machine. download and install SQL server managment, open TCP port 1433. but cant connect to my app.. my DNS is btca.cloudapp.net but cant connect. tried to connect with DSN & IP but nothing happening. any suggestion?

Member Avatar for altjen
Member Avatar for altjen

hi. few days ago I create a Azure Account and create a Virtual Machine install SQL server managment. open TCP port 1433. but now I cant connect to my app... my DNS is btca.cloudapp.net but cant connect the code with the database... please help me...

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Public Class Form1 Private Function getCrc16(b() As Byte, nLen As Integer) As UInt16 {&H0, &H1189, &H2312, &H329B, &H4624, &H57AD, &H6536, &H74BF, _ &H8C48, &H9DC1, &HAF5A, &HBED3, &HCA6C, &HDBE5, &HE97E, &HF8F7, _ &H1081, &H108, &H3393, &H221A, &H56A5, &H472C, &H75B7, &H643E, _ &H9CC9, &H8D40, &HBFDB, &HAE52, &HDAED, &HCB64, &HF9FF, &HE876, _ &H2102, …

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The End.