20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for nimz143

Hi I would like to ask. I have one dropdown list control. What are the different between this 3 in dropdown list. 1. Dropdownlist.SelectedValue 2. Dropdownlist.SelectedIndex 3. Dropdownlist.SelectedItem Thank you :)

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Member Avatar for wilsonchama

Hi guys, My application Cannot insert Record into Table more than once. There are 3 textboxes on the form in which the user enters data to be inserted in the table. And a command button holding the code to perform the action. What is happening is, when data is entered …

Member Avatar for wilsonchama
Member Avatar for scomx

i have a tabbed web browser so every time i close a tab the tab is closed but the process is still running for example one of my tabs there is a youtube page opened so if i close that tab the video is still runing you even can hear …

Member Avatar for scomx
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw I'm doing a scanning program and now the problem is that there are some files and folders which the program can't access because of access denial and it just produce an error and don't continue with the scan so now I want to know how can I skip …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for sandunkumara

hi, I want to insert muliple textbox values to muliple column in access db from vb.net

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for vdls

**BUTTON SAVE** Private Sub Button12_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button12.Click get_kon() Dim simpan As SqlClient.SqlTransaction = kon.BeginTransaction Dim command As SqlClient.SqlCommand = kon.CreateCommand bersih() Try With command .CommandText = "InputAnalis5C" .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure .Connection = kon .Transaction = simpan .Parameters.Add("@NONAS", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 12).Value = TextBox1.Text .Parameters.Add("@NAMA", SqlDbType.NVarChar, …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for Saas2015
Member Avatar for 404notfound

I'm looking for a way to do report printing. I understand CrystalReports is probably my best bet, but I can't find anything that relates to the way these reports need to look. My program is meant to record trainings for my company's supervisors. It has several text boxes that contain …

Member Avatar for 404notfound
Member Avatar for paul1145

I would like to assign a CTRL Q shortcut to the Quit submenuitem (filesubitem1) but can't find the right syntax. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. If user_wants_file_menu = True Then Dim fileItem As ToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem("File") Dim filesubitem1 As ToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem("Quit") filesubitem1.ShowShortcutKeys = True …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for scomx

I have a tabbed web browser its working fine , but i have a little problem and that is if i open a new tab is ok but if i go back to previous tab the urltextbox it have the url in the tab last opened tab. so i am …

Member Avatar for scomx
Member Avatar for Amiet_1

I have DatagridView on form. My database has three fields. - userId (bigint) - userName (varchar) - userDob (date) Now, on Form I have comboBox, which lists Months (Jan, Feb, March and so on...). I want my program to work like this. If I select any month on ComboBox, birthdays …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for altjen

Im designing a software for fun. but I stuck in somewhere in listboxes. what I'm trying to do is like this: you write something in in textbox1. after press a button it seach if a word like that is on listbox 1. if that is true than it send a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Oomi

I have taken input of 5 images from user and showed it in photogallery now I want these images in list view too. How should I pass them in list view simultaneously. I tried the below code but it shows images in photogallery not in listview. Private Sub BrowseMultipleFilesButton_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Mohamed_54

HI,i create and output bill.i use dot matrix printer.i successfuly arrange columns when i use english output bill. but when i print tamil output bill the columns are not arrange in straight line.pls help urgently.(i use padleft,padright also)

Member Avatar for naz1234

Hi, I have some number 1 to 5. How to find top 3 number in that range ? For example, in the range of 1 to 5 , I want to show only 1 to 3 in the the text box.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for cgeier

I will be showing how to pass data between two forms in VB .NET. I will be using two forms, two classes which we will define, a delegate, an event, and an event handler. It is my first tutorial and is a bit long because I wanted to make it …

Member Avatar for kplcjl
Member Avatar for zizo.ahmed.779

hello everybody...nice to back again i m working on project to calculate measures and numbers and insert data inside datagridview(dgv) from number.text and measure.text but if value of measure.text present in dgv son update number cell with new value + present value problem is how to do so.... i tried …

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Member Avatar for Satyam_1

Hi, I have vb.net application. In the form I have print button and when I do print, after printing the form is closed. so I have to reopen the form. I tried much, but I am not able solve the problem. Please help me. I put following code in print …

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Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Daniweb Community, I was wondering if there is a way to reset a tabcontrol. What I'm wanting to do is have it so when the user will click New it will reset all the tabpages to the way they were when they started the program up. I tried this …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for TheITManager

How do you parse repeating XML sub row values in VB.net (2008) using XDocument, and Dictionary. In the code below I am able to read everything down to first row of userGroup.. Hide Copy Code <userGroup id="XX1" title="MAIN GROUP" orgCode="111" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX1/NANA"/> I get all the values for the FIRST …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for Pompy

Hi im trying to do this projexct for class. Here is the code Public Class Form1 Dim index As Integer = 0 Structure Gradebook Dim ID As Integer Dim Exam1 As Integer Dim Exam2 As Integer Dim Exam3 As Integer Dim Avgg As Integer Dim LG As Char End Structure …

Member Avatar for Santanu.Das
Member Avatar for Michael_39

Hi, Basically I have a graph that is bound from a DataTable which source is from a DataGridView. I have zoomable functions on the graph and I need it use X Axis SelectionStart and SelectionEnd in order to calculate the block of data that is selected. So I have some …

Member Avatar for karodhill

0 down vote favorite I want to make my click procedure read five names on a list called names.txt file and store them in a five element one dimensional array and then arrage them in descending order what am i missing from this code that is keeping the file from …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I have a project that is due in a few days and I'm having an issue with one section. I created a really simply movie rental program and have a form for customers that uses a local DB for all the information on that form, one item on that table …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for LukeJWhitworth

Hello, I'm working on some job management software and it saves the job information to a file. Assuming that file is specific to the application, a *.ExampleFile so won't conflict with any other files on the computer and won't be used by any other software, how do I get it …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for karodhill

I have a linq statement where i turned letter grades into numbers to calculate a gpa can anyone tell me why no matter what grade i click i get the same gpa of 68 for each one? maybe someone can look over my code and give me an answer or …

Member Avatar for djjeavons
Member Avatar for scomx

i made a download manger and web browser so i want my download manager download files instead of ie downloader

Member Avatar for scomx

i have a tool strip button for bookmarks like the one in Mozilla fire fox or google chrome, i can add button and i can click it but i cant remove it , because that i added context menu to the tool strip with remove, so i want the code …

Member Avatar for scomx
Member Avatar for Rana_4

the codding of form view is form.show and i want to know how can i embed many form in each other or one another..

Member Avatar for Rana_4
Member Avatar for scomx

after i copy the link by this code. Dim myElement As HtmlElement = browser.Document.ActiveElement Dim target As String = myElement.GetAttribute("href") how i can i open new window in a tabbed browser with that link. i did it in different ways but it not working, and here is one of tries. …

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The End.