20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi all, I was going through a lot of resources on how to populate a dataset.And i kind of got an error when trying to populate the created dataset with 4 select statements. but my sql uses the where clause,the other statements i saw select certain columns and go to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kentuckyjoe

I have a question about best practices as far as opening and closing the database connetion in my app. Currently I am opening and closing each time the database is accessed with a query or update. Should I be doing this? It’s a lot of opens and closes. Or maybe …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for mohd.nasrul.iwan.fajaruddin

*new to C#* I have created a form , with a working coding , but i need an extra assistance. Somewhat , i am stuck on trying to figure out how to let the 3rd combobox value , determined by the first and second. Like this : [Main Form](http://i.imgur.com/1rePOge.png) For …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for PerplexedB

When one sets the DropDownStyle property of a combobox control to DropDownList, the system (from windows 7 on, not sure I had this problem in Vista) changes the appearance of the field, so that it somehow reminds one of a command button. I definitely need the DropDownList behavior, but I'd …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for gary.jones.98096721

i need to on button click be able to search for an image rename and move the image to a new folder on next frm load pic box with an image base on the name of the file inside the folder

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi Experts my excel data is copied successfully to the listview. But on importing to database, I get this error. InvalidArgument=Value of '5' is not valid for 'index' ParameterName:Index ================= I have 2 problems ================= Problem 1: What should be the problem when I importing from listview(I think it is …

Member Avatar for ling_tj
Member Avatar for johmolan

I have earlier created the databases in the sql management studio. but a friend of mine said it would be possible to dreate the tables directly in visual studio and update to the database. I have tried to do it but I can't seem to make the tableadapters etc. because …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for glenn_boy13

Hello, I have a listview1 in my form. And my form has the ability to fullscreen itself. In the meantime, I have this code: ListView1.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize) But that would only depend on the listview's headersize. or the column's header width. I would like my all columns to share equal width. For …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for glenn_boy13

HELLO! I've been debugging my code for an hour now. seriously. So I have this string: SQLString = "UPDATE `etmsystem`.`main` SET `timeIn` = '22:00' WHERE `main`.`serialNo` = '70002B4A8F9E'" actually the TIME and the SERIAL NO. here is to be represented by a variable. But I changed the code into that …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for ponsy

Good Day, how can i put a username and password in form? in Visual Basic 2008

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for jmProg

I receive this error ![4f39dda7d2306f99bd623d1011e6cf34](/attachments/large/4/4f39dda7d2306f99bd623d1011e6cf34.png "4f39dda7d2306f99bd623d1011e6cf34") when I have this code: Private Sub EditUsers() Try Dim dt As New DataTable dt = ExecuteQuery("UPDATE tblUsers SET UserID = " & txtUserID.Text & ", UserName = '" & txtPassword.Text & "', Password = " & txtPassword.Text & ", LastName = '" & …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

hi, I am using the Rich Text Box, Now I want to open the Word File, (It may be of 2013 or 2007) How Can i do This? !!! Important Thing !!! No matter if I have to import any of the Word addon or else.... But That should Work. …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for pandeysk_13

Hello all, It’s a problem which is giving me pain. I have a table agent_registration which have following structure: agentID agentname patentID 001 a NONE 002 b 001 003 c 001 004 d 002 005 e 003 So, whenever we register a customer whose agentID is ‘005’ then how can …

Member Avatar for pandeysk_13
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

This is a module that can be used to save tiff images pass in from a file dialog. This module was translated from C# to VB.net, and the original project can be found [URL="http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/16904/Save-images-into-a-multi-page-TIFF-file-or-add-ima"]here[/URL]. I do not claim rights to this code. You can copy this code straight down into …

Member Avatar for Lolatorres
Member Avatar for mohd.nasrul.iwan.fajaruddin

I have created a form , with a working coding , but i need an extra assistance. Somewhat , i am stuck on trying to figure out how to let the 3rd combobox value , determined by the first and second. and what i wanted is , something like , …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for hehaho12345

Hi, im currently developing a picture viewer. i would like to capture the last used time of each picture into MS access database. in my picture viewer im able to choose he pictures one by one after selection, when i click a button and the slideshow will play. i need …

Member Avatar for Minimalist
Member Avatar for brightline

Dear all, I want to develop a webservice that returns a json like the following: http://niceq8i.tv/mobile/api/cat/get_sounds How to make the functions has a direct link like that and return the json code without any xml code Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am working on a small application in VB.NET. The program needs administrator privilege for doing some tasks. Is there a way to ask for administrator privileges during the execution if the program? What is the general way of changing the user account under which the application is running? Actually …

Member Avatar for Deep Modi
Member Avatar for Vaggelis

Hello everybody, Ι want to make an application that does multiple mathematical actions such as solving second degree equations and indentities I've created all the forms I need for it work but I cant create the main form that the user will use to choose what action will be executed, …

Member Avatar for Vaggelis
Member Avatar for C Newbie

I'm just wondering how to add a save feature to the Binding Navigator tool strip as it isn't a feature by default. I'm using VB Express Edition 2008. Thanks!

Member Avatar for jhorman.rodriguez.146
Member Avatar for Riteman

Am working on a project right now and almost stuck at a point. Say, I have a text document with contents like: `abc,123.xyz;praise;end,file,clear` Now I want abc , 123 . xyz ; praise ... in an array. I used split method with array of characters. Though I retrieved abc,123,xyz,praise,end,file,clear I …

Member Avatar for Riteman
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi all, I am a naive programmer to VB and VB.Net, I have mostly used C# and now I am stuck at a simple point as follows :- CollectionView.CollectionChanged += Function(sender, e) RebuildSearchIndex() I don't have any idea how to replace "+=" as its showing some error. Requesting you all …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello All, I am populating my frame from different pages and showing the output as a grid. Following is my xaml code :- <Frame x:Name="mainFrame" Grid.Row="1" JournalOwnership="UsesParentJournal" /> and xaml.cs :- mainFrame.Source = New Uri("Views/ProductsPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative); But I want to change the selected/unselected (focused/non-focused) row colors in this frame and …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for razree

Hi all, I have a question about deploying a Visual Basic 2010 Express build application silently on remote computers. When I published the app, an setup.exe file was created in project\bin\Debug folder. Now I would like to install this app to multiple machines (in the same domain). Usually I do …

Member Avatar for razree
Member Avatar for mpatram

Hi All, I m working on a TabControl in Vb.Net. Its having 4 tabpages. like Tab1, Tab2, Tab3, Tab4. On Tab1 I m having a checkBox. My requirement is when [B]checkBox.Checked=True[/B] it will enable the Tab2. How can I go for this? [B]Note: I m not selecting the Tab2[/B] Plz …

Member Avatar for ajinkya1234
Member Avatar for theonebit

I am confuse about datagrid or table. How do you use grids like explorer, IDM, utorrent uses. are they using data grid or table or something i dont know. cant seem to get it? will post picture if required.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for iqlas

hi guys... i am working on the project in vb.net in visual studio... my computer's name is homesys(Computer name as shown in MY Computer Properties).... when i try to make crystal report using sql server 2008 database... which i made it in visual studio itself, i am unable to get …

Member Avatar for Dharsana
Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi all, I just came up with a little problem.I used crystal reports for my reporting. And i used five tables for the report.I've used SQL statement to select the records that i want. But crystal reports displays each record (selected by the sql) on a different page which makes …

Member Avatar for Nebil
Member Avatar for twelve12

Hi, guys im a 2nd yr college taking up Information technology, now i have a project i need to make a POS of a water station with the information of the consumers. what my problem is i dont know what should i do, since my professor didnt teach us on …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Learner010

i'm using VS 2008 for window application and made an http web request and it returns result in json([click here for json result](http://www.daniweb.com/api/articles/448095)). I am not much familiar with JSON and also newbie in vb.net . So , i don't have any idea to deserialize the JSON result. would you …

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The End.