20,284 Topics
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Team - I hope you can help me here. I am converting an old ecommerce site to a newer asp.net site but I need to retain the old cart. The cart is unique in that it uses forms to post the items into the cart. So if a page listed … | |
What do i do if my sql server in the server explorer always has a red cross on it, if i click on it and then look in the properties window on state it says it is closed and therefore I cant work with my database. if i try and … | |
I have a mass of files, all named 1.txt, 2.txt, etc. all the way up to 100.txt in the same directory (let's say C:\Example1) that have come from a website and are either of one of the two following formats: [CODE]"blah blah blah, 1234, blahblah" (Always 4 numbers, as it's … | |
I need to create a project for college using visual basic 2008 express edition. I have to create a quiz with a login and password facility, so when you run the project the user will have to enter their username and password then be taken to the quiz. How would … | |
Hello all, I have been working in GIS development for around 10 months now. I have been doing all the development in Javascript. I now want to build some GIS based vb.net projects! Can you suggest me of some ideas for a project? Regards, Shreerang Patwardhan. | |
Is Mobile PC suit required for sending sms from vb.net application? Is any kind of [B]SMS Gateway[/B] needed for sending sms? | |
So researching amniotic band syndrome the other night I came across a "Known Attack Site" warning. I got the hell out of there and after I closed my browser Firefox just sits there with a pretty white page (Untitled) while IE says "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". I was … | |
Hi, I've created a VB .Net windows application that generates reports in excel files from a dataset. I use "New Excel.Application" to create the Excel instance, and push data into it from my dataset. During this process, I do not show the GUI of my instance of Excel to the … | |
Hello everyone. I am looking for a little assistance in trying to accomplish something that seems pretty impossible.. I am currently writing a program that uses multiple scripts we use to diagnose software we use in our environment. Currently, the only we retrieve our information is going to the local … | |
I have a personalised webbrowser in VB 2005. It fills values into a form and submits the form. The first page is "login.php", the next page is "home.php" [CODE] SendKeys.SendWait("{TAB}") SendKeys.SendWait("{TAB}") SendKeys.SendWait("username") SendKeys.SendWait("{TAB}") SendKeys.SendWait("password") SendKeys.SendWait("{Enter}")[/CODE] I want it to do something else based on the url after the form is … | |
i have a table in my database that stores store items and their respective prices. i need a code which will, after displaying the items on listview,give the sum of their cost. i.e, when you use listvie1.items.count only gives you the count of the columns. i want to capture the … | |
Help Needed. When I click on button1, employee_id and P values need to be transferred from button1_click to Cal_Category13() and go through all the calculation. After the calculation, udtnew.X and udtnew.MTD values need to be transferred back to button1_Click I've no problem to return multiple values Cal_Category13().MTD and Cal_Category13().X from … | |
hai friends i am developing a voting software, but i cant able to find the code for increment the no:of vote in the database when an user click on the button.I used sql server 2005 as my back end..Any one pls help me... | |
Hi All, I need some guidance here...How does one close or unload all open forms in VB.Net. Can someone please help me out in this regard? Thanks very much. | |
Hi all, I need to pass an event as a parameter to a function and I'm wondering if there is any way of doing this. The reason why I need to do this is because I have a sequence of two lines of code that is littered all over my … | |
Hi all, I am stuck on what 'should' be a fairly simple thing to solve, however after a good search i haven't got very far. Basically i am pulling data from a database which might have multiple lines of data, however for one particular task i only want to grab … | |
I have created a UserControl Popup window and called that xaml file into another file. Imported the namespace. When I am trying to build this project an error at this below given code: [code=xaml] <Popup x:Name="POP" IsOpen="False" PlacementTarget="{Binding}" Placement="Center" AllowsTransparency="True"> <a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" /> </Popup> [/code] Error at [code=xaml] <a:PopUpWindow x:Name="pp" … | |
Hi, im having trouble reading in lines of data using arrays and a structure. I believe my main problem is figuring out how to keep track of the lines read in, even if the whole array size isnt used up. Also, To break up each line I am trying to … | |
Does anyone know where I can find an absolutely free online tutorial on vb 2008 asp programming? I'd like to start learning web-based applications. Thanks! | |
I'm trying to get a VB.Net application to type into a file upload control field. The application currently navigates to the correct page, and clicks the "BROWSE" button so the "Choose File" window opens, but when I use SendKeys.Send( "Testing" ), nothing types into the field, even though the cursor … | |
heres the script basically it sets (supposed to) Local area connection ipv4 static ip address to 10.XX.XX.2 but it dosent work it works fine if you run cmd as addy and put the script in netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static 10.XX.XX.2 [code] Dim txtlen As Integer … | |
I would like to insert my panel at the top, when I do so now the dgv will cover half of the panel, how do I solve that? [ICODE]Private Sub grdSize() Me.grdAccountTypes.Width = 0 Me.grdAccountTypes.Height = 0 For Each column As DataGridViewColumn In Me.grdAccountTypes.Columns Me.grdAccountTypes.Width += column.Width Next Me.grdAccountTypes.Width += … | |
[B]Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection[/B] Hi, I've a form and the form is working fine also. But my problem is Whenever I closed the form. I'm getting two errors. 1.Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less … | |
Hi all, i was wounding if anybody can help with this I’ll be really grateful I’m working on a piece of software to read a comma separated text files with thousands of lines each line has around 32 word separated with a comma What my code does at the moment … | |
| I would like to do a coding to delete the txt.file that i had created before using visual studio..can anyone teach me the coding?thank you. |
Hello I have a bindingNavigator and some textboxes connected to the bindingsource, in a childform, a form inside another form. I have a third form, a search function, and I need to change the bindingNavigator Position, when I choose a number in my "search" form. I have some code in … | |
| Hi.i am facing the problem that is when i open my file in datagridview.it didnt have extra column let me edit(add,change) the data.Besides that, when i want to save it into textbox.it will appear like it added 1 more empty column between each column..why it will save like that?please help … |
I am trying to split the letters in a textbox in to letters and add it to a listbox. And then convert each letter separately to unicode and add "| " at the end of each letter. For example; Lets say we have a • listbox called "lst1" put separated … | |
Well i figure that if i do a temp. batch file for a small project heres the batch script. IPAddy would = a number xx.xx also how to execute from a button and run as admin at the same time. [CODE] @echo off netsh interface ipv4 set address "local Area … | |
how do i run my shell Shell("netsh interface ip set address" & Chr(34) & "Local Area Connection" & Chr(34) & "static 10." & IPAddy & ".4") as admin? PLZ |
The End.