10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for JD69

I have 1 form with the progress bar and 4 buttons with the following code. I would like to create another form that shows the same progress bar with the same progress. Please help Here's my code for progress bar [B]form load code is:[/B] [code] ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0 ProgressBar1.Maximum = …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for rhyll07

hi...is there anyone help me to make an inventory system using ADODC as a connection for database...MS ACCess. inventory system format: 1. form that can monitor the available stocks 2. form for incoming stocks 3. form for stocks sold 4. form for adding stocks and 5. for product updates. thanks …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Ok, I'm having problem on how to save texts with quotes. Let's say I'm saving a value in a textbox like O'Neil. That's where I receive an error. How do I save names or texts like O'Neil or texts with qoutes? Here's my code for saving: [CODE] With RecSet .Open …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Khliboy_2796
Member Avatar for junjun61991

i have a problem in my program.... i want to link the database in the search form1 to form2 ... what was the code.. the code is in below... what is the error and what is the proper code of this.... this is my form 1 code that link to …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for SmallTime

Hi all, I'm trying to format postal addresses in a text field and want to avoid placing extra spaces between those fields that that are null or have zero length strings. Here's a shortened version of what I tried: [CODE]IIf(IsNull([nmsPrefix]) Or [nmsPrefix]="","",[nmsPrefix] & " ") & IIf(IsNull([nmsNo]) Or [nmsNo]="","",[nmsNo] & …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for Shodow

when i try to add a record [CODE]Private Sub cmdDone_Click() Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset Call ServerConnect Rs.Open "SELECT * FROM list1", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic Rs.AddNew Rs!CustomerName = txtName.Text Rs!ContactNumber = txtContact.Text Rs!Date = dt.Value Rs!TimeStart = cmbStart.Text Rs!TimeEnd = cmbEnd.Text Rs!Event = cmbEvent.Text Rs!Guest …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Swoop_GB

[COLOR="Red"]DISREGARD[/COLOR] EDIT: found an answer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying to unprotect a protected worksheet, write to a cell and protect it again. The following code works ok if the workbook is [B][U][I]not[/I][/U][/B] shared: [CODE] ActiveSheet.Unprotect Range("D18").Value = 1 ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True [/CODE] However, when the workbook is shared for network use …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for azzu khan

when i select option button of fastfood it retrieve the data in two listbox from database. i m using 4 list box one(check style list box) is for food item another(simple list box) is for cost. when i selects(checked) any fooditem then a inputbox will occur for entry of food …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
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Member Avatar for Shodow
Member Avatar for Shodow

can u give me a module code for connection i am using mysql table: list1 database: database1 username: root password: N/A

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Ra1sed

Hi, i want some help on my VB game (school project). My vb is 6.0 and i want do match image. i want do 6 random pictures, if you can help me, tanks

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Roldy

Is it possible to change the event of a button click within different subs? For example, have the button take me to the main menu in one sub, but in another sub have the same button take me somewhere else.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for prafullaD

can any help me in vb code. i want to make an image processing software having functions of edge detection, increasing and reducing brightness and contrast value and adding noise in an image. if any one have to code please send to me...........bye have a nice time

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for twsmale

I'm using VBA to query and modify an Excel database. The database contains information about servers and their locations. Most of the rack mount servers have the location column as something like "G-05". Those are easy. When it comes to the blade servers, the locations are listed as "G-05E2S09" or …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for mroberts50

I am using Visual Basic Express. Here is my code but my number is always a whole number when I divide I want it to be two decimal places. For example 367/12 should equal 30.42 not just 30. I do not understand what I am doing wrong? Private Sub btnIntegerDivide_Click(ByVal …

Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy
Member Avatar for shena

Hi there, I wrote a VBA program as below, but I'm not able to exit the sub nor exit do looping if the condition is fulfilled, why so???? It runs through the lines until end subsequently creating empty text file. I want like if the if condition is fulfilled then …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for SPereira

Hi Guys, I have written a program in VB 6 wherein I want to delete a particular record from MS Access Database Table. I noticed that the record does not get deleted immediately. Only after I close the recordset it disappears. I have a Delete Command Button in a Form …

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Member Avatar for azzu khan

i have a (check style)list box which have some items.i want to remove more than one items which are selected(checked) . this removing event is done by clicking on command button. but it gives error of "invalid property array index" plz help me to correct this error.... [B]this my coding.....>>>[/B] …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for knight92

Hi, another question from someone who is interested in learning more about C/C++. My question is that everyone says C/C++ is more powerful than many other languges e.g Visual basic but why is it more powerful. Is it because of the pointers ? As far as my knowledge goes they …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for sharunkumar

Hi everyone! I'm new to visual basic and i have been using it shortly. I need a code which will help me compile an exe file based on some arguments or with the help of another VB file. Thank you.

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for shredder2794

Hello all, I am trying to figure out how to click a button in the WebBrowser Control... I've tried stuff like: [CODE] WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(0).Item("btnG").Click [/CODE] but this doesn't seem to work. So how would you go about clicking a button in the webbrowser control in Visual Basic 2010? As an example …

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Member Avatar for gingank

Datagrid Adding Columns this is a really silly question, but i seriously dont know how to do it. How do i add a new column to a datagrid. It starts off with two, and all i want to do is add two more columns to it. why am i finding …

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Member Avatar for geoffy0404

Title kinda says it, I was wondering if anyone has heard of this what im about to ask. If i program code on ubuntu 10.04 using netbeans, and code in C. can I somehow save the file from netbeans, and transfer/make a conversion for the netbeans file to be able …

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Member Avatar for nuBudDy

hi, i need help on calendar picker.i placed a calendar control on a form.once i click on any date,i want the date value to be inserted into fields in database.i tried searching for the codes bt what i got was a manually designed calendar by a programmer.is it possible to …

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Member Avatar for memory100

i have pivot table in a excel sheet and it pulls data from a CRM database. when a user clicks any data in the pivot table it creates a new worksheet showing all the data that is related to that data selected. I want to know is how can i …


The End.