10,993 Topics
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Good day. I just want to ask on how to make a textbox accept positive & negative numbers but will not accept string that was entered.. Ill try to use [code=vb] if not isnumberic(text1.text) then msgbox"error' else end if [/code] But if negative numbers is entered it will not read … | |
Dear Valued Members, I have many textboxes in control array. Each of them holds numerical data. I need a visual basic 6 code, few lines preferably, that will enable me to add the values. The values are of the same data type. Kind regards. | |
hello please help me on this. i have cmdadd_click()..when i click the button add,the data will display on the flexgrid at the sametime it write on the notepad..my problem is that i don't know how to make code on cmddelete_click().i want to delete the data i added on the notepad … | |
Create an application that will predict the approximate size of a population organisms. The user should select or enter the starting number of organisms in a combo box, enter the average daily population increase (as a percentage) in a text box and select or enter the number of days the … | |
hello please help me on this i have txtaddress.text . it can accept number only in the beggining but not in the last i dont know how to trap in the last ...and also it will not accept special character specially the period sign..example.... this is okey...23street complexsub division example … | |
hello can you help me where to put the messagebox "file not found"...because if i put on else after the grd.Rows = grd.Rows + 1 only one data having this precint number will be display all i want that all of them will be display..sample ..D-314 is the precint number … | |
Hi guys I need your help a bit. I have designed a tree view control and the user can select multiple options. Now the problem lies in: "When the user clicks on show button a msgbox appears showing all the items selected"....This is what I want to do. but is … | |
I have created a form with horizontal and vertical lines and text to fill in the difference cells. I need to have some of the text to be printed in landscape rather than portrait orientation. When I try to change the orientation with the following, I get an error that … | |
I am not sure how to accomplish this, but I am trying to take a dates from two fields and using the current date show the progress percentage in a different field. So, if past date is Jan 1st, the current date is Jan 5th, the future date is Jan … | |
can anybody explain what the difference between the 2 codes below? i'm using visual basic 6 and i'm connecting access dbase. and one other thing, i'm trying to connect access 2007 with my vb6 but i can't remember the code, i know the code below works with access 2003 and … | |
Hello! I'm making an enrollment application in vb6, using Access as my database. It will be used by 2 to 3 persons (registrar and cashier). What codes do I need if I want to retrieve data from my database from one pc to where my database is? If I declared … | |
Hi experts Here I am with yet another problem. I want to add data in a tree viewer controller dynamically from my database. I am using ms-access as my back-end Please help me ASAP. Thank you in advance | |
im facing a challenge here peple. i will give as much detail as i can. i am trying to come up with code such that when a button is clicked it runs through a field "copiesremainng" in my subscription table and subtracts 1 from every record in that field. this … | |
I'm new here at DaniWeb, and my english suck. Does anybody know how to make a form open [B]itself[/B], just in a new window? I want to make a form, that haves a button in it. when i click the button, it opens up a "copy" of itself (the old … | |
OK, so I am attempting to create a workbook which when opened has only a main page with several buttons for the user to use. When a button is activated, it takes a hidden sheet and copies it into the document with certain fields altered. Each sheet has its own … | |
Hi community, I have the weirdest error happening in my VB6 program when I try to execute an "INSERT INTO" query. Here are the premises: [code=VB]Public conn as ADODB.Connection Public rs1 as ADODB.Recordset[/code] - the database is Access 2003 this will be migrated to SQL server later. - conn has … | |
Hi, Im building a database in Access with the use of VB. If I have 2 tables, both of which will be used as a subreport/form: 1 - Invoice Details a - Invoice Number : Integer b - Item: String c - Quantity - Number d - Rate/Cost/Wateva - Currency … | |
[CENTER][url]http://www.4shared.com/file/199140856/ed929f06/SendEmail20.html[/url][/CENTER] [URL="http://www.4shared.com/file/199140856/ed929f06/SendEmail20.html"]SendEmail[/URL] SendEmail tool and 20 examples (C++ - C# - VB6 - VB.Net - Delphi - MSSQL - MSAccess - ASP - HTML - PHP - VBS) [LIST=1] [*][B][U][COLOR="indigo"]Prosperities:[/COLOR][/U][/B] [LIST] [*][B]From[/B]: (Optional) Set sender email, string [*][B]FromName[/B]: (Optional) Set sender display name, string [*][B]To[/B]: Set send-to email, string [*][B]ToName[/B]: … | |
I am a beginner in visual basic programming.I need guidance for the approach needed to make a program.Its part of my study. I have a song book(in paper) containing hymns in various languages.I want to make a program that displays the hymns when given a search query like the beginning … | |
Is there a way to use a progress bar on a message box? | |
You can make a os in vb. But a os need's medim or high level coding e.g c++ or c I'm am working on a os in vb it is going pretty good I have the main menu sorted out the log in nd user and login and shutdown and … | |
Ladies and gentlemen i thank you for your assistance in my system that i have been developing. my organisation is very impressed by it. i was thinking of a situation whereby my system could give a notification when a person's copies he subscribed run out. i mean when the copies … | |
Am trying to make a form with a hole at the centre of the form.please help me with the code | |
Is there anyone knows how to display a blob datatype from MySql database to the RptImage in Visual Basic 6.0 Data Report? Help me, please!!:-/ | |
Hey, I've been looking around here for a while but its my first post, I think this might be the right place for this question, if not please move it. I have a few folders with different file types in them. I want to make a search tool that I … | |
[CODE]Private Sub cmdgetdata_Click() For i = 0 To lstsoftware.ListCount - 1 If lstsoftware.Selected(i) Then sSQL = "select * from Master_final" With adorsRAM .ActiveConnection = cn '.CursorLocation = adUseClient .CursorType = adOpenDynamic .LockType = adLockOptimistic .Open sSQL End With If Not adorsRAM.EOF Then Set msh.DataSource = adorsRAM msh.Refresh Else MsgBox "No … | |
How can we add data from multiple columns of an access table in a list box. Please explain with the help of a code. Thanks in advance. | |
Any one have any working source of a yahoo messenger, that is capable of Logging in & sending PM? I googled a lot, but noting came true working, many of them are very old. | |
On another forum. This guy warns me to not bump a thread. [url]http://www.dropshots.com/spectateswamp#date/2010-01-14/06:06:14[/url] Then he makes his post disappear. Then I get banned. A couple other of my fav threads had him as the final respondant. Does he bully others there. Good thing I do screen captures of my posts … | |
Hello to All, Good day :) I have developed a vb6 project with Ms Access as it's database. When I use Ms Access as a database, during the package and deployment, I will just have to add the file ".mdb" then all is done... -Ready to install in the client's … |
The End.