10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for neosonic

I am using line function to draw line in the picturebox from the x1,y1 to x2,y2. I can draw it, but I also want to write a string on top of the line. My application is drawing a cable across with corresponded voltage, Something like 110 ------------------------------------------- but the line …

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Member Avatar for kdee

Dear friends! Can anyone tell me how can I connect an additional data query I created inside the tableadapter (inside dataset-editor) to a combo box list? So I will actually see the data in list. I managed to create a query inside tableadapter, which only contains data from one column …

Member Avatar for hunainbutt
Member Avatar for SimonLeefe

I have an Excel workbook containing named variables across several worksheets. In one of these worksheets I have a "run solver" button, which kicks off a VBA routine. The first thing this routine does is allocate values of variables picked up from the workbook to local variables inside the VBA …

Member Avatar for SimonLeefe
Member Avatar for janinejams

i was just wondering can anyone here give a concise explanation of how the statement : For Random As 1 executes and what is the syntax for this. Thanks

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bdrkb

How can i find the difference between two date like '01/01/2008' and '01/01/2010' my date format is "mm/dd/yyyy"

Member Avatar for SCBWV
Member Avatar for ankush.mukherje

Hi all I want the data shown in MSH flex grid to be shown in crystal report. I am using Crystal report 8.5 If the value in the grid changes then the crystal report must be updated accordingly. Is this possible to do?

Member Avatar for sidnei
Member Avatar for ankush.mukherje

Hi experts I am supposed to design a VB application wherein the following requirement is needed: The user will select the type of software and information about who uses the software available in my database to be shown in flex grid. Now the user can choose one, two or all …

Member Avatar for ankush.mukherje
Member Avatar for andy999

hi all, I am completely stumped out but I did not find the solution of my query so far. so I am in hope posting this here in this forum. My query is: I have an application runs on my desktop. I want to take data from the desktop application …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Civil Eng

Hello everyone! I am a geotechnical engineer and have been tasked with editing hundreds of excel files all in the same way so I decided to go back to my college intro to C days and make VBA do all of my dirty work! Anyhow, *I* think I am having …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ramesh_natesan

Hello, I have a vbscript file whose file size is 0.9 MB. I opened this vbs file and copied all the lines in it and saved it into a new vbs file. And I noticed the size of this new vbs file became almost half reduced to 0.55 MB. Anyone …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ankush.mukherje

Private Sub cmdusername_Click() Set adorsRAM = New ADODB.Recordset sSQL = "Select User from Master where CPU_No='" & txtcpuno.Text & "'" MsgBox (sSQL) With adorsRAM .ActiveConnection = cn .CursorLocation = adUseClient .CursorType = adOpenStatic .LockType = adLockOptimistic .Open sSQL End With If Not adorsRAM.EOF Then 'txtusername.Text = adorsRAM Else MsgBox "No …

Member Avatar for ankush.mukherje
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day. Is it possible to send sms with vb6 via a wireless sms modem device like globe tattoo, smart broadband, etc..? Just need for costumer notification service. Thank you guys for giving time. God bless us.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for DJAyzed

I have a datagridview on my form called "mainGrid" and im not very good with XML buti found a small example to load but not one to save I wondered if there was a equally simple way to save! Heres the loading code: [code] Private Sub loadGrid() Dim ds As …

Member Avatar for DJAyzed
Member Avatar for bdrkb

Hi I would Like to set my vb form caption from database can do this pls help me urgently

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for kbalamuk

I wanted a feedback from people who have done this before: reading hundreds of data files and creating a chart for each using VB. Is this a viable approach to do this? as in, how is VB speed and does Excel give up on you when you do the plotting?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for srbatcha

Hi i am doing one project in vb6.0 with ms-access 2003 database. i want bulk data updatation in one table from excel sheet. is possible , if possible pls give me a good solution. my table name : segment transaction its contain more then 20 columns , my updatation for …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ankush.mukherje

hi experts please help me with this code [CODE]Private Sub cmdreport_Click() Set crApp = New CRAXDRT.Application frmViewReport.Show Set adorsRAM = New ADODB.Recordset Set report = crApp.OpenReport("D:\Ankush\created\proj11\Reports\Report1.rpt") sSQL = "Select type, user, location, cpu_no, model, speed, ram_unit from Master where RAM=" & Form1.cmbram.Text report.ParameterFields.Item("pRAM").Value = Str(cmbram.Text) report.DiscardSavedData 'CLEARS REPORT SO WE …

Member Avatar for ankush.mukherje
Member Avatar for planethax

In VB6, how would I subtract 1 from a Hex? Do I need to convert to Integer first? (have tried HextoDec function, but not having success) Example Hex = FF FF Hex - 1 = FF FE

Member Avatar for joekbit
Member Avatar for bdrkb
Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for npstyler

Hai Experts, I need to convert the pdf files to word document , i have seen some softwares that converts pdf files to word document , i need the component or and activex dll to perform this work if anyone have done plz. plz try to help me

Member Avatar for cocol
Member Avatar for planethax

Having a guy help me with some code, however, he doesnt know VB6 and only has freebasic I need to convert the following into VB6 so I can make a user interface (comport selection etc) but not sure how to do it. Even a step in the correct direction would …

Member Avatar for planethax
Member Avatar for umepinkie

Hi I'd made a form using visual basic and added a few check boxes. I want to know you save the check box item into Microsoft Access Database when I click on Save. for instance: checkbox1: item1 checkbox 2: item2 checkbox 3: item 3 and in MS Access, I have …

Member Avatar for jammiedude

Just downloaded Office 2010 to see what changes have been made in the VBA environment and all looks well. But i am having a big problem typing in my code! as soon as i type something it appears in red, it autocorrects so fast that if i type .range("A1") it …

Member Avatar for jammiedude
Member Avatar for pytup

Hi, i have got code: [CODE]Dim numbers(99) As String Dim howmany As String Private Sub Command1_Click() howmany = InputBox("how many number you want input?") For x = 1 To howmany numbers(x) = InputBox("Enter a number") Next x FontSize = 14 For y = 1 To howmany Print numbers(y) Next y …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

Hi, i am trying to create a program where user can add picture to a form at runtime..and store it in a database as well...i am using following code to define array of picturebox and load a picture in it... [code] Dim mimage() As PictureBox ReDim mimage(0 To num1) As …

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Member Avatar for 22MDS

Please help. Can you help with the code I require? I have tried but I don't seem to beable to get it right. I have simple I/O Random FIle which works fine but I would like to be able to input a string into a textbox to find the record …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for poojan

i have been trying to make a program to transfer any kind of files through [B][COLOR="Green"]serial port[/COLOR][/B] using [COLOR="Green"][B]VB6[/B][/COLOR], i was able to transfer the text file but not other files so please help me on this

Member Avatar for joekbit
Member Avatar for b3nsoi
Member Avatar for palcy

hi!!! am palcy , am having problem in my listview with my save button whenever i try to edit something then press the command button for saving the update that ive' done it give's me the error "querry is too complex" then pointing my "rs.Update" code any solutions or proper …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for gvlral

I have recently use a Exit For within a For Next Loop to exit the loop later the procedure returns to the same For Next Loop. I noticed the control does not reset. Is this what is supposed to happen?

Member Avatar for QVeen72

The End.