10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for suniljoseph

Dear Sir, Please give the idea for linking VB with any Database(Foxpro Or Ms Access) and how can we print the required information from it in a particular format?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for sanmano
Member Avatar for raguapk

Hai Friends ! This is my first thread .I 'm developing a vb 6.0 application with barcode scanning enalbled.It's for Photo labs.I 've a bar code scanner connected via USB.It reads the barcode values .No problem with that.But when ever I scan a barcode,the value is stored in the text …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for harn991982

hello all, i m newbie here... and i have one silly question to ask about inet ftp... i was trying to ftp using inet ftp in vb6, but keep getting 'variable not defined' error for my Inet1 (eg: inet1.URL = host_name) do i need to register any component or add …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for ALex_ice

I have been given a project and i need to create a button to calculate N!. I've been trying to figure it out for a while now and I can't. Any help would be nice.

Member Avatar for ALex_ice
Member Avatar for JALachica

plz .... how to creat a system in visual basic like electronic book system? plz give me a example... thank you

Member Avatar for newto_vb

hi to all combo1.additem "male" cobmo1.additem"female" combo2.additem" Educated" combo2.additem"Uneducated" even i have added in LIST property of combobox. my problem is when i retrieve records from database for Find command button i am geting error as "Text" property is read-only. runtime error '383'. i want to dislplay FIND record details …

Member Avatar for PriyaPD
Member Avatar for crackerjacker

basicly all i want to do is resize (height and width) of an external window, like IE or Freecell, and then move that window, with X Y pixel co-ordinates(top, left). Thanks

Member Avatar for crackerjacker
Member Avatar for jagdish kasta

Hi, I am traying to set font for datagrid whole column but thare is no any easy way to do it in vb6... please help

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ajay.malaotar

new to this forum,my querry is the most basic that anyone could have asked ever here. i am a final year student and am alloted a project to built an ivr system for fault control management of our local college exchange. now i searched a lot on internet to "how …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for dreamygirl

Hey guys, I'm working on my DBMS project,it's about creating a visual basic application that links the user to a database. I've created the connection and added the dataset with the relations i've made in MS access. Since i'm a beginner in visual basic,i've come up with this simple layout: …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for cabsjonel

hi! folks merry christmas and happy new year to all of you ahhm! i have problem in using the .bas module i mean declaring global varibles from it, I try several times to use the variable that i declared in .bas module but did not work so can you help …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for a9m2i11t

Hello Everybody....... I am a student of M.C.A. 3rd sem. and I received an assignment on making "Project on Placement Cell " from my college , but i don't know what i have to do in this project...... can you please help in creating this project.... Please tell me from …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for cabsjonel

hi ! folks merry christmas and happy new year to all of you folks i have problem on my project it is a lending system I am only a begginer in vb can you give me some programs that i can learn regarding to my project folks i need your …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for Lida_pink

How can I show these numbers exactly the same on the form? (By clicking on a command button and printing them on the form) Thanks in advance everyone :) (btw, I'm a beginner so please use the easiest way) ;) ( The "*" character means space. I actually need SPACE …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for ranjani_anu25

I want to display a table in a VB form and display the records fetched from an SQL server table in the table in the VB form. how 2 do dis?

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for alaa.chemical

i need the source of printing a rhombus in the following shape by **** in vb6 ______________* _____________*** ____________***** ___________******* ____________***** _____________*** ______________*

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for alaa.chemical

hello every one am new in this forum and i need the source of printing arhombus shape by *** i use vb6 the shape * ** *** **** ***** **** *** ** * please i need the code quickly please

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for VINOD_2553

Hi i just have problem in my software i just want to apply more then one condition in my quary which is joined "and" operator plese helpe me by given an example(coding) it is very urgent

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for R_K_Sarma

I have tried following code to open an existing excel file. the code gets executed but the excel file does not appear on the monitor please help. Dim xlTmp As Excel.Application Set xlTmp = New Excel.Application xlTmp.Workbooks.Open "L:\FormsNRegisters\Accounts\Bill_Forms.xls" Dim xlSht As Excel.Worksheet Set xlSht = xlTmp.Sheets(1)

Member Avatar for R_K_Sarma
Member Avatar for TheCodeHunter

Hi Hope you can help because its driving me up the wall. I've made a program that can add 4 items in a row in a list box, for instance Item Make Guarentee qty Price toy car rover 1 1 £45.00 monkey monkey 2 1 £65.00 total: £100.00 The problem …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for coollife

ex : while asp web project is running , i have an option for the user , if the user presses F8 key in index page he will be redirected to login page In the same way while vb application is running i should be able to capture the key …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

hi everyone, I would like to ask you all a question is that when you do a wysiwyg printing in visual basic the console window opens when the button to print is clicked. basically what i am trying to say is there a way to make the console window not …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for aakashkumar
Member Avatar for JohnKelly

I use the SHBrowseForFolder to select a Folder to store files. It all works fine however the window that is loaded with the directory tree is very narrow and difficult to easily navigate to the appropriate folder. Is it possible to allow the user to increase the size of this …

Member Avatar for ghimangi
Member Avatar for ivankenny

hi guy need help about thermal printer I've tried using data report but once the list get to long the printer start to get errors need help need idea on what to use for long printing list for POS

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for stigmatized
Member Avatar for sandipdandel
Member Avatar for pri1
Member Avatar for iriz

HI All, I am trying to make an inventory/sales database in Access and VB6. Its for my computer store. Here is the case: Usually we have sales offers in our store. For example, for a complete PC system, we have different offers depending on hardware. Usually the price range changes …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for kong_quints

Please help me... i am trying to figure out how to control the power supply of a certain USB port using VB6.. i improvised a Locking device which is USB mode.. and when the locking device attached to the PC via USB, it will Lock and how can i cut …

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The End.