10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for amadarohan
Member Avatar for Rentier

I have a USB device (analog-digital converter) and DLL library for it (mDAQ.h, mDAQ.lib and mDAQ.dll). Can I use functions of this library in VB? How it may be done?

Member Avatar for ksenthilbabu

Please Help me, We had a Software application Developed using VB6 with MSSQL SERVER2005 as Database(Remote) in [url]www.znetindia.com[/url] our web space provider , the application was working properly until they upgraded the Server configuration, Now we are not able to connect with the database using the normal OLEDB connection String …

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Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg
Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg
Member Avatar for asaness

hi to all! i need some help. My problem is how to code the terminating current process, actually it is like a task manager. i hope somebody will answer my question. thanks to all...

Member Avatar for aka_amboy
Member Avatar for hery

this is my code [code] MSFlexGrid1.Clear On Error Resume Next Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT count(*) FROM ENTRY_GAJI_BAGIAN") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Cannot open recordset due to this error: " & Err.Description MousePointer = vbDefault Exit Sub End If If rs(0) > 0 Then MSFlexGrid1.Rows = rs(0) + 1 …

Member Avatar for bg_ac_dziner

I have built a telephone keypad using the drawing function of Excel and I would like to be able to have a visual print out in an existing Text Box of the numbers selected when I touch the individual key button Groups.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for neosonic

Hi, this is my problem. I have a big picture to be viewed in picturebox. I will need to manipulated that picture (add some graphic in it) and save it in the same size (if the original is 2000x2500, let it be 2000x2500). The problem is that picture's size is …

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Member Avatar for muh_hatta
Member Avatar for Lida_pink
Member Avatar for benze

hello im making a GUI using VB 6.0 in order to communicate my PC to my PIC microcontroller. Can you give me an alogorithm how to start in coding my GUI. Im just new to VB language. I really appreciate your reply..Thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Roax

:( I am have been trying to update changes from my vb.net program to an access database file and it simply will not work. I have am using table adapters. I'm not familiar with SQL so i can't go that route. It updates the dataset fine but not the database... …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for invincible35

HI fellas, i want to use a visual basic application in Personal digital assistant(windows mobile platform) but somehow i am facing some problems (Like.... I couldn't run my exe on PDA, which was working fine on my system). Please help me.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg

Hello, See for eg. I have a ListBox with these items: abc1 abc20, abcd now i want to search and separate the only text which contain integers to a textbox. Can anyone help please

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for gian10890

here's my code: this code executes by pressing ALT Q, then the msgbox will return the key value of Q which is 81 [CODE] Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, x As Integer) If x = vbAltMask Then If KeyCode = vbKeyQ Then MsgBox KeyCode End If End If End Sub[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ravmonster88

hi experts. this is my first post here hope you could help me.. [CODE] Private Sub FindFile() On Error GoTo x 'capture if error occurs Dim idx As Integer 'index to be incremented For idx = 1 To Combo.ListCount - 1 'loop to find the and load the text file …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Dazpenn

Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me. I have a program that has an MDIChild form which contains a button that opens up a second MDIChild form. This second form has a listbox checkbox on it that allows the user to select from. Once they have finished selecting, …

Member Avatar for Dazpenn
Member Avatar for venkatnams

guys,,i use vb6 and access 2007,,i hav a problem with my project,,,,my project is about college admin s/m,,,on runtime if i give certain id's for input it hangs and just crashes,,,i dont know why this happens,,,,,i hav applied the same code in many other places of my project but they …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Matt3144

I have made a program which can store users as records with different fields with a public type using text boxes and combo boxes which works fine but I also need to save a picture of the person in the file (same file if possible). how do i save the …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for Lida_pink

How can I draw a line on the form that can go around itself ? I would really appreciate if someone could help me out with this question. I have no clue how to solve it. Thanks in advance :)

Member Avatar for Lida_pink
Member Avatar for rric

Hi, I need to create an application that will count the number of students who score from 90-100, 80-89, 70-79, 60-69, and 0-59 on exams. (Grades are listed in a ComboBox). It should then display the number of students in labels, a second label should also display a message for …

Member Avatar for cabsjonel

hey folks can someone help me how to use or connect database to visual basic hoping for your kindness. God bless !!!!!!

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for shaunhester

The following code worked perfectly in word 2003, now in word 2007 it doesn't work if the resulting save file is on a network drive, it does however work on a local drive. We are scrathing our heads here if anyone has any ideas we would be happy to try …

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Member Avatar for cabsjonel

hey folks its me again i have a big probelem i dont know how to use the patch of spyware doctor hoping to those person who have a good heart god bless to all pf you

Member Avatar for azegurb

hi all i am newbie in Excel VBA i created list in Excel and i wrote into ([B]a1[/B] cell-income, [B]b1[/B] cell-expence, [B]c1[/B] cell-kredit and [B]d1[/B] cell-debet) i enter a2 cell income (for ex:1000) and b2 cell expence (for ex: 100) and I give condition in VBA that if income greater …

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Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg

Hello, I want to add integer value in specify integer from mix character TextBox, For eg, I have two TextBoxes first's name Textbox1 and second's name Textresult1 Textbox1.Text = "blabla 2 bla" Now after a empty space and before a empty space i want to + 1 in integer value …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for xandy

i want to install visual basic 6.0 free download to my pc but i dont know if i can get here a free!!!! help me pls!!!

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

Hello, Please help me in selecting a database to use with VB6. my application will store some 20-25 values each second (24 X 7) along with date-time stamp...and i would need to access this data for over 1 year period... Keeping this in mind...which database should i select? also please …

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Member Avatar for neosonic

Hi all, If I want to read an image and split them into pixel of rgb(red green blue) regarding their color. Is it possible to do it in vb? Or I need to use the different program? if you have any clue, please let me know, thanks.

Member Avatar for neosonic
Member Avatar for coollife

ex : Set ie1 = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.Navigate "http://www.gmail.com" the above code opens the gmail.com page but the url will be something like [url]http://www.google.com/accounts/[/url]......... I want to get the url , whats the code for it and how to get ip address of an website Please HELP

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr

The End.