10,993 Topics
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Hello frnds, I have created a b'day reminder application in VB 6. I want to that application will remind us every two hours in small icon like when small pop window. and i also want that my login form should be displayed at that tima when system booting complete. can … | |
How can I SWITCH the contents of 2 textboxes by clicking on a command button? I tried to solve it this way : [CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = Text2.Text Text2.Text = Text1.Text End Sub [/CODE] But it didn't work out and it only changes the content of text1 Thanks in … | |
Hello, Can anyone tell me how can i use Unicode Text from a file in a String or in a TextBox? Please Help Thanks | |
I am researching how to create a dll in VB..can it even be done? Does anyone know of any sites or books that can help me through this process? | |
Hello I have an application in vb6 that works on MSAccess 2003. And now I have to change connection to SQL Server 2005. I changed connection string to: conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=server; Database=Base; UID=ID; PWD=pwd" I open recorset like this Set rs = cnServer.Execute("SELECT * FROM tbl") and it is … | |
I want to process data entered into an Access 2007 form and then append the data to a table within the database. I started with a simple form with a button running a macro which ran an APPEND query, and this was fine until we needed to add some conditional … | |
First off, i would like to introduce myself. My name is Ryan, im 18 and a professional gamer. About the client! Well this client is for my clan members, they can login and retrieve updates, news, ect through a webbrowser Help! Okay, so i have set a webbrowser, two texboxes … | |
cud ny1 plz tell me,how 2 connect to mysql via VB6.0 without d help of mysql connector as 1 user said. i don't think there is ny need of such in VB6.0 i just wanna know how to set connection string through coding an fire sql query in VB its … | |
Good day! I just need some help/solution on how to prevent the user to resize the form when the width of the form is less than 8,220. Thank you guys for giving time. God bless | |
Can anyone help please? How can I give focus to a textbox (for example we have two) by defining a shortcut key as alt+m ? Thanks in advance Btw, I'm a beginner so please tell me in the simplest way. :) | |
Hi all, I want to convert 1 to 000001 in Visual Basic 6 example: 1 = 000001 2 = 000002 thanks | |
i have a combo box in vb6.0 which i need to get a column of data from oracle database, how can i extract a perticular column of data to a combo box | |
Dear sir, I doing one school project in VB6 with Access database. here I use Data bound grid control for view. and I want know how to calculate hours in DBcrid pls help me. | |
Hello! I wonder if someone can help me. I'm trying to create a Macro that would copy a line of text from one Word doc into a specific position of another Word doc, and then use the content of the clipboard as the Filename. From recording various Macros and researching … | |
I want to store multiple usernames and passwords in the oracle 9i and connect with VB. I am new with this. Kindly send me reply. Smitha | |
how can i execute a loop (a series of natural numbers from 1 to 100) in dos shell ? code:- [ dim a as integer,dim b as integer for b=1 to 100 step 1 for a =1 to 100 step 1 print a,b next a next b ] it is … | |
hello i read [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread111692.html"]this [/URL]topic and i use the source to learn how to use option and i have Problime with it this the Form : [CODE] Private Sub Command1_Click() If Option1.Value = True Then SetStringValue "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\yahoo\pager\ETS", "String Value", password.Text ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then SetStringValue "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\yahoo\pager\EOptions string", "String Value", … | |
Pleeeeeaaaase help. If you have the answer please email me on <<mail removed>> Thanks Hi I have a VB6 system that interacts with a SQL Server database and GET's records with the following code If I_Syscont.State = adStateOpen Then I_Syscont.Close End If szSQL = "select * from syscont" szSQL = … | |
Hello, I want to store all ListView items of index (2) in a MultiLine TextBox, Please explain how can i transfer all listed text of specific index | |
guys i recently used this following code in my project,, [url]http://www.vb-helper.com/howto_store...access_db.html[/url] after adding the above form in my project i added microsoft active x control in my reference,,cos the above code needs it,,,, i also have added microsoft dao 3.5 in reference before i added the above form,,, then i … | |
Good morning friends I write from Brazil, and I need help from an expert .(.. I am developing the program attached with another program on existing This is very important to me as it is for my college training .. basically I track IP address through ICMP. The problem is … | |
Write a program that will deal with the following scenario: - someone buys a car at £7.500 - the car is to be "paid up" over 4 years - the intrest rate is 5% flat rate per annum. The program should display the total monthly payment, and should alsoo show … | |
How to call Crystal Report from vb6 code? help me. | |
hey guys,,i recently got this code from robocr of this community,,i got this from another website,,im trying to use this in my project to link a photo,,but im not able to do that,,i get errors one by one when i try to run the code after importing the forms and … | |
Hi I am trying to open a MS Access db via CommonDialog1. All is fine untill I click OPEN after selecting the db I want. What I then get is a dialog for ODBC entitled SELECT DATA SOURCE with two tabs: File Data Source or Machine Data Source. If I … | |
Hi guys.!! Good day.! I just want to know on how to execute an event or function call after the resize event of the Form had been triggered!.. Thank you for giving time on this post.! | |
i have a VB6 application using DAO and other reference libraries...so i used Package & Deployment wizard, so that it works on other machines as well...now my application size has increased from "79 KB" (my earlier exe + DB Files) to whooping "30 MB" (entire package). Please guide me how … | |
Is there a command that change's server's file's inside buffer? Change file's inside text? I hope you understand me | |
Hi Writing a vbs logon script to add a registry key for users, but it is only adding it once for the SYSTEM account, (since this account is used to run logon scripts) via HKEY_CURRENT_USER, whereas I need it to add it for the user logging on, so append it … | |
Hi to all and good day... I'm still studying about vb 6's data report designer and the data environment...but what i need to know is how can i make or [B]generate[/B] a report at [U]run time[/U]... for example, generate report for the employee names. (names of the employees will populate … |
The End.