10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for cwiggins

I have .txt files saved as their date in yyyymmdd.txt format. I need to be able to open these files based on today's date or a cell value and use the info to paste into an existing excel file. I can handle the pasting of the info but do not …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for gogo2010

I have to write a program to get traffic lights to work - how do i get it to show green and amber at the same time? any suggestions?

Member Avatar for hero_1036
Member Avatar for stewea99

Hi, I have this form which so far displays data if its there or lets you enter new data in the form. I have a combo box which at present inserts whatever is selected into my table. How can I make it so the id of the item in the …

Member Avatar for nth
Member Avatar for Zevs

please help anyone.. i have MDE made with MS ACCESS 97 and i want it to work in MS OFFICE 2003, but have some errors... Can anybody help me with this problem???

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Member Avatar for aditi123

hi I have developed a project using vb dao. Now I want to generate report by using crystal report 9. can anybody help me with the coding of the same.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for NIWANUT

Hi, I have written an application in VB6 that grabs an image from a webcam and writes it out to the hard drive. Before writing it I would like to add a text line listing which camera it is and the date and time. I have no problem sorting out …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for wonderhow8

I have many microsoft access database and saved under file name like 4945.mdb, 4946.mdb, 4947.mdb etc.. Inside each *.mdb, there are data columns like Serial Number, Part Number, Qty etc. Let say I want to create a Query using VB to search one of the Part Number in all these …

Member Avatar for t__

Hi, i'm actually trying to display records from 3 tables in a Data Report using an InputBox. That is whatever information i enter in the inputbox the data report should display its appropriate records from the tables. i can display records from 3 tables in the data report, but how …

Member Avatar for pranavdesai1900

Hey I m a student of IT ENGINEERING in diploma inlast year could any one suggest a project which can be built in 3 months

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for nupoychan

Calculate the number of years worked to date. (Fraction of year, cut waste) as well as to receive a salary. (An integer). If working conditions and less than 3 years will receive 1% salary increase. If work has been 3 years but not more than 5 years will receive salary …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for jvdpeet

In een programma waarin een bepaalde code en database al jaren zonder problemen gebruikt is krijg ik bovenstaande fout. Als ik stap voor stap door het programma ga, loopt het zonder fouten door het instellen van de databasename en de recordsource. Deze recordsource is de recordsource van een data control …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for bcdio

Okay, I am hoping someone here can help me. I have figured out how to double click a cell in my excel worksheet to pull up the userform used to populate the data for each record (in columns C through DA) and repopulate the userform BUT when it repopulates the …

Member Avatar for jcb0806

I need help with code to find the sum of several different subtotals that may vary in the amount of data. I have to pull from columns that may vary from report to report (the heading will always be the same but the columns may be different lengths) Ex: Category …

Member Avatar for pytup

I have a code: [CODE]Private Sub OK_Click() Dim Username As String Username = InputBox("Username") If Username = "Martyna" Then MsgBox "Welcome, " & Username Else: MsgBox "Sorry, access is denied, please Check your username and try again" End If End Sub[/CODE] and it should ask 3 time for username then …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for aparnesh

One of the requirements in a new project in VB is that 'it should good look'. Naturally the client doesn't have any clear idea about 'good looking apps' but wants it to look 'real good'. I can give it a XP style look using manifest, but I was wondering if …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for betty_vaness

1,a,Summarise the rules that apply to naming variables in visual basic b, i.) Define a multi-component user-defined data type called AirHandler having the ff components: colour (string) MachineNo (long integer) Length (single-precision real) Breath (single-precision real) Height (single-precision real) Cost (single precision real) ii)Declare a variable called AC_For_Barclays of type …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for foehner

I created a install package on an XP machine using the VB6 package and deployment wizard. I can use that package fine on one of my Vista boxes, but another Vista box gets the error -- "Visual Basic 6.0 Setup Toolkit has stopped working" It starts the install, asks for …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for shashikanth

I have a time values in MS Access database 4:30 2:15 3:20 4:45 I want to sum the time using VB code .The sum of the time should be 14:50 hrs not 14:10 hrs. Please help

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for 4ukh

hi guys does their any software that do the followings: suppose you have two different sheets of Microsoft excel 2007 like sheet 1 and sheet 2 in sheet one their are three columns A, B and C on other hand we have sheet 2 that contains only two columns like …

Member Avatar for leahmarie

Hello guys, I just want to ask for a refresher tutorial on VB 6, Because I'm gonna need it to jog my memory in programming in VB 6 platform. Thanks for any reply in advance.

Member Avatar for 4ukh
Member Avatar for pankaj.garg

hi, i want to communicate with a slave device (temperature controller) using ModBus with RS 485 using VB6, but dont have knowledge of the same. Can you help me by guiding how to move forward..plz suggest some tutorial..or provide some sample program where data from a remote device has been …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for wild_angel

I have a problem when I ran report from vb6. I use Crystal Report 8.5 as reporting tools and MySql as database for my program. When I tried to run the report in Crystal Report, it worked. But when I ran it from vb6, it showed an error: "Server has …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for meeny

We have several legacy "Windows" applications built in Visual Basic 6 that until Windows Vista displayed normally. Now we have random textboxes that display with a black background, even before any records are brought into the form (and after as well). Some forms in one application have one or two …

Member Avatar for meeny
Member Avatar for foehner

I finished a VB6 app on Vista and packaged it there. But, when I try to install it on an XP machine, it says there are system files that need to updated. Is there some docs or help that would help with this... says what the developer should do to …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for kunju87

Hello frnds, I have created a b'day reminder application in VB 6. I want to that application will remind us every two hours in small icon like when small pop window. and i also want that my login form should be displayed at that tima when system booting complete. can …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Lida_pink

How can I SWITCH the contents of 2 textboxes by clicking on a command button? I tried to solve it this way : [CODE]Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = Text2.Text Text2.Text = Text1.Text End Sub [/CODE] But it didn't work out and it only changes the content of text1 Thanks in …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Geek_Cyborg

Hello, Can anyone tell me how can i use Unicode Text from a file in a String or in a TextBox? Please Help Thanks

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for snostar

I am researching how to create a dll in VB..can it even be done? Does anyone know of any sites or books that can help me through this process?

Member Avatar for eladkarako
Member Avatar for tihomir

Hello I have an application in vb6 that works on MSAccess 2003. And now I have to change connection to SQL Server 2005. I changed connection string to: conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=server; Database=Base; UID=ID; PWD=pwd" I open recorset like this Set rs = cnServer.Execute("SELECT * FROM tbl") and it is …

Member Avatar for tihomir
Member Avatar for gcattley

I want to process data entered into an Access 2007 form and then append the data to a table within the database. I started with a simple form with a button running a macro which ran an APPEND query, and this was fine until we needed to add some conditional …

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The End.