10,987 Topics

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[CODE=vb]' Private Sub department() Dim dep As String dep = Trim(Adoaddlec.Recordset.Fields("department")) If (dep = "1") Then optict.Value = True ElseIf (dep = "2") Then optassessmentprogramme.Value = True ElseIf (dep = "3") Then optdbt.Value = True ElseIf (dep = "4") Then opttvet.Value = True ElseIf (dep = "5") Then optcarrerdev.Value = …

Member Avatar for 88omar
Member Avatar for LindseyV

Hello there. I have successfully read my emails from outlook into access. The problem is that I am trying to get the sent date field but I can not figure out the command for it. Below you will find the commands I used to find the subject, body and sender. …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for arvin2006

hi everyone, i have successfully saved the image file to DB by this code: Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Dim picsm As ADODB.Stream Set picsm = New ADODB.Stream picsm.Type = adTypeBinary picsm.Open picsm.LoadFromFile filepath With rs .AddNew .Fields("Last") = txtLast.Text .Fields("First") = txtFirst .Fields("Pic") = picsm.Read .Update MsgBox "Successful" End With picsm.Close …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for rossyt

Hi I am trying to limit the cursor to a single form on loading. It works fine when testing it in Visual Studio but when I compile the exe the rectangle it limits is bigger than the form also if I change the start up position of the form from …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Ravi Kant

Hi Friends! I am creating a project & want to minimized its form like photoshop in its own status bar. How can I do this ? Any Idea .... ?

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for abu taher

I made a datareport simple. just connect. but I want to make it with condition. I have 2 dtpicker for date. I want 1 day report or weekly or monthly report by dtpicker. example I want 03/11/08 report or 01/11/08 to 03/11/08 report. But I dont know how make it. …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for neclark2

Hi, I need help building a very simple excel macro that iterates through all cells of the table, checks if they are not a particular color and if so changes to another color. So if the two colors are called BLANK and FILLED respectively, then the psedocode would look like: …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for arvin2006

what's wrong with the code, it doesn's display the data based on the SQL query: Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() On Error GoTo Notfound squery = "": squery = "Select * from tblStation where Station like " & txtStation.Text & "" Call ExecuteCommand With Me .txtStation = rs!Station .cboCluster = rs!Cluster .txtArea …

Member Avatar for arvin2006
Member Avatar for jreeson

I am running the following Update Query in my program and I am encountering the following Error: Run-time error '2147217900 (80040e14)': Syntax error in UPDATE statement Here is the code i am running My module contains the following code: Public UserName As String Public UpdatePassword As String Public rsUpdateUserQuery As …

Member Avatar for jreeson
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, I have one problem with resizing forms. I am developing our application in vb and i gave code for resizing forms in resize event of form. First i save the sizes of all controls in forms in form load event and then in resize event i resizes all …

Member Avatar for guest11
Member Avatar for arvin2006

Where should I get the declaration ADODB.Stream Object? as far as i know, ADODB library has only 4 objects: Command, Connection, Recordset & Parameter. I need this object for the Image DB. thanks

Member Avatar for arvin2006
Member Avatar for deems

Hi, im working on a Computing A Level project, it involves making a virtual Ballot Box. One of the things the Ballot Box is required to do is to choose the winner by determining which candidate has received the highest number of votes. Has anyone got ANY IDEA how i …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for RahulV

[COLOR="Red"]URGENT[/COLOR] Hi, Ive found that earlier when i used DataControl in any of my Forms it did not give any problem worked fine. But after sometime when i started to run those Forms it gave me an error message (to debug) of "Visual Studio 2008" (Just-In-Time Debugger). I felt that …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for sham

Hello, I created command object in DataEnvironment. Now I wish to change to command object's Sql Text since table name gets changed depending upon year of working.

Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for nie86

i'm doing the eigenvector and eigenvalue calculator system. i don't know how to find eigenvector from a corresponding eigenvalue!! help!!

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for richboy

hello, i have a problem i am trying to encrypte an xml file and decryte the file. what am doing for a comapny in canterbury kent is to create a mobile banking application in visaul basic so customer could downlaod it onto their pda using microsft ce ...which i have …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

good day! I want to pass the value that contains tha table name and load its data.But my sql turns error.Below is my code. [code=vb] Combo2.Text = "first_year" sql = "select * from " & Combo2.Text & "'" rs.Open sql, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText [/code] Im using mysql as backend …

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Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! Thank you for all of you in this forum in helping me in all my post. I just got one last problem with my project.!Please help me on how to back up and restore my mysql database that when i click backup my mysql database named (onlineenrolement) will …

Member Avatar for jisjake

Hi I'm trying to creat a numeric pyramid. I have created th code for one side but can't seem to figure out how to do the other side this is what I have so far. size = Val(txtsize.Text) Picout.Cls ' For loop to iterate over every column Dim row As …

Member Avatar for dev_kc

I have 2 tables Details,Mstr. Mstr table contains(PSNO,NAME,DOB,DOJ)=>PSNO- PK Details(PSNO,NAME,PH,SAL_ACC,ADV,DT_PREP)PSNO-FK In Grid i need to display SAL_ACC NAME ADV DT_PREP 12345 abc 150 5/25/2009 12345 abc 300 5/30/2009 12345 abc 200 6/11/2009 how do i do ths,please help

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for LindseyV

Hi there. I am writing a program in Access 2003 and I trying to update a forum with new strings. To explain better. The forum window is already up and I hit a button to process a command. Now I need the fields in the forum to update without saving …

Member Avatar for LindseyV
Member Avatar for dev_kc

I have been asked to use data grid in my proj,bt i dnt knw hw to use this,please help... On click of search btn,the data should be displayed in the grid and textbox,I know how to display in the text box,but dnt knw anything abt this grid........ PLEASE HELP:S

Member Avatar for arvin2006
Member Avatar for kshrini

Hi All, Can anyone tell me , how to create subreport in Crystal report XI? Please give step by step procedure with example. Thanks, Shrini

Member Avatar for saikentr
Member Avatar for thando

im making a hangman project in vb6 and i need some serious help with it! my prob is with my loop which is having issues - this is my code: Dim guess As String, x As Integer, word As String word = wordBank(stage) guess = Text1.Text For x = 1 …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for bilal_h86

Helloo iam building vb chat application using winsock, work on LAN but problem that face me that iam tring to connect to a computer in a network this computer in a network of three computers "" and "" and "" local Ip's and with only one internet IP, so the …

Member Avatar for bilal_h86
Member Avatar for abu taher

If I click a button how my computer will be open? I want I click a button then my computer will be open. help me with my computer, control panel

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for clarkpoon

[B]Convert Case To Random In Vb6[/B] I've only 1 Textbox & 1 Button... can anyone help my? Thanks

Member Avatar for clarkpoon
Member Avatar for VIPER5646

I been searching for days for a sulotion but can't seem to find one. The coed that I have does not give me an error but it does not save anything on the table either ' Can someone help me find what I'm missing? this is my coed [CODE] Dim …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for 88omar

well i have been trying to get this thing to store in a database i created in mircosoft db any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance Private Sub cmdadd_Click() optftime.Value = False optptime.Value = False optict.Value = False optassessmentprogramme.Value = False optdbt.Value = False opttvet.Value = False optcarrerdev.Value …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me .how should i print serialno of materialrequistiondetail table of matching requisition no.in descending order.here is the code what i have written. [code] Private Sub btPrint_Click() Dim sqlQuery As String sqlQuery = "SELECT MaterialRequisitionOrder.requsition_no, MaterialRequisitionOrder.job_no, " & _ "MaterialRequisitionOrder.delivery_point, MaterialRequisitionOrder.delivery_date, " & _ "MaterialRequisitionOrder.delivery_time, MaterialRequisitionOrder.suggested_supplierID, " & …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr

The End.