10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for devilz

Dear reader (s), In my AccessDB, JanuaryDay(Table) having two columns JanDate & JanShift. JanDate contains all the dates of each month and JanShift contains text value for each date. Its like: Id JanDate JanShift 1 1/1/09 SM 2 1/2/09 M ……………………… ……………………… 31 1/31/09 M I Can retrieve the recordset …

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Member Avatar for cascade001

Hello , thank you all for reading my post i really appreciate your DaniWeb it helped me alot before and hope you guys and girls can help me again : i have a program that genrates a powerpoint slide file -it is name is "presentaion1"- now instead of go to …

Member Avatar for cascade001
Member Avatar for vtelebyteM

access events of form in UserControl i have 1)User control with one MSFlexGrid on it 2)Form to place user control 3)Some form's own control i dont know how many controls are there under form i have to place them in grid columns (eg. combobox in grid to provide its service) …

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Member Avatar for RahulV

hi, i've created a Form1 which contains a long running process. But i want an feature that will help the user to stop the running process in between, when i click a Button or some other control. How is it possible?

Member Avatar for RahulV
Member Avatar for Shaun Mahy

I have created a Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control (SSTAB) with 5 tabs using VB6 When I run my program and click on Tabs 0, 1, 3 & 4 the entire tab control is shown and correct, however, if I click on tab 2, the width of the control is automatically …

Member Avatar for JP Romano

Hello all... working on a queuing project for about 10 users, which is pretty simple in theory. I have the tables and forms done (or close) but am not sure exactly how I'm going to get the data from an FTP server into my table. The table was set up …

Member Avatar for JP Romano
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anyone tell me why this codes are not working. here is the code What i have written.Simple i want to modify listview data using modify button.Kindly find the attachment also. [code] Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim con As ADODB.Connection Set con = New ADODB.Connection con.Open ("Provider=Mirosoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False; Datasource=\\asfserver\itp$\product_tabletest.mdb") Set …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for devilz

In my AccessDB the column monthDate having data type: “date”. In VB6.0 label.caption is the value which I need to save in monthDate. Like: Label1.caption= 2/24/09. Problem is how will I convert the label.caption as date value so that i can save it in monthDate column. I don’t want to …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for suzz

Hi, I am generating the reports using vb 6 as front end and ms-access as DB and i am using data report to generate the reports everything is working fine but when i click export and save in word doc, everything will go and save in that doc, but unfortunately …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

good day to everyone! I just want to know regarding on how to connect to quickbooks using vb6.Ive worked on a company that uses quickbooks but i want to integrate vb to quickbooks. Please help Does anybody know.> God bless on this mother earth.

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for rudasi

Hello, I want to write a program using VBA that can make a new data sheet from an old one with specific columns in the new data sheet. After making this new data sheet i want to convert it to .csv. Any ideas how i can go about this. Thanks.

Member Avatar for venomocity

I'm working on designing a game, the problem now is that while I have a code for randomizing a number, its the same series every time. This isn't good for random, to know what you're going to roll before you hit the button sucks. Is there anything to help with …

Member Avatar for venomocity
Member Avatar for suzz

Hi, I am generating the reports using vb 6 as front end and ms-access as DB and i am using data report to generate the reports everything is working fine but when i click export and save in word doc, everything will go and save in that doc, but unfortunately …

Member Avatar for ryan311

im using textmatrix in my mshflexgrid my problem everytime e delete all the record the table did not update. . please help. .

Member Avatar for swatirao

Hi! Please help me .. urgent How do i using a Query in crystal report?... I tried using the select expert but I dont know how to go abt it... from srao

Member Avatar for benuu
Member Avatar for omega1

hi all, new here and doing my best with a bit of FTP code but have got stuck so would appreciate some help, thanks in advance... I have the following bit of code [ICODE] '------------------------------------------ 'Command format : [PUTFILES] = <local directory> ; <remote directory> 'Example : [PUTFILES] = C:\TEMP\ …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me why i am getting error in the bold line. Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current Operation .? [Code] Private Sub Command2_Click() If (CheckInput) Then End If Y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message") If Y = vbYes …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jreeson

Hi, I am developing an Inventory Management System using VB 6.0, and MS Access Database. I am getting an error: "data type mismatch in criteria expression" which sounds like a variable type mismatch. But i have checked and double checked my datatypes and they seem to match up. Here is …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ryan311

help how can i know if the user is not an admin i have combo box in my combo box have a user or admin additem if he choose admin then all i want is to validate if the username and password is for admin user this is my code …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ryan311

hi can anyone help me i have a billing system, how can i save the data to another table? using sql? may 1 table name is transac and all i want is if what the record have been save to my transac then it will save to another table name …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for jsimula

Hi, I have problem to change table design in access. I have imported data and table is like: Product; Name1; Name2; Name3...etc And i should change it be like: Product; Name; qty ..and all data.. Any good ideas how i will change this ir right shape..?

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Member Avatar for Tamir09

Ok, Ive got a program that Im working on, where it is supposed to calculate some formulas that I have based on some user inputted data and display the data in the form of a table on the same screen, and then optionally show a graph of the data plotted …

Member Avatar for Tamir09
Member Avatar for vasunttfshimoga

Hello friends,i want a know who to rename the start in windows through the Application developed by VB 6.0.If u know means pls help......

Member Avatar for Tamir09
Member Avatar for ryan311

how can i update my table please help. . [code] MSHFlexGrid1.Clear MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 2 MSHFlexGrid1.FormatString = "|Product Description | Unit | Price Per Unit | Quantity" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "select * from temp", cn, 3, 3 Counter = 1 Do While Not rs.EOF MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(Counter, 1) = rs!pcode …

Member Avatar for devilz

Can any one please help me?? Using VB 6.0 and Access DB. [code] ssql2 = "INSERT INTO JanuaryDay (JanRm_id) SELECT rmd_id FROM RmIdIndex WHERE rm_id= " & CLng(txtrostermid.Text) rsName.Open ssql2, conName, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rsmnth.Open "select * from JanuaryDay", conName, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rsmnth.MoveFirst Do While Not rsmnth.EOF ‘here is the problem. …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for arvin2006

hi everyone, i just want to ask if it is possible for the SQL INSERT INTO to LOOP? for example, insert new records in TABLE ten times with the same values (colum1,column2,column3,etc..) is there an alternative way instead of typing (INSERT INTO.. 10x) statement repeatedly. thanks.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for zerugaze

I would please like to know the purpose of each of the following visual basic project file types. 1) FRM 2) BAS 3) FRX 4) OCX 5) CLS 6) VBP It will also be helpful if you may list the site where i may get this information.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for thuku

wsup guys.I hav managed to split a string into indivudual words usin the split function. i have displayed the indivudual words in three textboxes.However since am developin a swahili english language translator, how do i perform a search in my database, to look out for this indivudual wordss and there …

Member Avatar for knowlep

Hi I'm new to this site and I hope I'm posting this in the correct forum. I'm after a macro that when clicked will open the "save as" diadlog box with the filename consisting of entries made into 2 "text Form Fields" which appear in the document itself. One would …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for XZodia

I was able to install Visual Basic 6.0 in Vista Ultimate without problems... However, when I try to activate the ADO Data Control Component, it displays an error message (something concerning with the registry entries or some sort)... Then I tried reinstalling VB 6. The same thing happens again.. Can …

Member Avatar for Henry Schubel

The End.