10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for aparnesh

My project needs to read records from a CSV file. The file contains 3 columns of data. Record is continuously being appended to the file by another application (about once every 6-8 seconds), and my application is to read the records and store the new ones. I am currently opening …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for rudasi

Hello, I created a program which converts . xls to .csv. The problem is that the .csv file does not have similar formatting such as the column width is reduced causing dates to show up as ######. Does anyone know how I can solve this formatting issue. Thanks, Rahul

Member Avatar for LindseyV

Hi there. I am writing a program for work and for one of the parts I need to open up an outlook email account and parse through the new message bodies for specific information. After I get the information I need, I need to put it in a datbase. I …

Member Avatar for eigile

hi all:'( i am a newbie want to know how to get values from two tables in database. I have three tables one is the student information and the other table is the subject and grades .Both tables have id number which may join them together But what i need …

Member Avatar for javmedia
Member Avatar for JP Romano

Does anybody know of a way to rename the contents of a zip file when they're extracted? I have a program which grabs zipped files from an outlook account, gives them a unique name, saves them to a network repository, then extracts the contents to a sub folder in that …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ryan311

how can i save a data in listview1? i have a problem to my code heres my code [code] Dim objNewListItem As ListItem Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from Supplier", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic rs.MoveFirst Do While Not rs.EOF Set objNewListItem = lvwCustomer.ListItems.Add(, , rs.Fields("scode")) objNewListItem.SubItems(mlng_Supp_Name) = rs.Fields("sname") …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for dollmar

hi programmers.. what is the exact code.. i want the excel cells equal to the rows or columns in my datagrid datagrid1.columns(1).rows(1)=[Sheet1$].cells(A,1) is this correct? thanks guys!

Member Avatar for nagatron
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

can anybody tell me .How should i store Requistion Nos In MaterialRequisitionorder table and Material Requistion Detail table. Here is the code what i have wriiten.Why it is breaking on the bold line. i am getting error item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for hawisme000

[QUOTE]this code is from another form before i get to the formload below xNum = 2 adminlec.show unload me [/QUOTE] [CODE]Private Sub Form_Load() lblLECNUM.Caption = xNUM '<----this is a public dim that i wrote on a module as integer Set cnn = New ADODB.connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset cnn.ConnectionString …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for dev_kc

how do i use update command in vb?? I need to make changes in the database from vb form,the changes made in the text box should be made in the database as well,this is the code i am using Con.BeginTrans Con.Execute "update Details set PS_No=" & Trim(txtPSNo.Text) & " and …

Member Avatar for javmedia
Member Avatar for nagatron

Hallo to all, can anyone help me with my thesis? I need to filter space between character. Ex. If I input: "Jump and Go" a message box will appear saying "Space between character is not allowed." if I input: JumpAngGo or Jumpandgo is are accepted as long as there is …

Member Avatar for javmedia
Member Avatar for wwnnm25

Hello I am upsizing a MS Access database to SQL. I am keeping the MS Access 2003 frontend and using a SQL Server for the Backend. All the MS Access VBA code seems to be working fine except for the code below. I have the same code using different tables …

Member Avatar for javmedia
Member Avatar for abu taher

I make two table in ms access. both of two table has like 'student name' column. when I enter a name it save in table1. Now I want this name will save in table2 automatically. I mean I don't enter this name in table2, but it will store this name …

Member Avatar for javmedia
Member Avatar for themightycrag

Here's the scenario. I have a web server running with IIS 6 and website running written in ASP. The site and code has been working perfectly up until about 2 days ago when for no reason whatsoever the ASP has decided to partly work. and by this i mean as …

Member Avatar for javmedia
Member Avatar for bluesydes

i am trying to develop a program that would automatically translate languages. currently, i am using systran6 and google translate. but i still have to execute the translation manually. i am using vb6 and sql 2005. please help me on this. :-)

Member Avatar for iopsd5
Member Avatar for bhoot_jb

in my application, i have created a data environment. Then i have connected a data grid to that data environment. Now my problem is when i add or delete one or more records, then the database updates itself...but the datagrid doesnt....it doesnt update until i run the application again... :( …

Member Avatar for darkgaizat
Member Avatar for punav

I need to read the advance properties of audio file. E.g. Artist genre album etc. I am using VC++ 6.0 for application developement. Please let me know how to do this in vc++.

Member Avatar for dollmar

hello to all programmers.. i want my datagrid to be saved in my database i am using excel as my database..i want to input my data in datagrid and i want to save it automatically in excel, plz help what's the exact code? and also when i input data in …

Member Avatar for brylezkie

hi everyone, can you please help me how the rigth syntax in filtering group, example I want to print 1st year 1st sem grades in the datareport.... any reply is my pleasure thnkz....

Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anyone tell me.How should i update. i am trying to to a new record if the Supplier_id Doesn't exist, Then i need to do a Select Statement.if that Supplier_id is in the database already,then i want to update method.i havewritten a code .Here is the code what i have …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for ryan311

how can i get the first name, the middle name and the last name in my textbox? what i mean is i have 1 textbox to input his full name the format is this sample: Nash, Steve B. then i have 3 label, the first label is Your first name …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for dollmar

hello what is the exact code in saving visual basic using ms excel as database? i want to save my data in the form of visual basic into excel as database..what is the exact code in my cmdSave command button? thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for vijay.wadikar

Hi All, I want to use the data grid as input interface. Can any one help how to start. i need 3 columns date, name, location the location field is drop down field user can select from the list only. the values entered by user should update in the database. …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for redean

HI, I am Using VB 6, how do I sent data over the internet to an SQL DataBase

Member Avatar for redean
Member Avatar for amarsha4

Hi, I have a VB6 program that uses several ADO Recordsets to connect to an Access database. In one part of my program I have code for adding a new meeting (uses the meetingRst recordset). When the new meeting is added I requery the meetingRst and populate a ListBox detailing …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for abu taher

1. I work with a database project. Now I want to show all data (from a table like 'student name' column) in a combo box. how can I do this. I connect the database by system DSN and adodc control. plese any body help me. 2. If I select a …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for vtelebyteM

I am looking for simple example to handle registry key like add new key,edit available key, delete availadle kay,search for key....... i search for examples but they are complicated to understand...... even simple functions also welcome (without full code)

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for SADIYA4

Hey guys please help me for VB proj([U]Topic[/U]=[B]Telephone Directory[/B])... my doubt When i select some area i want the particular pincode to be displayed in pincode textbox [U]note:[/U] the table name is area_name in which i hav 2 fields one is areas and another pincode. so please help me ...!!

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for uma9

this code is used to insert one record....how do i insert multiple records?? [code] Set connect = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") connect.open "DSN=OPTUMETL;Driver= Oracle in OraHome92;Server=urnts1.uhc.com;UID=OPTUMETL;PWD=OPTUMETL" Reporter.ReportEvent 0, "Database connection", "Successfully connected to URNTS1" Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' Stmt to execute the code query="INSERT INTO STG_CARE.ASSESSMENTANSWER(ANSWERID, ANSWERGROUPID, ANSWERTEXT, DISPLAYSEQUENCE, ISEXCLUSIVENO, ISEXCLUSIVEYES, …

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The End.