10,991 Topics

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[B]Convert Case To Random In Vb6[/B] I've only 1 Textbox & 1 Button... can anyone help my? Thanks

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Member Avatar for VIPER5646

I been searching for days for a sulotion but can't seem to find one. The coed that I have does not give me an error but it does not save anything on the table either ' Can someone help me find what I'm missing? this is my coed [CODE] Dim …

Member Avatar for jonc
Member Avatar for 88omar

well i have been trying to get this thing to store in a database i created in mircosoft db any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance Private Sub cmdadd_Click() optftime.Value = False optptime.Value = False optict.Value = False optassessmentprogramme.Value = False optdbt.Value = False opttvet.Value = False optcarrerdev.Value …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Can anybody tell me .how should i print serialno of materialrequistiondetail table of matching requisition no.in descending order.here is the code what i have written. [code] Private Sub btPrint_Click() Dim sqlQuery As String sqlQuery = "SELECT MaterialRequisitionOrder.requsition_no, MaterialRequisitionOrder.job_no, " & _ "MaterialRequisitionOrder.delivery_point, MaterialRequisitionOrder.delivery_date, " & _ "MaterialRequisitionOrder.delivery_time, MaterialRequisitionOrder.suggested_supplierID, " & …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

good day.! whats wrong with this sql query.Im using mysql as backend database.it hangs when i execute this sql code: [code=vb] Dim statusko, oldstatus As String statusko = "verified" oldstatus = "to be verified" sql3 = "UPDATE paymentsummary SET status='" & statusko & "' Where username='" & ListView1.ListItems.Item(listselect).SubItems(4) & "' …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

i want when user clicks on save button I want to update the database and refresh the listview on the curren page. i have written a code but data is not instantly comming after save button .Here is the code what i have written.I simple Want when Press ok .addded …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

Hi, I want to know can I set priority to my application such that the windows will close my application first when it shutsdown! Basically I want the window to ask my application to close itself before closing other programs when its shutting down. Thaks

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for bondgirl21

i USED THIS CODE TO ASSIGN THE BRAND DBS TO A VALUE OF 200 [code]Private Sub xModelComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xModelComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged If xModelComboBox.Text = "DBS" Then xTotalPriceLabel.Text = "$200,000" End If[/code] AND THIS CODE TO CALCULATE THE FOLLOWING iNITIAL PRICE= is the default price for …

Member Avatar for bondgirl21
Member Avatar for ostricajh

Hello to all the people of the forum today asking a collaboration or guidance on a process to be developed Is developing an implementation assessment, in which there exists the option to raise questions in bulk, at the time and has made the implementation of PHP for the Web version, …

Member Avatar for Vapter

Ok how would i be able to set a color palette to some variables....i need it to change the color of all these vars at one time :S [code]Call ShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("_level0.holder_mc.GLOBAL_CRUMBS.player_colours.1", "0xD4AF37") Call ShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("_level0.holder_mc.GLOBAL_CRUMBS.player_colours.2", "0xD4AF37") Call ShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("_level0.holder_mc.GLOBAL_CRUMBS.player_colours.3", "0xD4AF37") Call ShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("_level0.holder_mc.GLOBAL_CRUMBS.player_colours.4", "0xD4AF37") Call ShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("_level0.holder_mc.GLOBAL_CRUMBS.player_colours.5", "0xD4AF37") Call ShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("_level0.holder_mc.GLOBAL_CRUMBS.player_colours.6", "0xD4AF37") Call ShockwaveFlash1.SetVariable("_level0.holder_mc.GLOBAL_CRUMBS.player_colours.7", "0xD4AF37") Call …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for stephen lowry

hi guys wondering if you can help i have thrown together a rough and ready project using winsock, now it is just thrown together to see if i could get it to work the problem is (well it does work first of all) when i receive data it is in …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for clarkpoon

[B]Need Help To Make First Letter Of All Words In A Textbox To Uppercase[/B] so, i have this code to convert first letter of word to uppercase: [CODE]Private Sub txtFields_Change(Index As Integer) txtFields(Index).Text = UCase$(Left(txtFields(Index).Text, 1)) & LCase$(Mid$(txtFields(Index).Text, 2)) txtFields(Index).SelStart = Len(txtFields(Index).Text) End Sub[/CODE] but, this was before i realize …

Member Avatar for clarkpoon
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, N good morning! I am developing an application in vb. I had developed my application on my PC in 1024*768 screen resolution. When i rum my application in the same screen resolution then it runs properly but when i run my application on 800 * 600 sreen resolution …

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for catsco

I wish to connect 2 computers together using a crossover Ethernet cable and then write a program in Visual Basic 6 to send data between them. How do I do this and are there any Vb examples? How do I know the address of the ethernet port to open?

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for atiqjaved

I am trying to select data from a database in the based on a condition....Its just a simple select SQL query [QUOTE]SELECT playerid FROM player WHERE username = 'John'[/QUOTE] Therefore, from this I would like to store John's playerid to a variable and then use this variable. Below is my …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Razza92

hello, im making a game, (multiplayer) and i would basicaly like an image (bullet) fly accross the scren on the vbkeyx command. however, i can not figure out how to do it. the bullet should move left accross my form but then i must have one to move right also …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for nor_d83

Hello everybody.. I have a form in my project, that's having a Grd name MSFlexGrid and a Data1. Besides, it also have a cmdCalculate and cmdExit button. Their codes are below. [code] Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim TAmt As Currency TAmt = 0 For i = 1 …

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Member Avatar for nonon

I am newbie in the world of programming.. and I am using vb6.. can anyone help me to do get the data ranging it by the date. What Im trying to mean is ex: I have a data which includes data form january to june. I want to display feb …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dev_kc

This is the code i m using for updating table,which the user is entering through textbox in vb form Con.Execute "update Details set NAME='" & txtName.Text & "' and DT_OF_BTH='" & txtDOB.Text & "' and DT_OF_JOING='" & txtDOJ.Text & "' and SALARY_ACC='" & txtAccountNo.Text & "' and REMBSMNT_ACC='" & txtRmbr.Text …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! Im so confused of auto incrementing a receipt number format. example i have a starting receipt no. (00000) in a mysql field called or no. when the paymentfrm load, the textbox that contains the receipt no will be added by one so that it will become 00001. I …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for badbloodyeyez

Hi im using VB6 and I want to display the message and then beep but it doesnt beep, it only displays the message and when I click on 'OK' only then it beeps but I want to only display the message and then beep or display this message and beep …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for LindseyV

Hello there. I am witting a program in vba/access and I have a string coming in. I need to go through the string and look for specific tags and return the rest of the line. So lets say: "I went" "to the" "park" I need to tell the program to …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

i simple want progressbar should execute until it becomes 100 after some interval.but it is not working properly.can anyone help me .Any help would be Greately appreciated.Here is the code what i have written. [code] Private Sub Timer1_Timer() For i = 10 To 100 Step 10 ProgressBar1.Value = CInt(i) If …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for everard

How can I terminate a full screen game application using VB6? I've created an internet cafe management system for my internet cafe and I want to add a feature on my program wherein I can terminate a running game application. Thanks.

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for dev_kc

The control is not going to EditGoto,its is coming out of the whole sub part on report click btn Public Sub Create_Report() WordDocument.EditGoto "CurrentDate" WordDocument.Insert Format(Now, "mmm,d,yyyy") End Sub Public Sub EditGoto(inNm As String) owordapp.Selection.Goto What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=inNm End Sub Please help me with this:S

Member Avatar for jaz215

Hi, I am redoing a VB6 application. In the print function the app determines which printer to use, I want to change this to let the OS choose which printer to use is this doable?

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Member Avatar for TylerSBreton

Hi Guys, I'm getting on odd error on compilation, "Procedure too large to compile". The reason I say it's odd is that I know for a fact the procedure is not too large to compile. We have daily builds and others are able to pull the source down and compile, …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for Riptr

I am writing a program that allows for people to answer simple questions on Capital Cities of the world. The main program works flawlessly, but I decided to add in a new function that records the user's answers to a question if they get it incorrect and posts it in …

Member Avatar for TylerSBreton
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

i want if requisition no is already there message should come.requistion no is already there .Here is the code what i have written.i don't know why it is not working.any help would be greately appreciated. [code] Private Sub btSave_Click() Dim row As Integer, bEdit As Boolean Dim StrSql As String, …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for JP Romano

Hi - I have two MS Access forms - 1) WorkItems 2) MyItems WorkItems is the main form, and MyItems simply runs a query against a list of NT ID's and statuses to provide the user with a list of his/her incomplete workitems. What I'd like to do is have …

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The End.