10,991 Topics
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all i want is change all the record in my table if the pcarrier="Credit" but my problem is only one data have been changes. . [code] Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from Soldto where cno='" & Combo1.Text & "'", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic If rs!pcarrier = "Credit" Then … | |
Can anyone help me how to do this? It will test if it is valid or invalid. Input Output name_123 Valid name123 Valid 123name invalid 123_name invalid this will test if the variable name declared is valid or invalid. | |
[code=visualbasic] Private Declare Function Function_Name Lib "user32" () As Datatype [/code] I've found such lines used in many VB6 projects and tutorials. What is it? What actually is this used for? Are there more such function? How to find out more such function/properties? A detail explanation will be helpful and … | |
can anybody tell me why i am getting type mismatch error in checkinput function.Here is the code what i have written.error is generatiing from bold line. [code] Private Function CheckInput() As Boolean Dim row As Integer, itemCode() As Integer 'At first always Test for Empty TextBoxes If Combo1.Text = "Dept … | |
Can anyone tell me .why i am getting error item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.error is generating on bold line.Here is the code what i have written. [code=vb] Private Sub Command1_Click() y = MsgBox("do you add this record", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "message") … | |
it means the new exe file is a copy of old file ( but its neccessory to see content of old exe file and save the texbox not use filecopy in vb6) | |
I've tried everything, and I just can't get my program to compile in visual basic. Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? see attached image, are the includes in the wrong spot or WAT!??!?! | |
Hello everyone, I have a project that the user can create/customize a report in a form,.. And in my project I have a form where user can choose a multiple tables, and also user can choose which fields they put in the report form..............., but the main problem is only … | |
Hello everyone, I have a project that the user can create/customize a report in a form,.. And in my project I have a form where user can choose a multiple tables, and also user can choose which fields they put in the report form..............., but the main problem is only … | |
I'm not even sure where to post this, but since I wrote the code in VB6, maybe here... This is really more of an Outlook problem, but what I'm doing is programatically creating email. Here's the problem. My VB6/Access application is installed on a Vista machine, and the host machine … | |
hi... my question is how many total control can be taken in single form | |
Hi, How can i open a PDF file in Form instead of using a shell to open it? Also i want to select some text in the opened PDF file and store it in a variable. Thank you. | |
i have error to my code in the bold word! [code] Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Set rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from temp where pcode='" & txtEdit.Text & "'", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic rs1.Open "Select * from product where brandname='" & txtEdit.Text & … | |
Hallo guys, it is me again. I need help how to create a simple backup file by just copying a file to another folder. Look at my code. [ICODE]Private Sub mnuBackup_Click() Dim SourceFile, DestinationFile As String On Error GoTo FileCopyFailed SourceFile = "D:\MyWorks\data\facility.mdb" DestinationFile = "D:\MyWorks\backup\facility.mdb" [COLOR="Red"]FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile[/COLOR] MsgBox … | |
im using adodb connection. . please help how can i load the data save to my table in database name SUPPLIER in mshflexgrid using textmatrix? thanks. . more power for daniweb. | |
it is possible? if the user in the running time, click the close button or the X button that we can see in the top of the form and then if the user click the close or X button message box will appear "you cannot log out"? how can i … | |
This actually pertains to Visual Basic for Application in Access 2003, but I imagine that this forum should yield accurate information for a simple query such as this. Naturally, the event in the title does not exist. Not for the pre-defined text box control in VB, anyway. However, it is … | |
hi guyzz im using crystal report for my application... i have problem in making formula in details parts of my report.. i access two tables in making the details, but my problem is to display the amount by subtracting or adding the details amount.(for getting the running balance.) plss see … | |
Good day.! I have created a menu editor with a name File. This file menu contains a popup menu which is(back-up database,restore database,logout). With this popup, i want to add an icon on the left sides all of them. Does any one there can help me pls. this is how … | |
Consider this VB6 source code [code=visualbasic] Public bc As Boolean Dim x As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() If bc Then MsgBox x Exit Sub Else Call exec End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() bc = True Call Command1_Click End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() bc = False End Sub Public … | |
I am not able to create object for word doc,this is the code i wrote,the object sets to nothing,when i run the code If blnChkFirst = False Then Set owordapp = CreateObject("Word.Applicatiion") Else Set owordapp = GetObject(, "Word.Applicatiion") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Set [COLOR="Red"]owordapp[/COLOR] = CreateObject("Word.Applicatiion") owordapp.Visible = True … | |
Hello I wanta to create a program that send data between two computer with phone like( such as hyperterminal jobs). i created some programs that send data between each other only by a wire (com1) now can any one tell me how can i send a file between two computer … | |
I try to connect by ODBC 3.51 and I get connection and I can get data from MySQL database and show it in my VB 2008 Express Edition, but when I want to AddNew or Update something it gives me an error property "Item" is "ReadOnly" (about my rs). This … | |
Hello, I need to create a Basketball Simulator Which requires two teams of five players each. Each player will have an offensive rank and [B]defensive rank (8-10)[/B] and a [B]shooting percentage of (55-80). [/B]The rankds rankds are randomly generated and displayed on the form. [COLOR="Red"]This part I have accomplished.[/COLOR] Once … | |
Alright my family of geniuses here is my new dilemma. In a card game I have created via VB6 I thought it would be great to spiff it up with music during game play. The problem however is I have no idea where to begin. I have read some posts … | |
[url]http://www.x-rates.com/cgi-bin/cgicalc.cgi?value=1&base=EUR[/url] Based the link how to count element in table of this page? note: is the table where are all currency values tks. in vba please | |
Hello to all I am working in VB6 and crystal report 9.0. I can pass parameters to a crystal report throgh programming but it does not solve my problem. I have successfully created a report template using template field objects. Now I want to to assign the values to these … | |
I need help in using "[COLOR="red"]between[/COLOR]" sql function. I don't know how to use it. I am comparing two time using [COLOR="red"]dtpicker[/COLOR]. The time should only be acceptable if I input between 6:00am and 6:00pm like 7am, 8am,.........6:00pm. 5am below and 7pm above are not acceptable. In need help. . … | |
Hello everyone..How do i create a user manual or the instructions of the software in vb6? Is it possible to pattern the manual with the manual of mysql or the like.. Another question. How do i populate my treeview in vb6 from a mysql database?? Any help would be very … | |
Hallo to all, I am making an application that will target a particular link in the internet as if some is clicking it. I have a button target. Can anyone help me? please Regards, Neil |
The End.