10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for aileengrace03

Private Sub Text5_Change() Dim ccs As Double Dim bal As Double Dim loss As Double Dim pcs As Double Dim bcs As Double Dim bgl, aa As Double Dim total As Double Dim a As Long Dim X, y, z As Integer X = 0 z = 0 a = …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for Suirbachi

Hello all, I'm taking my first BASIC programming class this year, and for a final project, I'm trying to make a book-keeping log. What I want to have happen, is to open a list of books, highlight a book title, click the "check in" button and have the text change …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for leutrim

please tell me how to creta a countdown timer in visual basic button1 (buton for start timer) labelsec(Sec lab) labelmin(min lab) labelhr(hours lab) txtsec(textbox for write sec) txtmin(textbox for write min) txthr(textbox for write hour) please tell me how to programming

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for thing2

Hello, I am building a web browser with tab control using VB 2010. I have everything working good so now I want to have it save the browser tabs when I shut down the browser and have them re-opened when I run the browser again like Chrome or Firefox would …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Abzz

[B]Hi can anybody help me plzz!! Right I calculate an equation in Form1 but how do I make the answer to the equation show up in a label on Form2?[/B]

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for ykbks

Hey there! Im new here, well, as a member, but not as a viewer. anyways, i am making a vb project, novice one. i need to open a file located in d:\\Documents\\MB.accdb now, i would be very happy if i would get the code to open the file, not in …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Patrick Gondwe
Member Avatar for major_lost

I want to first say THANK YOU to all of you programmers for your help. You truly live steady to the core of IT and are an inspiration to us newbies! I have a simple utility that starts and stops a timer on a VB4 form. I record the time …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for datanetw

Hi Guys my name is tejas m having the same problem i am trying to compile a billing project but it wont simply work gives Unhandled exception in SPBS.EXE(Program Name) (CRAXDRT.DLL) Access Violation 0xc some zeros and 5 i am posting the complete code of frmreports can anyone help me …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for AquaNut

Hi Y'all, I have a RTB which I import with a set of 7 or 9 didit numbers, 7 for Staff and 9 for Students. e.g. Staff numbers 0628189 0628191 0629991 0629850 0804930 and depending on what is selected in a list box ('Student' or 'Staff') will generate a string …

Member Avatar for AquaNut
Member Avatar for AquaNut

Hi Coders, I have a minor problem that I would like to try and resolve. I am pasting data from an Excel spreadsheet and and adding a 0 to the start of each 9 digit string it's it's missing (thanks to the help of Rev Jim. This works great if …

Member Avatar for AquaNut
Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro

Alright, I have Textbox where I want only Numbers and Letters and backspace allowed. I don't want copy and paste, or spacebar or other ascii charachters. Can anybody help me?

Member Avatar for SeniorAlexandro
Member Avatar for Dorar

[B]My project is Housing reservation system for University I design the interfaces by VB and connect to my oracle data base account Oracle 11g, VB express edition are used The proble is with the login form [URL="http://im20.gulfup.com/2011-12-23/1324652639153.png"]http://im20.gulfup.com/2011-12-23/1324652639153.png[/URL] when I debug and enter the ID & password for User : according …

Member Avatar for dspnhn
Member Avatar for puneet2

I have two For loop, first For loop does is creates a customer and input the customer info and then the second for loop within the first for loop does the follows which is capture the customer name and verify the with the data within the datatable. The problem I …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for martin11ph

I have a form that has a ton of work ongoing for around 10secs such as moving controls, resizing them, hiding some, making others visible and more importantly, mouse moving and clicking. I don't want the user to see these ongoing stuff so I thought of making a splash screen. …

Member Avatar for jumba_4u
Member Avatar for zoro20002

what is the error in the bleow: 'Public Event OnFilterAdded()' is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event. [CODE]Imports System Imports System.Collections Imports System.Configuration Imports System.Data Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Security Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts Imports Tawammar.CustomControls Partial Class …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for Tobyjug2222

Hello, I'm Rather new to coding, and It seems like I skipped some of the basics, and jumped in the deep end. I'm having a couple of problems, as I have an ordinary text file called "Orders", and this file stores Orders, placed by users of my program. The Users …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for aaronoafc

Hi, I'm a programming beginner and currently learning VB.net as a starting language. I have just been making a little test console application using visual studio asking about favourite football teams, please could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Below is the code, now I want the user to …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for AquaNut

Hi All, I have a 3 richtext boxs where I add each line together and output to a textbox, all is working great. But the problem I am seeing is that I paste the contents from a spreadsheet which strips off the leading 0 (zero) from a 9 digit number …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for shaima88

[COLOR="Green"] hi :( i am a student i have problem i can not understand how to transfer encryption code to decryption >>>>> i have exam soon please help me to advance my self in vb.6 that is my code in encyption and i use transposition cipher .. Public Function encrypt(ByVal …

Member Avatar for sam1

Hi, I am trying to create a Please Wait message in excel vba. This is to let the user know while processin some sql querry at the background which may take unkown amount of time. I would like to have it displaying in a userform. The situation is: Userform is …

Member Avatar for sotos

search button for vb 2010 ultimate in access 2007 database and filtering on a datagrid Hi all! I am trying to make a search button which filters a datagrid. First of all, I have a tab and on this tab a have a datagrid (dgr1). When I load this tab, …

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Member Avatar for kanyonb38

Hello Visual Basic Coding Experts, I have other application that I have not made myself, but can do what I am looking to do. I want a code to keep a form on top of all the forms in my application. Not Topmost, which keeps it open onto of all …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

Hello, I am trying to go through a list of comboboxs and set the selected value from the itemdata. So far I have this working for a single combo. I have a few combo's that I need to do this for and was trying to find a way to pass …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for shivaloca

Hi, I'm trying to translate a class to c# from vb6 (see C# code below). It fails to Build in Visual Studio, giving me "class used as type" error to relation to m_Dept. This assignment worked in VB6 and in VB.net but I want to rewrite the class in C#. …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for dhnayak

I am here with given my one problem, is mentioned here below; I am beginner to visual basic programming after qualified VB6. And I wish to have some more experience for this programming. Hence I need some procedure on codling's for direct printing procedures. This is under a trial basis. …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for ng5

I am trying to make a program that randomly selects a name. i have a prompt that allows me to enter the number of names and the names themselves. but i dont know how to save or open the information into an array... can anyone help me with this?

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Griff0527

I am working on a project of converting VB code to C# code and I am lost as to how to read data from a prompt in C#. Here is the snippet I am concerned with fixing, but below I will post the entire code. [CODE] private void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, …

Member Avatar for Griff0527
Member Avatar for newbie26

hi.. i created a crystal report in vb.net i saved it , copied and paste it to the folder of my vb6 project. when i ran the program (loading of the crystal report), it gives me an error "invalid TLV record" in this part:" . . . Set report = …

Member Avatar for rocdigga1486

Write a program to analyze a list of grades to determine the number of A’s, B’s, C’s, etc. after applying a curve percentage selected by the user. When the form loads it should contain all the grades and available curves in the list boxes on the left. The user selects …

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The End.