10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for Alex_2011

Hi, I'm trying to write a program that selects an item (Area Code) from a combobox and this list gets the city that was associated with this area code (another comnbobox list). Do you have a sample code like this so I can built up on it ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Hawk123
Member Avatar for aishapot

I want to have an alternative way to increment my student no. the current way I'm doing to is in my database, mssql. there's a property called Identity Seed(201200001 - my studentid format) and Identity Increment (1 - no. of increments). The 2012-is the school year, while the 00001- is …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for zerofreak

Hello guys, I've newly joined this forum since I want to enhance my knowledge in Programming specially in Visual Basic. So for the important part, right now I'm planning on creating a word detector somehow and there are specific rules I was to set in the textbox in relation with …

Member Avatar for zerofreak
Member Avatar for Alex_2011

Dear All, I have the following code but I need to make the users add text to my (Combobox) drop down list. [ICODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim userMsg As String userMsg = Microsoft.VisualBasic.InputBox("Enter New City", "New City", "", 500, 500) End …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for RASHIDDDDD

Hi everyone, hope u all be fine ..i just have a question that how to print Prime no frm 1 to 100on screen in vb 6 without use of msgbox or title box etc ... if any 1 having an answer then PLEASE share the code :)

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for goodi

Hello, Im wanting to write a basic VB application that will allow the user to select a bunch of PDF files then print them in bulk. I have achieved something similar with Microsoft Excel, using the shell command to do this. (ie, VB app allowing users to select a bunch …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for OmegaCoCo

So a friend and myself are in a computer science course and for our final project we decided to really apply ourselves and add stuff into our assignment that we weren't taught throughout the year. Well we came to a wall when we decided to add an option to delete …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for SyncMaster170

Hello all, I am debugging a vb app for my company. I did NOT create this app. So far there is just one thing that has been bugging me, AxctlUSBHID.AxUSBHID. Heres the code and the error im getting for each section. There is only two errors. (1) [CODE]Private Sub InitializeComponent() …

Member Avatar for SyncMaster170
Member Avatar for RickCJ7

How do I replace a string in a text file with another string, including quotes? For example, I have an xml sting that reads: <test name="My name is Rick" value="False" /> and I want replace to replace the value="False" to value="True" so that it ends up like this: <test name="My …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for amf101

Guys i always get an error in this...it says "Syntax error in Update Statement" please help... [CODE] Sub updateaccount(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal FName As String, ByVal MName As String, ByVal LName As String, ByVal Restrict As String, ByVal FullName As String) connect = New ADODB.Connection …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, My title may be wrong but I would like to explain this process that I need here, Here is my Process, I already have imported excel file and inserted it in the datatable, and then I also validated it's format before inserting it in the database. Now Here is …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ng5

hey guys i was wondering if anybody knew how to open an array into visual basic. I have it saving as a text file correctly but i have no idea on how to open it up to use it again. what i have so far is [CODE] Private Sub Hour1ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for seventhief

Anyone help me arrange user input in textbox to ascending format like this: text1.text = "98743201" NOTE: input numbers maybe random arrange or doubled to *When a button is click. text1.text = "01234789"

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for djbhoco

I am creating a form on Excel where the user can use tabs to go through the fields that have been unlocked and type in numbers in that field, then hit tab to go to the next field. I have created the tab array in the VBE, but the problem …

Member Avatar for Pilgrim-Last
Member Avatar for ilmkidunya

hey Dear members i want to learn asp.net but i am little confuse which is best for beginner any easy is it VB or C#

Member Avatar for ilmkidunya
Member Avatar for thinkingofaname

hi im using the chart to make a graph the graph is generated through user input i was wondering about a couple of things 1. how to change the line thickness for an individual generated line or all of the lines 2. how to change the colour of an individual …

Member Avatar for thinkingofaname
Member Avatar for aishapot

I have a field in my tables where the guidance counselor would have to type in Notes about the student. For example, Alex is in Grade 1 and he have an offense wherein he pushed his classmate, that note will be saved in the database. And then when he turned …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for alexnovice

hello., i just want to send data from PC to arduino through usb port., i searched the net but the result came up is through RS232 only but the latest model of computers dont have serial port anymore so i decided to use usb instead of Rs232.,is there anyone who …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for invisal

this function will calculate a string formula which support cos, sin, log, abs, mod, and example : [10*2+(2+3)]/(5 mod 4) and you will get the answer, and this function it really easy to plugin with you code.

Member Avatar for JoeyJoeC
Member Avatar for vampshay

How many child command could be added to a Parent command? I already have one Parent and child relationship in my data environment but when I try to add another child, the data report will not print. My problem is that I need to incorporate three tables in that data …

Member Avatar for vampshay
Member Avatar for venomocity

Alright, I'm at it again, trying another version of my game. Sorry, it's been a while since I've been here and while I tried checking to see if anyone else had asked about this, I didn't see anything that was to the point. I'm trying to play an mp3 or …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for Ant70

Hi, I’m having difficulty with the GetForegroundWindow() API function and the .hWnd property. I want to check whether my application has the focus in the Windows environment and if it does, prevent an automatic time-out. I’m trying to do this by comparing the handle of the window that has the …

Member Avatar for Ant70
Member Avatar for MaxRevenge

[COLOR="Green"]yo evryone. class 11 kids submit a comp project as olevels paper 2. im a few years away from 11 but iwud love to make a project write noe n get an idea n so make an awsum one in 11 after this experience. buti dont hav any idea. i …

Member Avatar for aishapot

Hello again! So now i can save the picture in the database, now i have to retrieve it. this is my code for the saving of the picture, [CODE]Dim ms As New MemoryStream() studentpic.Image.Save(ms, studentpic.Image.RawFormat) Dim arrImage() As Byte = ms.GetBuffer ms.Close() Dim strFilename As String = lblfilePath.Text.Substring(lblfilePath.Text.LastIndexOf("\")) Dim cnn …

Member Avatar for prathapsv3
Member Avatar for newbie26

how can i filter records based on dates especially when the option is for weekly basis?? and then the report will be generated in crystal report. any query or syntax??? i badly need this.. tnx in advance.. im using vb6 and crsytal report 8 and my database is MYSQL

Member Avatar for newbie26
Member Avatar for roottybrian

Am trying to restore a MySQL database using the 'mysql -u root db < my_db' command. In vb's process.start. it gives me the default output you get when you type MySQL - help. Can someone tell me what's up. I guess it cannot see the < symbol. Regards.

Member Avatar for roottybrian
Member Avatar for nfowomola2

I developed a [B]pay roll[/B] [/B]application for my organization, I want to create a [B]monthly report for the employees but I want it inform of querying the database[/B](data file) to generate a report for two different months(like January and December)[COLOR="Red"]on a single report sheet[/COLOR], PLEASE HOW CAN I ACHIEVED THIS?

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for supereng

I need a code to look in my C drive for specific folders. I want it to go through the first folder and keep drilling in all the subfolders until it hits a dead end, and then go back to second folder and do the same etc..., looking for any …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

If I have an EXE file what command can I use to link a RES file into the EXE!? I have tried many different linker programs and can't figure out how to do this simple task with any of them.

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for violette

Hi guys. here's my problem. When there is Null values in the excel file, the macro will give me an error 'type mismatch'. Please have a look at my code. This code only works when there every field has value. it gives error if there is null value. [CODE] sqlStr …

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The End.