10,991 Topics

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Member Avatar for bushman_222

I'm trying to find a way to embed a external program inside VB6. Can anyone point me to some information where I can lean how to do this?

Member Avatar for bushman_222
Member Avatar for ryan311

how can i determine that may text1.text is equal to my product code?? heres my code Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Inventory System\PharmacyInventory.mdb;Jet OLEDB:System Database=system.mdw;", "admin", "" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from Product", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic If rs.Fields!pcode = Text1.Text Then MsgBox …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

IN MS access FORM i have a list box column which is filled with colour names. Once the form is loaded i want to make backcolour of that record same as the one mentioned in that column. Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

I want to populata records into a list where i can have the following functionalities. 1) Multiple selection of records 2) Back colouring of individual reords. Among Flexgrid and Datagrid which one would be less complex and easy to code and serve both my purpose. Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for wookinhung

Umm, I'm a newbie in VB6, so I am currently facing the procedure being too large during the run of the program. For example: If txt6 > 0 Then lblItem6 = "W6~ Jane Doe" lblItemprice6 = "9.00" lblItemquantity6 = txt6 lblTotal6 = TotW6Price ElseIf txt7 > 0 Then lblItem6 = …

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for DenisOxon

Hi Everyone, Has anyone accessed USB ports from VB5. I support a major realtime program which controls equipment. Currently the equipment is connected to PC via serial ports. My customer is developing new hardware and has decided to connect it via USB port. So two questions 1) has anyone controlled …

Member Avatar for DeeVee
Member Avatar for alan72

Does anyone have any code or links that shows how to interact with Web Pages with VB6? I'm trying to find button/image files (.gif, .jpeg) within the HTML and have VB send a command to press that button with code. I read a lot about Web Browser Control, but can't …

Member Avatar for aparnesh

I need to automatically and dynamically generate an organization tree. The Data comes from an Oracle Database, where the hierarchy is well defined. But I can't seem to find any good way of generating the Tree Structure. Using a tree-view won't work as there are some designations having 2 or …

Member Avatar for aparnesh
Member Avatar for dileep.t

Hi, can anyone help me, how to insert a sound(greeting) file in the vb code. that should respond when an event happens.i need to use diff sound files as per the if conditions. iam getting the code in many sites, but iam not able to get it clearly. regards, dileep.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Bhoot

i am developing a project in vb 6 which deals with printing lots of forms and invoices - all containing user-filled details. The invoices have different structures - some are tabular (with irregularly placed columns, however) while some are plain text (letter-like). i am going to use MS Access for …

Member Avatar for Bhoot
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Sir when i click on grid i got error memeber or data memebr not found and cursor goes on grd_leavecell() event Kindly help me i also send production_tabletest.mdb . Private Sub Grd_LeaveCell() Dim strOldValue As String On Error GoTo Grd_LeaveCell_Error If Grd.Col < GRID_COL_OFFSET Then GoTo Grd_LeaveCell_Done If FlexGridEditor.Visible Then …

Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guyzz.... i wanted to make a report to show the item sold by its months. here my attachment.. plss see... how can i make this report using crytal report..? plsss help

Member Avatar for singoi

Hallo friends, need help for following problem. i have a form where i get the details of particular Combobox. Pic 2.jpg attached. here on right side i got few textboxes say txt1..txt2 .... txt7. on left side of this jpg i got the details of a particular project number. when …

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Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for 4ukh

I've a form like newform1 and a table newtbl1... in form I've a unbound checkbox "chkbx1" and in the newtbl1 i have a field name chk_stat which is a checkbox (yes/no) now i want to link this chkbx1 with the chk_stat. mean when i check/uncheck checkbox1 same thing happen in …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for wookinhung

Dear Sir(s) I currently have problems with VB6. My problem is: I want to link data in one form with another. For example: If someone inputs an information in a textbox in Form1, I want Form2 to be able to get the inputted information and process it. Thanks wookinhung

Member Avatar for wookinhung
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

Sir , when i remove distinct keyword it also hang find attachment also rs.Open " SELECT ITEM_CODE, PRODUCTNAME, UNIT FROM PARTDETAIL ORDER BY UCASE(LEFT(TRIM(ITEM_CODE),1)), VAL(MID(TRIM(ITEM_CODE),2,10)) ", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

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Member Avatar for dotNetDummi

Hi all, I'm new to VB and I am doing a lottery program. I managed to produce 7 random numbers but I am stuck with the sorting. All I can think of is to use if statements to do comparsion, but that will be a long way to do it …

Member Avatar for cfrutos
Member Avatar for jacko168

Hi there, I pulling my hair out with a SQL statement I am using for a query in Access. I have a list box which pulls data from my table. I am using the list box to allow the user to select a record which will then be pulled up …

Member Avatar for jacko168
Member Avatar for kaush
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

when i replace this line our computer hangs rs.Open " SELECT DISTINCT ITEM_CODE, PRODUCTNAME, UNIT FROM PARTDETAIL ORDER BY UCASE(LEFT(TRIM(ITEM_CODE),1)), VAL(MID(TRIM(ITEM_CODE),2,10)) ", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for ryan311

can i anyone know how to solve a summation problem? in visual basic? using do while? or do until? here's my code x = val(text1.text) n = val(Text2.text) c = text3.text for example if the input of x is 3 & n is 2 therefor solving of that is like …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for ryan311

can anyone change this for next statement to do while statement? Dim x, n, i As Integer Dim Tot As Double x = Val(Text1.Text) n = Val(Text2.Text) If n <= 1 Or x < 0 Then MsgBox "Enter Proper Values", vbCritical Exit Sub End If Tot = 0 [B]For i …

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

hi, Through VB i want to set the first 3 rows of my excel sheet as HEADER so that those 3 rows will be common header for all the pages when i print them. Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for aktharshaik
Member Avatar for todorakis13

Hello, my name is Todor. I need to make a scroll control ( using Visual Basic on Visul Studio 2005). This scroll control has to change its colour on scrolling. For example : if by default it is blue , on scrolling to become red , green.... et.c Please help …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

In a msflexgrid control , i want to give the option to the user to select a single row or a group of rows from msflex grid control the if use clickon the product_id from first msflexgrid contrl1 since this grid contains complete list of product_id it selected record should …

Member Avatar for firoz.raj
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

HI, Please help me in colourin the text frame with 2 different colours. With ppSlide1.Shapes(3) .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Wing PRR :Total Weight: " .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold = True .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = vbWhite .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 26 .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial" End With "Wing PRR:" - in White colour "Total Weight" - Yellow colour Regards, Dinil

Member Avatar for QVeen72
Member Avatar for firoz.raj

In a msflexgrid control, i want to give the option to the user to select a single row or a group of rows if user click on product_id from fixed column . kindly let me know how should i solve this issue. some code i have written in form_load Private …


The End.