10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeffrey16

hlo, im creating a loaning system, and i want my design to be attractive can anyone pls send me a bundles of icon.. send it on my email add. [email]jeffreyluzuriaga16@gmail.com[/email].. thank you.. daniweb forum is the best!!! thanks 4 da help..

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jaasaria

hi guyzz.. i wanted to make a code to change my system unit date and time using vbcode. i have a small idea, to run a command prompt but i don't no how to make it so. any possible idea well be appreciated.

Member Avatar for loveknights07
Member Avatar for abu taher

I have a datagrid to show data from backend access file. when I click a button it was show. I want I click on a data and it will show in a text box of other form. anybody can help me.

Member Avatar for AUGXIS
Member Avatar for Tekito

Most of my Visual Basic 6 experience comes from VBA with Excel. With VBExcel, you can run any procedure (if it does not require input parameters) by simply putting your cursor in the sub and clicking the "play button" (F5) . With full VB6, the same action will not just …

Member Avatar for Tekito
Member Avatar for mountaineerman

I want to check to see if a file is open in VB 6. It would be nice if this could happen without opening the file. Can someone help? Thanks.

Member Avatar for pixelmeow
Member Avatar for nativecodeng

I have a database program i have written but it can only be used on a local machine. i want to make it a client-server application whereby the database would be on a system acting as the server and the application can run on other computers as client within the …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for jps447

Hi, Please help me how to make database via VB6 which accepts sms that contains the information to the database and also, if possible, can reply to the sender. I'm planning to use Nokia 7110 with data cable connected to serial port. Thank you.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ochien

Hi guys, any body knows that flash disk have a serial number like hard-disk, and it's unique or not ??? thanks.

Member Avatar for e-xperts
Member Avatar for ChroNoS

I want to capture the text in a textbox to a picturebox and I am trying to use bitbit function. But everytime i use it, the image is not captured of the textbox but of some other area. Can you explain me how can I use this function correctly? [CODE] …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for crbsathy

Hi Friends While adding record in Ms-Access using ADODB... Last record in the database is replaced instead of adding .. I dont know why?? Plz any one help me.. [U][U] Code :[/U] Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() If ((IsNumeric(txtincome.Text) = True) And (IsNumeric(txtmobile) = True) And (IsNumeric(txtnum) = True)) Then Datacontrol.Recordset.MoveLast Datacontrol.Recordset.AddNew …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for smile4evr

hey all... my project is showing some error in this code... plz help... [code] Dim RS As New adodb.Recordset Dim getname As String Dim logginname As String getname = "SELECT E_name FROM Employee_Details WHERE E_ID ='" & logid.Caption & "'" CN.Execute getname RS.Open getname, CN Label7.Caption = RS.Fields(0) [/code] thnx! …

Member Avatar for smile4evr
Member Avatar for redbulluk

Hi ! New here and looking for a little assistance if possible. I have a spreadsheet and I'm trying to record / create a macro. I basically want to search a column (D) in a worksheet for a value (eg."gh76589") then copy that entire row to a new worksheet. Ideally, …

Member Avatar for Baradaran

Hello to everyone, I have a database with several representatives in different cities, sometimes there are many representatives in one city. The search is like: [code] sql_representatives.source = ("Select ID, CITY from REPRESENTATIVES Where PROVINCE_ID = " & LST_PROVINCE.ItemData(LST_PROVINCE.ListIndex) & ";" [/code] The above sql return all cities in the …

Member Avatar for Baradaran
Member Avatar for spinnaret

Hello, Does anyone know how to pass a prameter to vb.net program that will run behind an exist vb 6 program. I have been given an instruction to write the new functionality in vb.net and integrate it with vb 6. Many Thanks S

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for smile4evr

i hv a vb6 form connected to the ms acess... it has multiple tabs so if a user wants to make any one of the two then a unique key should be followed... preferably the key should be followed by the system year as this could be used for many …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for ChroNoS

I have written a program that reads a text file and then saves it as an image file.Although the program is reading the file but its having errors saving it as an image file. Please Help! [ICODE]Option Explicit Private Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020 Private Const MERGEPAINT = &HBB0226 Private Const …

Member Avatar for ChroNoS
Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all I'm using MEMO fields to store some information. The information will be stored in formatted way like (bold, italics, fontsize etc) all this is working fine. But when the fields contains the information in more formatted way like (msword tables, bulleted text etc.) then the printing is weird. …

Member Avatar for ChroNoS

I am trying to replace a string with another string in a string, but it is just not happeneing and is driving me crazy :@ and I am really confused :confused: Here is the snippet : [CODE] Dim strHex2 As String strHex2 = strHex.Text Dim Mystring2 As String Dim GG …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for RodrigoLBandido

Hi I am trying to retrieve results from an access database using ODBC within an excel spreadsheet. Although the query works the using the worksheets querytable object, the results are written into a cell and then the cell has to be evaluated. I would like to evaluate the results without …

Member Avatar for Elmo_loves_you

Heya I have to write a script within MS Access 2003 using Visual Basic for Applications to read in data from a textfile and insert it into the table. I began my programming path using dot.Net C# and started database manipulation using Sql Server. So this is kind of like …

Member Avatar for Neitz

Im New to the community, im having difficulty in trying to attach code to a password program that will open folders once the correct password is entered. Any ideas on how to do this???

Member Avatar for Neitz
Member Avatar for milonsito

I hope you guys can help me Im having troubles with this. I need to create this using Vb or vs2008 visual studio or visual basic 2008 can you guys help me? INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER An internet service provicer offers 3 subscriptions packages to its customers, plus a discount for …

Member Avatar for milonsito
Member Avatar for K.Vanlalliana

I want to connect My Access Data in my Web Page. Is this possible? If yes, can you tell the way to connect. IS THERE ANY WAY TO USE ADO CONTRAOL TO CONNECT MY ACCESS DATABASE IN A WEB APPLICATION. CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE ME THE BASIC GUIDE.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for narenthephoneix

hi all, i have connected 4 ip camera s with my pc.. i need to raise msg when the camera cable unplugged (abnormally) using winsock.. i tried using loop like for 0 to 3 winsock(i).close if winsock1(i).connect <> sckConnected then msgbox("no connection") end if i know as a beginner this …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Zeraskurinos

hello everyone I am trying to convert with VB a wmv video to bmp images. Does anyone knows how to do it? If it is impossible with VB could you suggest me any other language or another program? thx!

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for voxviennasierra

Hello everyone. I'm making a database program for a dormitory which makes and manipulate records of the residents. I just want to ask what is the code for printing the records. thanks alot in advance

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Brodin

Hello, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, its sort've a big collective question on how to go about building a database program =p. Yes, it is a project for school, I've got about a month to do it, I'm quite new to VB and …

Member Avatar for voxviennasierra
Member Avatar for kritguy

Good day people. I have written a free plugin for ACT by Sage that makes it possible for VB6 programmers to link to and integrate with ACT from your own system or database. Up until my MiddleWareSDK (MiddleWare SDK for ACT by Sage) it was always impossible for you to …

Member Avatar for ChroNoS

I am trying to embed an image into an rtf file using VB. Well, I tried using the clipboard method but it doesn't wield any good results, I have to embed it and align it and copy it so that the images form a border. Ideas anyone?

Member Avatar for ChroNoS
Member Avatar for Asad 01

hi!!! everyone i am the student of O'levels and i am making my project of com. and in great need of a complete version of vb6.0 plzzz.. send me a link or share with me... plzzzzzzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for Asad 01

The End.